среда, 24 сентября 2014 г.

                              Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time there was a woodcutter's daughter ,who used to go around on a light blue ten-speed mountain bike.Her name was Daisy,but she was called Little Red Riding Hood because of lovely bright red PVC cloack with a hood  that she used to wear whenever it rained heavily.  
          Daisy used to go and visit her dear old grandmother who lived alone in a tiny white cottage with a thatched roof in the middle of a great big fine forest.   
          One rainy day as she was cycling guidly through the forest carrying  a plastic bag full of home-made cakes and alcohole free beer for her grandmother,Daisy crashed into a huge brown wolf that was just crossing the path.She thought the wolf was a funny looking dog so she wasn't at all afraid.  
            She apologized to it profusely got back  on  her bike and was just about to cycle off again when it suddenly spoke to her :"Where are you going in such a hurry?", it said."I'm just going to see my grandmother because she lives by herself not far from here"replied Daisy.     
            " Oh, how nice",said the wolf in a friendly way."Have a good time and try and cycle a bit more carefully.See you"And off it went.Daisy carried on slowly singing quietly to herself and getting off  bike frequently  to pick flowers or look for edible mushrooms.
Finally she arrived  at her grandmother's  cottage and knocked at the door.
"Come in, dear" called out a rather strange voice. Daisy went in "Where are  you,  Gran", she shouted loudly. "In bed, dear" Daisy  went into the bedroom. It was very dark inside. All the curtains were drawn. She could only just see the shape of her grandmother in the wide four-posted  bed. "Your voice sounds funny, Gran", she said."I've got a slight cold, dear", "That's why I'm in bed. I don't feel very well". "Oh poor, Gran. I've brought you some cakes and beer. They'll make you feel better". "How kind of your, dear; Come and sit next to me and tell me about all the interesting things you've been doing ". Daisy went and sat on the bed, and took her grandmother's hand. It was all furry. "Do you like my new gloves, dear? ", said the low hunsy voice. "My hands were a bit cold". Daisy touched her grandmother's cheek. That was furry too. "What's the matter with your face,Gran?" she exclaimed alarmed. "I haven't had time to shave properly today, dear" said the voice. I'll do it after dinner. And at that the wolf suddenly leaped out of bed, grabbled Daisy violent and gobbled her up greedily. What a terrible  thing  to happen. Anyway, the wicked  wolf  was really axhausted after eating so much so fast (he has already eaten grandmother, you see). So he lay down thankfully on the bed and fell into a deep sleep..

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