понедельник, 31 октября 2022 г.

Тренажер для подготовки к УЧ ЕГЭ: чтение текста вслух

 Тренажер для подготовки к УЧ ЕГЭ: чтение текста вслух


A long time  ago men learnt how to make structures with walls and roofs to protect themselves from bad weather and wild animals These ancient structures were quite primitive and very different from modern buildings Still, they gave people shelter and comfort which they needed Now there are many types of buildings in the world They vary in size shape and function There are several factors which influence the construction of a building Firstly, builders need to consider which building materials are available or suit better Secondly, they must know what a building is going to be used for Moreover, they should think about land prices and climate in the area where they are going to construct a building It is not a very good idea to build a house with big windows in the north or construct a lot of detached houses in the city center where land is very expensive 



People use paper every day Still, few of us think about where and how it was invented In the past people used various plants to write It could be bamboo or rice They also had animal skins to write Paper was invented in China many centuries ago It was thin and made from vegetable fiber or old cloth The technology of producing paper moved from China to Japan Then it moved to Korea where they usually made it from tree bark Only much later the invention spread to Middle East As the legend goes the secret of making paper was obtained from two prisoners of war Then the first paper mills were founded Both Spain and Italy claim to be the first to manufacture paper in Europe Until the 19 th century rags were the main ingredient for paper Then people discovered that wood could be pulped and turned into paper 



If you are looking for ideas to design your living space think about your friends’ homes which truly inspire you When your visit your friends and family think how you feel in their homes You may find some of them cluttered with too many decorations or being too bold for your style However, even such houses may give you an idea of what you certainly don’t want to have in your flat Understanding how you feel in actual living spaces can help you find out which style you want to bring into your own home If there is a home in particular where you feel comfortable relaxed and rested you should think about what elements of these living spaces you like best and which ones you can copy Moreover, if you have a friend who has a style much like your own ask him or her to help you as you work on your own room design 



Education is vital for modern people. Now in most countries one can get education for free. However, it was not like that in the past. In ancient Rome people did not have any formal education. Parents but not schools provided children with knowledge and skills at that time. These could be military, domestic or agricultural skills. Then schools appeared. They were only for boys between 9 and 17 years old who came from wealthy families. Girls could not study there. Roman schools taught writing and speaking skills and poetry. Foreign languages were also very important. Students had to learn some subjects in Greek to help them master this difficult language. Best students got books as a reward from schools. That was a very expensive present as books were very rare at that time. School teachers were deeply respected by the Romans and earned a high salary



If you want to live green you will have to reconsider many aspects of your life. Housecleaning is certainly one of them. We clean our homes on a regular basis but we rarely think about what products we use to do it. Using harmful chemicals to clean is very bad for the environment. When  you  wash them away you are simply putting them into the global water supply. This means water will have to take more purification before it is safe enough to use it again. The obvious solution is to use natural products like vinegar, lemons and soda which can easily cope with most dirt in your house. When you go shopping for cleaning products make sure they don’t contain any harmful ingredients. Do not forget that some cleaning products may actually be toxic and thus damage your health so check for that as well. This is an easy way to contribute to fighting pollution all over the world 



When you are going to design a room it is a good idea to think about the psychology of color. When you plan your space keep in mind that different colors, textures and laycuts can have an impact on the way people feel in your room. Colour in particular can influence people ‘s mood. Red is associated with passion and anger and can even cause headaches. It is a great accent colour for one wall or for a couch or another piece of furniture but some experts suggest that you should not paint an entire room red. Green is associated with calm and rest and is a great colour for living rooms and bedrooms. However, too much green might take the energy out of a room so you should combine it with a bit of red or orange to counteract its calming effects. Blue is also known as a calming and intellectual colour but it can also appear cold  unless you choose a blue with a warm base instead of a cool base 


4 класс Материал для промежуточной аттестации

1 Прочитайте текст. Выполните задания после текста /заполните пропуски/

Nadine is a good swimmer. She swims on almost every day of the week during the summer. She swims on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. She also swims on the weekend on Saturday and Sunday. During the winter, she doesn’t swim every day, but she still swims a lot. Why does she swim so much? She hopes to compete in the Olympics someday.

Nadine takes good care of her body. She exercises every day and she eats healthy food. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, and she avoids food that is unhealthy. She never eats junk food, but sometimes she has a hamburger and french fries for lunch. She usually makes healthy choices when it comes to eating.

Fill in the blanks

  • 1A: What does Nadine do every day?
  • 1B: She ____________.
  • 2A: Does she swim on the weekends?
  • 2B: Yes, she ___________.
  • 3A: What kind of food does she avoid?
  • 3B: She ___________ junk food.
  • 4A: What kind of choices does she make when she eats?
  • 4B: She makes ___________ choices


2/1 Заполните пропуски используя формы прошедшего времени глагола to be: was/were

1. She _______ in school yesterday. (be)

2. They ______ at the store. (be)

3. There ______ a good movie on TV last night. (be)

4. You and I _______ in the classroom this morning. (be)

5. Last night I ______ very tired. (be)

6. There ________ many people at the rally. (be)

7. The restaurant ________ busy on the weekend. (be)

8. You _______ a good soccer player ten years ago. (be)


2/2 Заполните пропуски словами much / many

1. He doesn’t have ____________ time today.

2. How __________ apples are there in the basket?

3. I didn’t see __________ cars on the highway this morning.

4. How _________ money do you have?

5. There isn’t __________ milk in the refrigerator.

6. There were _________Spanish-speaking people at the party.

2/3 Заполните пропуски заменив слова в скобках местоимениями

1. I see ___________ every day. (a man)

2. Please give __________ the information. (a woman)

3. He calls ____________ on the weekends. (his parents)

4. Throw ________ to me. (a ball)

5. Do you know how to work __________? (a machine)

6. The teacher helped ________ after school. (a girl and a boy)

7. Do you know ___________? (a woman)

8. He really likes ___________. (his job)

3 Перепишите текст, заменив подлежащее «I» на «He»

I’m very happy because I’m going to go on holiday next week. I’m going to travel to Mexico and I’m going to spend all day in the sun! What about you? Where are you going to go on holiday? What are you going to do?


https://cloud.mail.ru/public/p7Qy/AWnbDA7x7       My best Friend         4

https://cloud.mail.ru/public/31PA/NBpyq1MY7    Semi-detached houses c51 y2   5

https://cloud.mail.ru/public/EXSK/t3MTuFiMT             7 Predictions  p 46 Ex 5 / 2

https://cloud.mail.ru/public/wsow/pTtShT7iP               7  Predictions  p 46  Ex 5 / 4

 She was told not to leave ...

He is expected to make ...  

It appears that he has been...

воскресенье, 9 января 2022 г.

How many stars video links

How many stars are there in the night sky?

And how many animals know how to fly?

How much ice cream do I eat in a week?

And how many years does it take to learn Greek?


How much of the planet is covered in snow?

And how many dinosaurs lived long ago?

How much bright sunshine do plants need to grow?

So many questions, so much I don't know

London is an amazing place all year round but at Christmas it is just unbelievably beautiful. The lights the displays the atmosphere... It is really breathtaking. It is a crazy busy city for eleven months of the year. When December comes along we can see all the busy Londoners making time to take a step back from their routine and just appreciating that the city has to offer 

One of the things I really enjoy doing at Christmas is buying amazing gifts for my loved ones. One thing I love doing is window shopping. I’ll spend an afternoon looking at window displays without really buying anything just trying to gather ideas and inspiration 

London is so great for shopping. The most famous street is Oxford Street but I really like King’s Road as well. The luxury brands really compete with each other. Some of them are pretty impressive. Another lovely place to visit in London at Christmas time is Covent Garden the center of which used to be a fruit and vegetable market and then in the 1980 th it changed to a shopping center. There’s lots of lovely little shops and you can see some street performers if you go at the right time. 

I enjoy heading down the South of the River and appreciating the views of the River Thames from one of the London ‘s many bridges. It really does make me feel very very small in such a big city. One of my favorite lunch spots is one of the largest and oldest food markets in the whole of London. Borouch market in 2014 celebrated its thousand birthday. If you do head over to Borouch market don’t forget to try some of the hot cider. Perfect warm you up on a cold day 

Gerund                   Infinitive

I gave up smoking

I am interested in learning French 

Skiing is fun 

Cooking is difficult for me 

Do you mind not smoking near me 

I began working hard for my exams 

I started working hard 

I stopped smoking 

They kept running because the dog was chasing them 

I’ll never forget kissing my first girl 

It’s better to do it immediately 

It’s fun to learn English online 

Why did you go to the shops? To buy some bread 

I like to play football 

I like playing football 

I am beginning to get nervous 

I am starting to work hard 

I stopped to have a cigarette 

I kept his wallet to take the money 

I forgot to lock the door 

I remember meeting my teacher 

Remember to meet your teacher after school 

I regret not studying hard for an exam 

I regret not giving him money 

I regret to say 

My windows need cleaning 

My windows need to be cleaned 

I need to clean the windows 

J So, Andy, tell me why did you leave London?

You had a good job 

A Yes, but I’ve got a better job here 

J And you had a nice flat in London 

A Well, I’ve got a nicer place here. It’s a cottage

J Really? How many bedrooms has it got?

A Three. And it’s got a garden. It’s bigger than my flat in London and it’s cheaper 

J But you haven’t got any friends!

A I’ve got a lot of new friends here. People are much friendlier than in London 

J But the country’s so boring 

A No, it isn’t. I’ got a surfboard now go surfing at weekends. Appleton has got a cinema, restaurants, pubs and a nightclub. And the air is clean and the streets are safer 

J OK. OK. Everything is better! Can I come next weekend?

A Of course you can!

Did you know that Marco Polo brought spaghetti back from China?

B Really? He didn’t! That’s incredible!

A Well, it’s true 

B Did you know that Napoleon was afraid of cats?

A He wasn’t! I don’t believe it!

B Well, it’s true!


... it took 1.700 years to build the Great Wall of China?

...Walt Disney used his own voice for the character of Mickey Mouse?

... when Shakespeare was alive there were no actresses only male actors?

... Vincent Van Gogh sold only two of his paintings while he was alive?

... the actress Shirley Temple was a millionaire before she was ten?

...in 1979 it snowed in the Sahara desert?

...Shakespeare spelled his name in eleven different ways?

1 London has a lot of parks 

London ‘s got a lot of parks 

2 I don’t have much money 

I haven’t got much money 

3 I have a lot of homework tonight 

4 Do you have any homework?

5 Our school has a good library but it doesn’t have many computers 

6 My parents have a new DVD player 

7 Does your sister have a boyfriend?

8 I don’t have a problem with this exercise