пятница, 19 сентября 2014 г.

                            Ali Baba and forty robbers.   
    Long ago in a certain city there lived two brothers. Kasim, the elder, married a rich disagreeable wife and with  the money she brought him set up a shop in the market.He was a hard, shrewd, grasping fellow and got very fat for he made a good living.But he loved himself so dearly that nobody loved him except his younger brother Ali Baba. Luckily,he and his wife had no children.So much for the fat Kasim.  
    Ali Baba who earned a poor living as a woodcutter was very different.He married a good girl with no money but a kind heart.Allah blessed them with a son whom they named Ahmad.But they had no daughter, so they managed to buy a baby- girl whom they named Morgiana.The good woodcutter and his wife grew to love this Morgiana and brought her up more like a daughter than a slave.Though indeed as soon as she was big enough,she was so willing and clever that she did a great deal of work for them.Ali Baba,too,worked hard and though at first he was so poor that he had to carry his loads of wood on his back all the way down from the hills and into the market. The time came when he could afford to buy a donkey,and after a time two more.But all this while ,when even a small loan of money would have been most welcome he got no hole from his fat selfish brother.This unbrotherly conduct of Kasim's was all the worse ,because they lived quite near to each other,so that Kasim and his wife knew perfectly well that while ,for instance,they were saving up for money to buy another donkey,Ali Baba and his family were often hard put to it to get enouph to eat.
   One day Ali Baba was cutting wood in the part of the forest where some great rocks marked the foot of the mountains.And while he worked ,his three donkeys grazed nearby.His axe rang out loudly among the trees,but pausing for a moment, he heard in what should have been the silence of that lonely place another sound.
Listening intently ,he decided that it was the sound of galloping horses.But he was afraid ,for he knew that such a sound in such a place boded no good either to him or to his precious donkeys.So he quickly led the beasts off and tied them up where the thick undergrowth hid them. And praying to Allah that none of them would bray and so betray their hiding place ,Ali Baba ,who had peceable nature ,climbed up into a tree that stood on a little hill  and gave a good view of the rocks .Not a moment too soon the galloping noise grew louder and then a band of wicked looking horsemen,each heavily armed with daggers and scimitars ,swept into sight.They had dirty faces.Their great black beards were as coarse as the britle of pigs and were parted in the middle in such a way that they looked like ...

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