суббота, 23 декабря 2017 г.

Daily Life  

I get up at 7 a.m. and have a shower. I eat breakfast and leave home at 7/30. I actually walk to school as it is not far. I start school at 8 o’clock  I usually have five or six lessons a day. Lunch time is at half past eleven in my school. We do different sports at school. My school finishes at half past fourteen. Some pupils go to after school clubs. I go to music club to play the guitar or to the arts school. Then I go home. I do my homework until 7/30 with my dad or my mum. Then we have dinner. I go to bed at about 10 o’ clock 


1 Do you have a shower in the morning?

2 What time do you get up?

3 Do you eat breakfast in the morning?

4 Do you walk to school or get by bus?

5 Why do you walk to school ?

6 What time do you start school?

7 How many lessons do you have a day?

My birthday party

My birthday party is actually a lot of fun! I really enjoy it in Tutokruto or Karting Hall with my friends  my mum and my dad. At the party there is always lots of tasty food and drink. Many presents! I got… as a gift. In Tutokruto there are usually a lot of balloons and we wear party hats. The birthday cake is amazing! I blow out the candles. It’s fun!We drive karts in Karting. I deeply enjoy it!

My family

My name is Alexandra and I am 9 years old. I live in Ekaterinburg. I have got a family. There are three of us in my family: me, my mum and my dad. My mum's called Marina. She is tall. She has got black hair. She has got brown eyes. She is very nice. My mum is a customs inspector. My dad's called Alexey. He is tall. He has got brown hair. He has got blue eyes. He is nice. My dad is an electrician. He is very busy. My dad helps me to do my homework. With mum we ride bikes together. We are a nice family.




There many jobs to choose from: bakers, greengrocers, mechanics, postmen, nurses, doctors, waiters. Bakers bake bread and make cakes, greengrocers sell fruit and vegetables, mechanics fix cars, postmen take letters to people’s houses, nurses and doctors help sick people get well, waiters serve food and drinks. My dad is an electrician and my mum is a customs inspector . They love what they do. I really like it. I don’t know yet what job to choose. They are basically all nice 


I am Aleksandra. I have got a family and we like to eat tasty food. My family’s likes about food are different. My mum likes to eat Kastibiy, tasty ECHPOCHMAK, her favourite is belesh. She likes borsch too.My grandmother can cook Kastibiy, ECHPOCHMAK and belesh. My dad is fond of Borsch, TASTY SHASHLIK AND DELICIOUS STEAK. As for me, I really enjoy Spaghetti and CEREAL and BORSH. Pizza is my favourite. And of course, I adore sweets. Chocolate is my  favourite. We have similar likes: borsch, chocolate and ice cream.Me, My mum, My dad are not different. We are alike. It’s amazing. It’s pretty good. I like it

№5. A talk about the place where you live.
Remember to say:
-What is your town famous for?
-What is your favourite place in the city? Why do you like it?
-Are you going to stay in your city after leaving school or move to another place?

Well, I’d like to tell you about the place where I live.
Towns and cities come in all shapes and sizes.
 I love my hometown Revda – a small town in the Urals region.
I guess my hometown is famous for its big and interesting museum- Demidov Centre where you can get to know the unique history of Revda. Kabalinskiye springs is my favourite place. It is very popular in spring and summer. My family like to go to picnic there. In winter we enjoy cross –country skiing in the forest.
I can’t imagine living somewhere in another place that’s why I plan to come back after graduating from the university.
I hope living in my native town my entire life will make me happy. 
To sum up, this topic is really interesting and I think people will keep discussing it. 

№4. My career choice.

1.    what job you want to do in the future;
2.     what two subjects you think are the most important for your future job, and why;
3.      whether your family approve of your career choice or not.
I’d like to share my thoughts about my career choice.
Nowadays there are many kinds of jobs, so there is a lot of choice out there.
As for my career choice, being an architect is the most suitable job for me since I am keen on buildings. Besides, I know that there will be many different career opportunities when I get my qualification. As a qualified architect I can design buildings, work as an architectural journalist or even as an architectural historian. The good news is that I can earn a high salary.
When at school, I need to study maths and take courses in drawing, design and photography. Besides, history, English and computer studies will also be helpful if I want to do my job well.
My family approve my career choice since my granddad used to be an architect.  

To sum up, this topic is really important and I think people will keep discussing it.

№ 4.  English Club

1.  - What is your favourite school subject?
-Sure, science is my favourite school subject.

2. – When did you start learning English?
- As far as I remember, I started learning English five years ago.

3. – What do you do in your English lessons?
- Actually, we do a lot of grammar exercises, read texts, translate from English into Russian, speak English and watch films in English.

4. –Do you find learning English easy or difficult? Why?
- If you ask me, I find learning English easy because I don’t face any problems learning English.

5. –What other foreign language would you like to learn and why?
-  I think I would like to learn Spanish because it is easy to learn.

6. – What would you recommend a person do to improve his or her English?
- Sure, I would recommend to speak to natives as often as possible.

About your school 
 What do you like most about your school?
·         What weekday do you find the most difficult, and why?
·         What would you like to change in your school life?

Well I’d like to share my thoughts about my school.
My school provides many good facilities: for example, friendly atmosphere and good teaching. Then, I like that Gymnasya arranges after- school activities for pupils to learn self- defense and show off all their talents.  But what I like most about my school is that I meet my friends there.
Actually, I find Monday the most difficult weekday because it’s hard to have so many difficult lessons like science just after the day off.   You know, when at school I go to all the lessons and do a lot of homework. I should do this so that I can go to university.  Teachers say I am good at history, geography and languages because I work hard. I think they are right. But I would like teachers not to give too much homework because homework is boring and makes school education challenging. That is what I would like to change in my school life.
To sum up, this topic is really important and I think people will keep discussing it.

Language learning
1.  Why do lots of people learn foreign languages?
2.  Why have you chosen to do the English exam this year?
3.  What did you do to prepare for your English exam?

Well, I’d like to share my thoughts about language learning.
 Actually, lots of people learn foreign languages for different purposes: to study abroad, to work abroad or just for travelling. Besides, children have a foreign language as a school subject that’s why they learn foreign languages.
 As for me, I am good at English that is why I am taking the English exam this year.
 Indeed, I do a lot to prepare well for my English exam: for example I have read many texts aloud, I have written a big deal of personal letters. Apart from that, I do a lot of reading and listening exercises.
 To sum up, the topic is really important and I think people will always pay attention to it.

5.  The Internet. 
1. Why using the Internet is so popular? 2. How can the Internet help students in their studies? 3.Сan the Internet be dangerous and why?
Let me share my thoughts about the Internet.
Indeed, the Internet is quite popular nowadays since millions of people use the Internet doing different things online:  they send emails, watch videos online, people have profiles on websites like Facebook to communicate. In fact, people spend o lot of time online.

As for our school studies, the Internet is really helpful for doing a project at school. Sure, you can find information for your project in one second.
On the other hand the Internet can be dangerous because of some harmful sites.
To sum up, this topic is really important and I think people will keep discussing it. 

6. A talk about keeping fit.
  1.     Why is a healthy lifestyle more popular nowadays?  
      2.    What do you do to keep fit?
      3.  What sports activities are popular with teenagers in your region?
Let me share my thoughts about a healthy lifestyle.
Indeed, a healthy lifestyle is more popular nowadays because people are more responsible for their health. 
And some people are even crazy about having a healthy lifestyle.
To be in perfect shape, I spend much time outdoors and eat a healthy diet. In fact, I am a healthy eating fan, so I eat much fruit and vegetables. At night I dream of eating loads of fast food but in the morning I eat porridge for breakfast and feel quite happy.
           To keep fit, I also take some exercises. I enjoy such sports activities as swimming, playing basketball, cross country skiing and skating. I am pretty sure these activities are popular with other teens in my region as well.

To conclude, this topic is really important and I think people will keep discussing it.

№ 8.
Keeping pets.

1.Why do people keep pets?
2. What pets are the most popular in big cities?
3.Is having a pet a big responsibility?

Well, I’d like share my thoughts about keeping pets.
I think people have been keeping pets for so many years because pets give people much love. Sure, cats and dogs make best pets that’s why they are the most popular in big cities. Those who keep dogs and cats in big cities think that people should be allowed to bring well – behaved pets in stores and restaurants.
Of course, it is important for a child to have a pet because it encourages children to be responsible. Actually, having a pet is a big responsibility because one should feed a pet at least twice a day. If you have a dog as a pet then you should walk your dog every day in any weather.
To sum up, this topic is really interesting and I think people will always be interested in it.

 Dialogue № 1.   
1. How many lessons do you usually have? 
2. What subjects do you find the most difficult? 
3. What is your favourite week day? Why do you like it? 4. What sports facilities do you have in your school? 5. Do you think school uniform is necessary or not. Why do you think so? 
6. What would you recommend your friends do to improve their English?
1. In fact, I usually have five or six lessons a day. 
2. If you ask me, I would recommend my friends see films in English and read English books to improve their English. 
3. To be honest , I find chemistry and physics the most difficult subjects. 
4. Actually, my school offers good sports facilities they are: gym, sports ground, some sports equipment. 
5. Sure, my favourite week day is Sunday : no lessons on this day. Fine. 
6. I believe that school uniform is necessary because children wearing school uniforms look more like students than when they are casually dressed.  

 2.  Teenagers' reading habits.   

1. What kinds of books do you do you like to read? 

2. Who is your favourite writer? 
3. How often do you borrow books from the library? 
4. Why do you think teenagers are reading less and less now? 
5. How can reading english books help students improve their English? 
6. What book would you recommend your friend who wants to read something for pleasure?   

1. Actually  I often borrow books from the school library. 

2. I love fantasy, adventure books, horror and science fiction but I read anything. 
3. I see what you mean / I see your point but I don't think so. I guess teens do a lot of reading, they read from school books, on the Internet , they read books ( for example Harry Potter series).They do different kinds of reading. 
4. Sure, I would recommend Harry Potter books. 
5. My point is that reading helps students improve their reading skills, writing skills and speaking skills.
6. Since I love Harry potter books , Joanne Rowling is my 
favourite author.

№ 3. What do teenagers think about the modern film industry?    
1. How often do you go to the cinema? 
2. What kinds of films do you like most? 
3. Why do you think many people prefer watching films at home. 
4. What do you like to do in your free time? 
5. How can films in English help students improve their English?
6. What film would you recommend your friends see and why?
1. I'd rather listen to the music, go to the cinema and play the guitar in my free time. I go to the chess club at the weekend. 
2. People like watching films at home because they find it more comfortable than going to the movies . 
3. My point is that watching films in English helps students improve their listening skills and speaking skills. 
4. Actually, I go to the cinema twice a week or more. 5. If you ask me I would recommend Great 

№5. Green Future

1.-Where would you like to live in a big city or in the country?
-I guess I would live in the countryside. I dislike big cities.

2. - What are the advantages of living in the country?
    - Living in the country you can face many advantages: clean environment, peace and quiet, safety. No traffic jams there.
3. –What is the main ecological problem in the place where you live?
    - If you ask me, pollution seems to be the main environmental problem in my hometown.
4. – Do you and your friends care about the ecological problems? Why?
5. - Have you ever taken part in any ecological projects at school?
    -Yes, I took part in the “Greenest School of the Year” contest.  
6. - What would you recommend to a person who wants to improve the ecological situation in his or her hometown?

    -I would recommend to take part in all “green’ events.

№7 mobiles

-        1. How old are you?
-        I am fifteen.
-        2. When did you get your first mobile phone?
-        As a child of seven I got my first mobile. I got my first mobile at the age of 6. I got my first mobile when I was 5.
-        3. What do you usually use your mobile for?
-        In fact I use my mobile all the time. Of course, I make calls then I send and receive about 10 text messages every day. Besides, I sometimes take digital pictures and send them to my friends.
-        4. How do you feel when you forget your mobile phone at home?
-        Sure, I don’t feel very comfortable about it. Every time my classmates’ mobiles ring I start looking for my mobile in my pockets.
-        5. Do you think it is right that mobiles phones are not allowed in some schools?
-        Don’t take me wrong but I don’t think it is right that mobiles are not allowed in some schools. Of course it is not so good when phone calls interfere in school studies and students get sidetracked but some calls can be very important.
-        6. In what places would you recommend people switch off or turn down their phones? Why?
-If you ask me I would recommend people switch off or turn down their phones at the theatre, cinema, in the concert hall and in class not to get people sidetracked

1. How many days of week do you go to school?
2. When do you go to bed in the evening?
3. How do you spend your mornings?
4. What means of transport do you use to get to school?
5. What do you usually have for lunch?
6. What would you recommend to a teenager who wants to stay fit and healthy?