четверг, 29 августа 2019 г.

Prefabs – сборные дома


-investors are feeling pretty …1 about inflation …2

- we can see consumers…3struggling

-although inflation rates are…4prices are still going up

-people got …5money in their pockets to…6



2 "decision making"

-that goes on with social…1 companies

-the decisions are being made…2 a computer

-the computer doesn’t have a…3 in society, doesn’t have a…4

- the decisions are…5accountable or…6



 3 "art intelligent"

-just with a…1photo we’ve been able to do

- set up a…2 where your face is now being…3over my face

-I’m talking, I’m…4my lips are…5 I’m doing very special movements but it looks…6 your face  



 -       according to the requirements of the biometric…1

-       the face will…2 look like the face of the person

-       the tools now are very easy to combine and increasingly very…3 to use

-       what can people say openly on the…4 and what I prevent them from saying

-       trying to share pictures of you with your…5, your registration…6, the house number



-According to what the requirements of the 1…check up like in our2..check we’re asked to look left or right. So, they can do that on 3… but the face will realistically look like the face of the  person the document we are trying to put 

-Yes, it is very sophisticated and the 4…now very easy to combine and increasingly easy to use 

I’ve even heard of people doing the interviews for jobs where they got 5…to do the 6…for them using deep fake. They cheated the job interview by using deep fakes to full interview 

-Trying to share pictures of you with your car and your registration number or the house number of your property.  And it is probably doing like a bit of a 7 … …in terms of your digital footprint around. What can people say openly on the Internet and what can I prevent them from saying. 

And if we do find out identity 8…?

-The one thing that you have to do is: you do actually have to take quick proactive action 




Why is it worth all this effort? Do some market for the new apple varieties. The…1apples are out there. I would say are not as good as some new apples. Oh, really? What’s wrong with the apples out there? What could be better? I am an apple lover. When I go to the store and I only see Colour, Ribbon, Corn delicious, Granny Smith.

But in each area you go you can see some of the local sort of new varieties or…2 you can see some traditional variety. And that is to me are sometimes more interesting. 

What is it like to see a brand new apple you’ve had a hand in inventing?

It’s really an…3feeling. You see people buy it. That’s really …4

She was involved in the …5 of the cosmic crisp apple. Went on sale in 2019. 

There are many …6 why an apple makes it or not. And it stores very well. You know apples typically go to …7storage so that they are available for consumers for many months.

What does it taste like? It’s a really good taste tart combination. That’s the things that typically…8 are looking for in apple



London is an 1… place all year round but at Christmas it is just unbelievably beautiful. The lights the 2…the atmosphere It is really breathtaking. It is a 3… busy city for eleven months of the year. When December comes along we can see all the busy Londoners making time to take a step back from their routine and just appreciating that the city has to offer. 

One of the things I 4…enjoy doing at Christmas is buying amazing 5…for my loved ones. One thing I love doing is 6…shopping. I’ll spend an afternoon looking at window displays without really buying anything just trying to gather 7…and inspiration 

London is so great for shopping. The most famous street is Oxford Street but I really like King’s Road as well. The luxury 8…really compete with each other. Some of them are pretty impressive. Another lovely place to visit in London at Christmas time is Covent Garden the center of which used to be a 9…and vegetable market and then in the 1980 th it changed to a shopping center. There’s lots of lovely little 10…and you can see some street performers if you go at the right time. 

I enjoy heading down the South of the River and appreciating the views of the River Thames from one of the London ‘s many11…. It really does make me feel very very small in such a big city. One of my favorite lunch spots is one of the largest and oldest food markets in the whole of London Borouch market in 2014 celebrated its thousand birthday. If you do head over to Borouch market don’t forget to try some of the hot cider. Perfect warm you up on a cold day 

weather in China

232 million people who’ve been really hit by snow, sleet, hail. I’ve been hearing some terrific stories: The train was stuck for 1…hours in the snow. One woman was stuck in her car for 2…days. Soldiers trying to dig out train lines and peasants trying to give away 3…food to people who are stranded inside their cars 

Were  predicting 1…billion trips being carried out 2…China over the Luna New Year period. That’s a 3…long travel period. For 4…people this is one time of year that they get to see their5... For many of China ‘s 6…people who go away to work in 7…for example. They plan to work 8…for eleven months of the year. They then collect 9…pay and they go home and try to spend a 10…weeks at home. That might be the 11…time they see their children


Prefabs – сборные дома
Are gardens well- kept in Britain?
Do prefabs have an interesting history?
Where are prefabricated houses made?

Is there a fitted kitchen in a prefab house?




The stories told by his grandfather seemed 1… to young Andrew 

As he says his grandfather dressed like he was from another 2… 

The tales he told about his life sounded like they were from another 3 …

And he moved on and went to 4 …and he wanted to try to be a 5 …

It was his grandfather’s first 6 …piece of writing 


high temperatures

... the nineth month in a row that has recorded a record 1…for that month 

June 2…year has been the hottest ever recorded 

Last year we had a near record 3…in CR to concentrate in the 4…

The 5…temperatures are 6…extraordinary


School choice

She was going to make 1… her kid went to this 2…school, whether she got money or not 

…make her life 3…easier 

every state has a different sort of 4 …system 

around 5…states now have a 6…school choice 


Ireland was a country that had a history of 1... 

I am in many ways a 2… of emigration. My parents 3… Ireland in the 1950s. I was born in 4… and my parents returned.

One in five people who now live in Ireland according to the Central Statistics Office was born 5... I am one of them, by the way.

I don’t think you can overestimate how important the 6… issue is 




…just keeping what’s happening in the 1… . …these changes towards future when the population does certainly begin to 2…. And that drop is coming next 3…to 4…years. It’s gonna be quite extreme. 

In 1960s was arrange back 5… by a couple of years ago it’s risen to 6…. We are seeing quite a cliffage drop coming up.

That’s right, we’ve got this huge drop. And the reality here is that rich people in cities, civil servants and people in big cities they do 7…their retire age. They enjoy very good pension 


pension in China

… and interestingly, there’s a difference depending 1… the sector you are working in 

… women can retire at 2… and men retire at 3… 

… the minimum pension age 

… we’ve seen the rise in many parts of the world 4… in particular 

And the reason for it most of the time is because of the changing demographics, of an older 5…, having more retire people and fewer 6… 

… a sudden drop in population that’s coming up 

The population has already begun declining in China 

China lost its crown as the world’s largest country by population to 7… 



Solar radiation managements spring chemicals in the sky to reflect the 1… from the sun away from the 2… 

Again scientists say very clearly there’s no geo engineering 3… available to human beings right now that would allow us to create something of the scale 

A very large number of accounts…

… vaccines, World Economic Forum…

So, these are 4…that have already a reputation for spreading this information about all the 5…. Climate 6…




If you look around the show and compare to where we were a few years ago 

How well they can1... with Chinese models? Tensions are high.

Nowadays there are still European manufacturers, not 2... of them 

But there are no 3...than nine Chinese companies to display on the show 

What’s going on? 

The established manufacturers don’t have an advantage 4... 

In fact, in some way they got a disadvantage . They got lots of big 5... factories that still making old fashioned cars.

The Chinese come in with new designs, new factories and they can make cars 6...cheaply 

So, they try to get in this early stage into the market for 7...vehicles and take a slice of the cake 

And obviously, that doesn’t seem to discourage the Chinese 

There is a lot of 8... they put on European manufacturers 


“New Jeans” are 1…popular not just in Korea but 2… the world. They have been nominated for MTV 3….

…a kind of Bible of British 4…

…which one of the biggest South Korean entertainment 5…. In September they took the unprecedented 6…: all five members 7…their own You Tube Channel 


… temperature increase matters: ice retreat, ocean heat. It matters in terms of the number of people who will expose to extreme 1… every year. Extinction of species, the impact on ecosystems and economies. 

The record seems to be 2…every year.

Carbon dioxide is accumulating in the 3…faster than any time in a human existence.

Temperatures rise every year 

And take us to lightly 4…of having all this extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 

It’s the number one driving warming gas in terms of its impact on the planet.

Since the Industrial Revolution two hundred years ago the temperatures have gone by about 1.3 5 …C that’s led to significant impact, 6…heat waves, floods in many parts of the world this year. 

What is causing this big 7…now?

Obviously, the ongoing use of fossil fuels, coal or oil gases- the key element


A Fan

What is a fan actually? The word fan: where does it come from? What does it mean? It originally appeared in a 1 …19 century to refer to baseball fans in America but the idea had been around 2…a long time before that. It is based on the word “ fanatic “ which is a description of kind of religious but 3…we can see fandom is being on a kind of scale. We all are fans of 4…: we might watch a TV show and say: I really like it , I am a fan of it “. Then, levels of 5… can increase. If you listen to a 6…about that show or go to a convention about that show. That is a kind of extra level of engagement. And 7…you get people who really started to find their own identity around a cultural event or a person in a way that can become all consuming for them. From Fan we also get Stan. Today word that you often hear and read on the Internet.

The word Stan has come from the rapper Eminem who had a song in 2000 called Stan. Which is really about  an obsessive violent angry Fan stocking Eminem, the singer. And now Stan is a word that we tend to use to just mean a very strong fandom. In fact, the word Stan has a negative connotation


Maceira    Portugal

Most of all you can see the waves. They are small today relatively at least. But they are still a backdrop of bubbling 1…water. 

… It is a different story on a different scale. This is a story of Maceira a small 2…in Portugal where you find the world’s biggest 3…. Some of the size of a ten storey building. It is the story of the people who surf these waves and put their 4…in the ocean’s hands.

For generations of local fishermen these conditions of main danger for big waves  surface, their way of life and a living.

When it’s one of those days they don’t even need a look when the biggest wave in the world 5…you know as soon as you wake before you even open your eyes…

The ocean 6…be scary one of them says.

From the millions of 7…back a deep underwater canyon formed snaking into Portuguese coast 


Small talk  Small talk   Small talk

What do people1… right now?

What do 2…need in a long term?

How can I help them get 3…things?

-You 4…advise people to ask more questions but it is easily overdone, isn’t it? A 5…is not an interview.

-It’s not 6…interview. Getting the balance of question asking correct is a fun and difficult challenge. …There’s always the risk of asking too many.

Have you got to know a lot of at the topic before you bringing up?


In fact, often it’s better to not know.

It’s often better to not know about the 1…

…to be interesting and knowledgeable but actually you need 2…interested in your partner

All the 3…conversations include a laugh, don’t they?

Is everyone capable of using humour?

Certainly, all the best conversations include a laugh. I think that’s true for most people.

Not everyone is going to be funny but everyone is capable of appreciating humour and creating 4… of warmth

They don’t have to be funny just have to make it 5…safe and fun for everyone involved.

Is it like swimming or learning to ride a bike?

… people who may be funny with their friends may not be funny in the 6...

… may be seen as profoundly unfunny with their family at home

… are fond of the weather as an opening topic of conversation, do you recommend it?

-Can a weather be funny?



Internet Bookstore

I’ve never seen or heard of anything that grow up 1...

The idea of building an online 2…with millions of titles, something that simply couldn’t 3…in the physical world was very exciting to me.

I had a 4…Boss and much admired.

listened carefully to me and 5…said: that sounds like a really good idea but it would be even a 6…idea for someone who didn’t already have a good job
