понедельник, 30 октября 2023 г.

Тренажер для обучения учащихся 2-4 класса аудированию

I am     We are

You are   You are

He is     They are

She is

It is

Are you a boy?

No, I am not

Are you a girl?

Yes, I am

Are you a teacher?

No, I am not

Are you a pupil?

Yes, I am

Are you a doctor?


Are you a monkey?


Are you a dog?


Are you a crocodile?


Тренажер для обучения учащихся 2,3,4 класса аудированию 

1 В пропуски вставьте слова: Is, am, are 

My name Masha. I six. I not a pupil. you a pupil? I have got a dog. My dogblack. My petsmart. I like my pet. Have you got a pet? your pet smart?    


2  В пропуски вставьте слова am, is, are, can, has 

1 I think Tinykind and smart. 2 Thomas and Maryplay chess well. 3 How oldyou? I eight. 4 Miss Chatter got many English books? Yes, a lot of books. 5 Are you a student? Yes, I 


3 В пропуски вставьте слова: сount, his, together, can 

I have got a friend. name is Thomas. Thomas is big and strong. Thomas is a good pupil. He can read ,  write and . We do homework. Thomas likes football. He play football very well. Thomas likes carrots, oranges and apples. We are good friends     


4 В пропуски вставьте слова: doll, teddy bear, house, green, long, jeans,with

I have got a lot of toys. But I like Betsy and my teddy bear. Betsy is my. Betsy has eyes, and a small nose. My doll’ s hair is. Betsy has a green shirt, blue and a yellow hat on. I have got a doll’s for Betsy. I have got a nice teddy bear. My _is brown. I like to play my toys


5 В пропуски вставьте слова:

speak, like, school, breakfast, football, friends, nine 

I am Mark. I am. I go to . I can English. I to swim and play football. For I have tea and sandwiches. I have got a lot of . We play on Saturdays


6 В пропуск вставьте одно слово/ выберите из 3 слов: parrot, rabbit, dog 

Helen has got a pet. Her pet is white and his name is Snoopy. Snoopy isn’t big. He is white but his nose is black. His tail is short. Snoopy is kind and funny. Helen often takes her pet to the park. Snoopy can jump well, he can play with a ball. He can’t fly . He can’t run. Snoopy likes carrots. He doesn’t like meat and sweets. Helen likes her


- Hello, My name’s Marco

- What’s your name?

- Emma

- Where are you from, Emma?

I’ m from London 


- Hello. My .... ... Lisa. What’s ... name?

- Mike 

- ... are you from, Mike?

- I ... from Boston. Where... you from?

- I ... ... Boston, too!

Вставьте слова в пропуски      am is are his her your 

1 My name is Emma.

2 Where... you from?

3 I ... from Italy.

4 What’s...name? My name’ s Daniella.

5 Lisa and Mike... from Boston.

6 This... my teacher. ... name’s Richard. 

7 Where... he from?

8 This is my sister. ... name’ s Jane 

1 I ‘ m not at home 

2 We ... in class 

3 It... Monday today 

4 My teacher’ s name... John

5 My mother and father... at work 

6 I ... ... married 

7 My grandmother... seventy five years old 

8 Marco and Carlo... my brothers 

9 We ... in the cafe. We...  in the classroom 

My dad is a farmer. He is very busy. My mum is not a farmer. She is a teacher. Beth and Anne are not very old but they are very naughty. And I am a beautiful princess.

1 Is your dad a farmer?

2 Is he very busy?

3 Is your mum a farmer?

4 Is she a teacher?

Поставь предложения в отрицательную форму :

1 I am from England   I am not from England

2 His cat is fat

3 Anna and Tom are ten

4 My mum and dad are busy

5 My dad is a doctor

6 We are hungry

Построй отрицательные и положительные предложения

1 A giraffe is not short. It is tall

2 A zebra… green and red. It …black and white

3 An elephant … fat. It…thin

4 A tortoise…slow . It… fast

1 Jack will either play football or go swimming

2 Emma will either play computer games or read

3 Jill will either play basketball or watch TV

4 Ned will either play the guitar or ride his bike

5 Sam will either play football or do his homework

6 Becky will either play tennis or draw a picture

Вставьте в пропуски слова: along   right  next  opposite       the end of

1 The restaurant is___ to the cinema

2 The Post Office is___ the library

3 Turn___ at Green Street

4 The house is at___ the road

5 Go___ the road

shine bright    shine bright     shine bright

shine bright like a diamond

in the sky 

Are you saving money?

What are you saving money for?

My dad is an electrician He is very busy. My mum is not a farmer. She is a customs

inspector. Beth and Anne are not very old but they are very naughty. And I am a beautiful princess.

1 Is your dad a farmer?

2 Is he very busy?

3 Is your mum a farmer?

4 Is she a teacher? 

I can swim and I can play football 

  I can play basketball

  I can’t play tennis


I can to swim

He can play football?

She can to ride a bike


Alexander will go to school tomorrow                 Alexander will have PE, Music and Art

Alexander will meet friends and have fun

1. visit my friend  слушать музыку

2. have breakfast  идти ложиться спать

3. watch a video  навестить друга

4. go to bed   завтракать

5. listen to music  посмотреть видео


1. visit Grandma and Grandpa  играть в баскетбол

2. go to the cinema   заниматься на уроках музыки

3. play basketball     читать

4. have music lessons   навестить бабушку и дедушку

5. to read   пойти в кино

Has, on, listens, home, visits, goes, watches


Jack King gets up at 9 o’clock  _ Sundays. He_ breakfast then he _ to the radio. In the afternoon he_ his friends. He comes _at 6 o’clock. In the evening he _ his favourite  programme on TV and then he _ to bed

2.I want to be a...

Do you want to be a…?

Yes, I want to be a…

No, I /do not/ don’t want to be a…

Mr. Macaroni is a singer. He sleeps in the morning. He gets up at 10 o’clock and has breakfast. In the afternoon he sings. He sings a lot. At half past five he goes to work. He goes to work by car. He works in the evening. He comes home at 12 o’clock. First, he has dinner, then he watches TV and then he goes to bed


1 Does Mr. Macaroni sleep in the morning?

2 Does he get up at half past eleven?

3 Does he work in the afternoon?

4 Does he go to work by bus?

5 Does he come home at twelve o’clock?

Joe goes to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He does not go to school on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday he plays football and helps his father. On Sunday he goes fishing and watches TV 

1Do you like bananas?

2 Do you like fruit?

3 Do you like playing football?

4 Do you go to school on Monday?

5 Do you go to school on Sunday?

6 Does your mum go to work on Saturday?

I have got a friend. His name is Misha. Misha is 10. He is kind and smart. Misha is a good pupil. He can read and write. We sometimes do homework together. Misha likes football. He can play football very well. Misha has got two sisters. We are good friends

I have got a friend. Her name is Jane. Jane is 10. She is kind and smart. Jane is a good pupil. She can read and write. We sometimes do homework together. Jane likes tennis. He can play tennis very well. Jane has got two brothers. We are good friends

The planet we live on is beautiful. It has continents, oceans, rivers, deserts and islands. Tigers, bears and foxes live in forests. Camels live in deserts. Whales and dolphins live in the oceans

I live in the city of Ekaterinburg. It is big and so nice. I like streets and squares in Ekaterinburg. I like parks too

- Hi. Can I help?

- Yes, Can I have a tomato salad, please?

- Anything to drink?

- Yes, a cup of tea, please 

- OK. Here you are.

- How much is that?

- Six pounds twenty, please 

- Thanks

Bob is a music professor. He comes from Italy but now he lives in Spain. He works three days at the University. He speaks two languages: English and German. He is married and has a daughter. He likes to play tennis in his free time.

I like summer best. We cook and eat in the garden, and we often go to the beach. I don’t like sunbathing but I love water sports. I go surfing and waterskiing and I sometimes go sailing with my dad. Summer here is from December to February, so we always spend Christmas day on the beach. My cousins in England think this is very funny. They think it’ s always warm and sunny here in Australia but in July and August it’s sometimes cold and wet

1 Alfie Molly Max and Lulu were in school. They were in a new class. Their teacher was Miss Carey. There was a timetable on the wall. The lessons were on the timetable. The first lesson was at quarter past eight. It was Maths. There were lots of big numbers but the sums were easy. At half past ten it was break. Alfie, Molly Max and Lulu were in the playground. Their friends were in the playground too. It was fun. The fourth lesson was at eleven o’clock. It was Sports. The children played basketball. It was exciting


Do you have a healthy lifestyle?

1 go to bed early on weekdays 

2 have breakfast every morning 

3 drink mineral water 

4 walk to school 

5 play a sport 

6 smoke

7 drink alcohol 

8 like fast food 

9 watch TV a lot

10 play computer games 

7/10 points very good

 4/6 ok

0/3 Oh, dear!


-Excuse me. Can you tell me the time please?

- Yes, of course. It’s just after six o’clock


-Excuse me. Can you tell me the time please?

-It’s just before two o’clock 

-Excuse me. Can you tell me the time please 

-I’m sorry, I don’t know. I don’t have a watch 

-Never mind 

a pilot

 a chef

a nurse

a lawyer

an actor

 a journalist

 a model

an architect

a shop assistant 

designs buildings                                      wears beautiful clothes                               looks after people in hospital                   makes films                                              writers for a newspaper                             cooks in a restaurant                                    sells things                                                      flies planes                                                   helps people in court 

What time do you go to bed?

Why do you like your job?

Who do you live with?

How do you travel to school?

Where do you go on holiday?

When do you do your homework?

 What do you do on Sundays?

Do you go out on Friday evenings?

My mother and sisters

To Spain or Portugal

After dinner 

I always relax 

At eleven o’ clock 

Because it’s interesting

By bus 

Yes, I do sometimes 

M Hello Piers. Would you like some tea or coffee?

P I’d like a cold drink if that’s OK

M Of course. Would you like some orange juice?

P Yes, please. I’d love some 

M And would you like a chocolate biscuit?

P Oh, yes, please! Thank you very much 

M You’re welcome 

I’v got five boats 

How many have you got?


Twelve. I’ ve got this one, four in the Mediterranean, two in the South Pacific, two in the Caribbean, and three in Asia 


Well, I’v got thirty cars!


That’s nothing! I’ ve got...


12 boats 

30 cars 

275 Arab horses 

18 gold watches 

50 gold and diamond rings 

10 servants 

5 houses 

50 million dollars 


is smiling?

is laughing ? 

is eating ?

is standing up?

is drawing?

is reading?

is playing the guitar?

is sitting down?

is using a computer?

is painting?

is walking?

Write questions

1 / you/ an  umbrella/ Have you got an umbrella?

2 / you/ a passport/

3 / your father / a car/

4 Carol/ many friends/

5 you/ any brothers or sisters/

6 what /kind of car/ Julia/ 

I never…I often…I don’tvery often

1 /watch TV/

2 /go to the theatre/

3 /ride a bicycle/

4 / eat in restaurants/

5 / travel by train/  

Задайте вопросы в Present simple

1 George works hard

Does George work hard?

2 Chris often plays tennis

3 Bob likes football

4 Ann works in the evening

5 Jane usually goes to bed at 10 o’clock

6 Dan lives in a big city

-    Why didn’t you come to school yesterday?

-    I wasn’t well

-    Did you have a cough?

-     No, I had a cold all weekend and yesterday Look at my red nose

When did Shakespeare live?

Where did Hans Christian Andersen come from?

Who created Mickey Mouse?

How do you get to school?

What do you have for breakfast?

What happens at the end of the story?

Why do you want to learn English?

How many people are there in the class?

How much does she earn?

How far is it to the center?

What sort of car do you have?

... many children have you got?

... does Gianny come from?

... are you doing?

... does the class start?

... much time have we got?

Correct the sentences 

Who Sally married?

What does happen at the start of the film?

Which town you live in?

How far it is to the town hall?

Why you want to buy that CD?

This film is very boring/ bored 

I was amazing/ amazed when I saw it 

Pete was boring/ bored so he went home 

This article is very interesting/ interested 

She is frightened/ frightening of dogs 

-I’d rather play tennis

than go to the dentist

-I’d rather play soccer

than go to the doctor


I’d rather sleep than watch television

I’d rather stay home than go for a walk