среда, 29 января 2014 г.

 9FORM                    SUMMER  EXAM

1.    What facilities does your school provide? Are there any school subjects you like most?/
My school (Gymnasium  25 ) provides many good facilities :friendly atmosphere,good teaching , even excellent teaching.Then, my school runs many after- school clubs (our school basketball team is great ! )All after-school activities are arranged for pupiles to learn self- defense and show off all their talents .I like our school canteen -a busy and noisy place but I enjoy food here.Eglish is a school subject I like most because I enjoy speaking English .                                                                                                                               1.What school subjects did you like?2.What facillities did your school provtde?3.What after-school activities did your school have?                                                                                                                     1.Do you enjoy food in your school canteen?  2.What after-school activity do you like most? 3.Do you like teaching in your school?

2.    If you want continue your education what kind of institution will you attend? Explain your choice.
.I would like to continue my education at Chelsea's College of Art and Design because I would like to be a designer .Its excellent teaching and learning attract students from all over the world.Besides,I would like to start my career at Chelsea(Central London).
1.What Institution did you continue your education in? 2.What courses did it provide? 3.Did it offer excellent teaching? 3.
1.Do you want to get higher education ? 2.Would you like to continue your education abroad? 3.Who will pay for your further education?

3.    Do new technologies make us change our behavior, wishes and habits? Give examples.
Nowadays new technologies play an important role in our life.They make us change our behavior, wishes and habits.Thus,some like to keep their photos in albums while others prefer to store photographs in their computers.In my opinion,albums are better than folders full of shots in your computr because keeping photos in albums is safe.My dad thinks that storing shots in computers i s more economical because you do not need to spend much money on printing photographs.Tastes differ as you know.                                                     1.Do you keep your photos in albums or in your computer ?2.Which is better?Keeping phoos in albums or in the computer ?3.Is storing shots in your computer safe?
1.What is more economical:storing shots in your computer or in albums? 2.What happens to photos in your computer if your computer is destroyed? 3.Can you improve photos with the help of a computer?

4 What’s your attitude towards extreme sports?
Extreme sports are dangerous but they are popular with teenagers.I guess BMX,bunjy jumping,skydiving are simply heart -stopping actions.Indeed,I fear for extreme sports but I admire people who can compete like this.I think it makes them proud of themselves.        1.Do you fear for extreme sports? 2.Do you think extreme sports are dangerous? 3.Should extreme sports be banne?  1.Are you an extreme sports fan? 2.How do you find skydiving? 3.Are extreme sportsmen proud of themselves?

5.Travelling is one of the ways of discovering new countries. What attracts tourists to Russia? What would you show your foreign friends in your home town?
I guess Russian cuisine and russian traditions attract tourists to Russia.I would show my foreign friends Demidov center and the Volchiha mountain in my home town.                                                     1.And what would you show your foreign friends in our home town? 2.Do you enjoy travelling?           1.Will you introduce your foreing friends to your family? 2.Does Russian cuisine attract tourists to Russia? 3.Do you fear for flying by plane?

6. Have you ever had a part-time job? Would you like to? Why?
I have never had a part- time job but I would like to because I am likely to have both a fair amount of spare  time and a desire to earn some money .Typical jobs for teenagers are :working at afast-food restaurant ;babysitting ( for those,who like being with kids) ,garden care (mow lawns ,trim hedges ),in -home
pet care,errand - running for busy people, washing cars , teaching people how to use computers (the last one appeals to me most ) .Volunteer positions are another option .You can volunteer your services at hospitals,  old people's homes ,charitable organisations or political groups. Sure,this experience will benifit me in the future, but I really want to work to earn money myself .                                                                                           1.Have you ever had a part-time job? 2.Did it pay well?3.Did this experience benifit you?                             4Do you want to work to earn money? 5.Does errand-running appeal to you ? Does washing cars pay well?

7. Each country takes pride in its own achievements and success. What makes you feel proud of your country?
Of course, people make me feel proud of my country both having lived and living now.I am pretty sure that it is people who make every country great.I can`t help admiring such people as Lermontov,Pushkin,Tolstoy,Sergey Bondarchuk,Mikhail Ulyanov,Georgy Konstantinovitch Zhukov,Dmitry Khvorostovsky...they are really great.       1.Is there any person you admire? 2.Do you have an example to follow? 3.Is Russia a country of great oppportunity?             ...              1.Which famous Russian people do you admire? 2.Who is your example to follow? 3.Are you proud of your parents?

8. Which famous British and American people do you admire? What made /makes them famous?
Truth to be told,I admire Steve Jobs -CEO,co-founder of Apple and Pixar.He spearhearded a few of the most iconic products in technology,entertainment and design.Everybody knows he started Apple in his parents` garage and in10 years Apple  was grown in a 2 billion company with 4000 employees.I admire his attitude towards life and work.He is pretty sure that everyone has to find what he loves to do.Then, he says:"The only way to be truly satisfied in life is to do what you believe is great work.And the only way to do great work is to love what you do".I admire the motto he has always had in his life "Stay hungry and stay foolish."                                                                                                                                                                1.Do you love what you do ? 2.How do you find the motto "Stay hungry and stay foolish"? 3.Do you believe what you do is great work?                                                                                                 1.Have you found what you love to do? 2.Is a person truly satisfied when he does great work ?3.What is the only way to get satisfied in life according to Steve Jobs?

9. What would you tell your foreign friends about traditional Russian holidays and celebrations?
The Russian celebration I like best is Shrovetide because I enjoy both making and eating pancakes(pancakes filled with caviar are delicious !) .They say pancakes symbolize Yarilo- the god of the sun. People sometimes build a straw dummy of the Shrovetide Maid and burn it .This way people help god of the sun  fight against winter and bring in the spring.                                                                                                                                        1.What Russian celebation do you like best? Do you celebrate Shrovetide?
2.Do you evjoy eating pancakes?
3.What is your favourite Shrovetide activity?                                        
1.What do pancakes symboize? 2.What way do people help Yarilo fight against winter? 3.Why do people burn a straw dummy of Shrovetide Maid?

10. You are going to spend a month with an American or British family. What do you think will be interesting for you host family to learn about you?
My family is quite small:there are four of us: me, my sister, my mum and my dad .I am only fifteen , so I am still at school.I go to local comprehensive and I am in the first year.I am the eldest.My dad runs a shop and my mum`s a lawyer.My ambition is to be a lawyer , like my mum ,when I grow up.                                 1.Do you come from a large family?2.How many of you are there in your family/3.Do you have any brothers or sisters?                                                                                                                       
1.Is it easy being in a large family? 2.Is being adopted difficult for children? 3.Do your parents treat you and your sister all the same?

11. People have various reading preferences. What do you like to read? Who is your favorite writer?
My house is full of books. My dad loves bestsellers, especially detective stories and my mum reads historical novels. I love fantasy, horror and science fiction, but I read anything. The last book i read was "Три Мушкетера" I read it last week. I chose this book because I saw the film. The main characters are Atos, Portos, Aramis, D'Artanian. It's an adventure book. The main characters helped the king (Ludovig 14) and the queen. The book had a happy ending. I enjoyed the book more than I expected. I would recommend this book.                                                                                                                  1.What books do you love reading? 2.Did you read  "ТРИ МУШКЕТЕРА"? 3.What book did you read last week?                                                                                                                                                        1.Does your mum like to read books?2.What books does she like to read?3.Do adventure books appeal to her?

12. Television is much spoken about nowadays. It has both good and bad points. What are your arguments for and against watching TV?
Television is much spoken about nowadays.Sure,it has both good and bad points.The good points are first,movies help relax,they are good fun for people,television is a break from your studies.On the other hand watchingTV might cause problems.Watching it too much can harm your eyes.                   1.Do you watch television a lot? 2.What television programme do you like best? 3.Does television harm your eyes?                                                                                                                                   1.What is good about television? 2.Is television a break from your studies? 3.Do movies help you relax?

13. What are the most popular free time activities for British and Russia teenagers? What activities do you like? Why?
I think both British and  Russian teenagers enjoy spending free time at cinema with friends.Some of them are crazy about action movies and cinema is a real addiction for them .Another favourite way to uwind is to bowl  for a few hours at the local bowling alley. Bowling lets us  escape from  pressure of school and just enjoy ourselves , they say.The only proper leisure activity for me is sport, football, in particular.I am both  a player and a fan . I play for the school team and attend as many of the team`s games as I can .                       1.What way do you spend your free time?2.What is your favourite way to unwind?3.Are you a football fan?
1.Do you enjoy spending free time at cinema? 2.Are you fond of bowling?3.What leisure activity do you like best? 

14. Young people are fond of different styles of music. What kinds are popular now? What kinds of music do you like? Why?
My friends play guitars in a school  rock band .They are good musicians .They always do live concerts . (They dream to release their first album .)  The music they play appeals to me because of the rhythm and melody,although I am a classical music fan .The two of my classmates admire ''reggae'' , especially the Bob Marley song ,`No woman,no cry ''.True to say,this style of music doesn`t appeal to me at all.I`d rather listen to "country'' than to ''reggae''.                                                                                                                       1.Do you play any musical instrument? 2.Does "reggae"appeal to you?  3.Are you fond of Rock music?         1.Do you play the pano? 2.Do you play the guitar? 3.Are you a classical music fan?

15. What are traditional British kinds of sports? Are they popular in Russia? What kinds of sport is your family interested in?
I associate Britain with such sports as golf,rugby,cricket and football .I know that team sports such as football, rugby and hockey were first played in British public schools.Nowadays football is famous all over the world and Russia is not an exception.My family consider football matches the most exciting games ever ; and we go to football matches every time we`ve got a chance.                                                                                    1.Are you a football fan?2.Is football famous all over the world?3.Do you go to hockey matches?         1.Do you go to football matches? 2.Do you know how to play golf? 3.Have you ever played cricket?

16. Some people go in for sports, while others like to watch sports competitions? Which is better to watch or to participate? What is your favorite sport?
Sport plays a very important role in the life of every person.It helps to keep fit and healthy. As far as I am concerned my fafourite sport is gymnastics. I started to do it in a sports club in my early childhood.We practised twice a week doing a lot of various exercises.I enjoyed it greatly because i was gradually making progress and my performance improved .i can`t say that i am actively involved in sport and gymnastics in particular, but it is a pleasure for me to watch championships and Olympiads on TV when the best gymnasts of the world both men and women display the perfection of controlling the body.Gymnastics always brings enjoyment to me whether i do it myself or watch it on TV.                     1.What helps you to keep fit and healty?2.Does sport bring enjoyment to you?3.Do you enjoy watching  sports programmes?                                                                                                                     1.Do you attend any sports club?2.What sport do you do? 3.What is your favourite sport?

17. What does a healthy way of life mean? How do you look after your health?
Nowadays people seem crazy about having a healthy lifestyle. I think having a healthy lifestyle means that you must be responsible for your health.If you  want to be in perfect shape,you should spend much time outdoors To keep fit, one should take some exercise and eat a healthy diet.My mom is a healthy eating fan ,so I eat much fruit and vegetables .Unfortunately,pastries and sweets are forbidden in our family.At night I dream of eating loads of fast food:tasty cheeseburgers drive me mad;but in the morning I eat porridge for breakfast and feel quite happy.                                                                                                                     1.Are you responsible for your health?2.Do you think you are in perfect shape?3.Do you eat a healthy diet?                                                                                                                                                          1.What do you do to keep fit? 2.Are you a healthy diet fan?3.Do you eat lots of fast food?

18. The problems of ecology are very important now. Which problems is the most urgent, in your opinion? Can you help the environment?
Nowadays people face a lot of ecological problems.Global warming is getting worse and we throw a small mountain of rubbish every day.You can say: There`s no solution! I guess a few simple changes to your life can really help the environment.For example:we can avoid wasting water by turning the tap off while brushing teeth.It is more economical to fill the sink for washing up rather than leaving the tap runing.Then,we can stop creating so much rubbish if we recycle as much as possible.So,people can do their bit for the environment.      1.Which is the biggest threat to your local envtronment ?(What is your opinion?) 2.Do you turn the tap off while brushing teeth?3.What do you do to help the environment?       1Do you throw much rubbish? 2. Do you leave the tap running while washing up? 3.How do you help the environment?  
19.English is more widely spoken and written than any other languages has ever been , it has become the language of the planet .Will it remain an international language in the future ?
English is the language of the planet. English is an international language because millions of people all over the world speak it as a mother tongue. Second, English is the main language of business, of sports, the language of computers and the world's mail. However, there are opponents of this view who believe that Chinese will be the language of international communication because China is becoming the country of great opportunity. Besides, to speak Chinese is Top Fashion today. I don't agree with them because Chinese is more difficult to learn than English. So English will remain the language of international communication.                                                                                            1.Will Chinese become the language of international communication? 2.Is Chinese really Top Fashion today? 3.Is Chinese the most difficult language in the world?                                                             1.How many people speak English as a mother tongue ?2.Is China a country of great opportunity?3.To speak Russian is Top Fashion today ,isn`t it?

20.Growing up can cause problems .Do you have any problems with your friends ,your parents and other people around you ? How do you cope with these problems?

I am lucky.I have a loving family who treat me and my sisters all the same therefore I get on well with my parents.I don`t argue a lot with my sisters but our relationship is getting worse at the moment because we are all teenagers. They always come into my room and borrow things.I tell my mum and my dad but it doesn`t make any difference.Despite all these I love my sisters and I hope our relationship  will get better a little bit later.                                                                                                         1.Do you have a loving family ? 2.Do you treat your children all the same? 3.Do you come from a large family?                                                                                                                                                       1.Is it easy being in a large family? 2.Do your brothers or sisters help you with your homework? 3.Is it lonely not having any brothers or sisters?

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