вторник, 18 августа 2015 г.

8 класс. 1 раздел. Мир профессий. Выбор карьеры.

Лексико-грамматический тест. Present, Past Subjunctive.  

1.If only it (to be)winter now. 2. I would (buy) a new car if I (have) enough money. 3. I wish Charlie Chaplin (to be) still alive. 4.If David (to be) here, he would ( enjoy ) this film. 5. If I (to be)you, I would (get) there early.6.I could (get) a better job if (stay) at university. 7.I wish I ( to be) very rich. 8.Mary wishes she (have) enough money for a new dress. 9. Many people wish that John Kennedy ( not go ) to Dallas. ( Many people are sorry that John Kennedy went to Dallas.10. I would ( phone) you if I ( not lose ) your phone number.( I didn't phone you because I lost your phone number.)         

           Контрольная работа №1. Раздел № 1. Мир профессий, выбор карьеры. 
1.What does she do? What does he do?  

1.mechanic-a) installs and repairs water pipes, taps, central heating, baths, etc. 
2.plumber -b) repairs engines in vehicles 
3.electrician- c) works for the civil service (all government departments except military).
4.carpenter -d) buys and sells houses and land for people 
5.nanny - e) imports goods to sell 
6.travel agent - f) performs religious ceremonies in some religions. 
7.importer- g) takes care of, cares for children in their own home 
8.priest - h) makes arrangements for people 
9.civil servant- i) installs, connects or repairs electrical wiring
10.sales rep- j) makes or repairs parts of building and other objects made of wood 
11.estate agent- k) travels to different places and sells the products of a particular company.  
2.Complete the sentences , using the correct form of the verbs. 
1.If we had a garden, we...a pet.( got, 'd get, will get ) 
2.If I... a million dollars , I'd spend the money on a fast car.(have, will have, had) 
3. If you went to the concert you...it. (would enjoy , had enjoyed, will enjoy)
4. Ann... with us today if she wasn't at her sister's wedding. (would be, was, is) 
5. If it ... so cold, we'd go for a swim.(isn't, won't be ,wasn't) 
6.If ... ... ... ,I'd see a doctor as soon as possible. ( I were you, I was me ,you were me) 
7...buy the tickets on line if I were you , they're much cheaper. (you will, I will,  I'd) 
8.I would have spoken to you if I (see) you.(had seen) 
9.If he  (steal)the company plans, he wouldn't (keep) them in his office.  
10.If I (be not) rude to the customer, my boss wouldn't (fire) me. 
11.I wouldn't have got into debt if I (not buy)the car. 
3.To have something done. 
1. I have my house (paint) once every five years. 
2. I have my hair ( cut) every six weeks. 
3. How often do you have your car (check)?
4. Don't forget to get the car (check). 
5. I'm going to get my hair (cut) tomorrow. 
6. I must have the windows (clean) soon. 
7. Did you have the house ( paint) last year? 
8. Will you have the TV (repair) soon? 
9. How often do you have your hair (cut) ? 
10. The college will have a new library (building)next year ?  

11.Paula's bike was stolen. 
12.John's clothes were torn in a fight.
13.Jane's flat was burgled at the weekend.  
14.Fiona's glasses were broken. 
15.Peter's driving licence was taken away by the police. 
16.Our electricity was cut off because we had forgotten to pay the bill.

Контрольная работа №2. Раздел № 2. Образование. Мир учения. 

1.Use the right word: away, down, into, out.
1.The criminal broke …on the way to the police station.
2.When Lucy failed the exam she broke…and cried. 
3.The child looked at the picture and broke…laughter.
4.What’s the matter? A fire broke…in the hotel.
5.My bike has broken…,may I use yours? 
6.It’s time to break…from your bad habits.

2.Paraphrase the following sentences using the phrase “ But for “ 
1.If John hadn’t helped us, we wouldn’t have got the job.

2.If Pauline weren’t ill, she would go to the conference. 

3.Complete the sentences using the right form of the adverb.
1.When they are hunting, lions( usual)  move very (slow)  and (silent)  through the grass.
2.We (real) don’t understand what you are saying.
3.Lift the weights (slow)  or you’ll hurt yourself.

4.Complete the sentences with phrases from the box.
very much, really slowly, rather surprisingly, a little, quite often, very carefully, extremely fast, rather hard, quite well.
1. She behaved …nobody expected her to do that.
2.I can sing…,but my sister sings better than me. 
3.John was stopped by the police because he was driving …
4.Palm trees grow …,only one or two centimeters a year. 
5.This is a dangerous machine. So make sure you read the instructions… 
6.We come here …-about four or five times a year. 
7. Clarissa loves her pet cat …
8. Zack hit his head…and got a really bad headache. 
9. I hate going to the gym but I try to exercise…every day to keep fit. 

5. Complete the sentences with a comparative or superlative form of the adverb.      
1.I am putting on weight-I should go to the gym (c- often). 
2. Which website sells airlines tickets …( S- cheap)? 
3. Which bird flies …?(S- high ) (the highest )
4. Children need to visit a dentist…than adults do (C- frequent) 
5. Who sang …on the show yesterday? ( S-good) 
6.Of all the cars in the test the Mazda went …(S fast) 
7. Please speak…(C –slow) 
8. Which type of battery lasts…? (S long) 
9. You’ve made lots of mistakes. Please work…next time. (C –careful)
10. Don’t get the ten o’clock train. It arrives …than the others. (C-late)  

 Контрольная работа №3. Раздел №3.Покупки. Мир денег. 

Might or may. ( May - more formal)
1. Jenny…be at home now.  Call her. 2. The parcel…not arrive tomorrow. 3.Mr.Clement…be with a client .I’ll just check for you.4. The order …not arrive next week. 5. That man’s wearing a white coat. He …be a doctor..6. The director isn’t answering her phone. She … be in the meeting.7. My spelling isn’t very good. I …buy a dictionary8. We want to go skiing this winter. We … go to Switzerland.  
Could, will be able to/ won’t 
A- So you’re interested in the translation job. Can you speak Spanish perfectly? 
B- Well, I… when I was at university, but that was a long time ago. I’m taking a course so I… to speak it very well soon.
A- OK. I’ll give you our test, but I… to recommend you for the job if you don’t pass it.
B- I understand that. Will I … to take the test soon?
A- Let’s see… to come back next Tuesday at four o’clock? 
Comparison of adverbs.
1. I eat ( slowly) than other people.2. Can you speak (quietly) ? I’m trying to rest.3. I go to the dentist (regularly) than I used to.4. Do you live (far) from the college than me? 5.I played (badly) than usual yesterday.6. Karl played (well) in last Saturday match.
Complete the sentences using the right prepositions.
1. Jane won’t be able to come. She is coming … with a fever. 2. Rachel won’t come… this evening.3. The hook came… the wall when I was hanging up my coat.4. What’s come… him. He is quite polite today. 5. She came … some important facts in course of her search.   

Контрольная работа №4.Раздел №4.Мир технологий и науки.                 

 Must, have to, mustn’t/don’t have to
1. Doctors sometimes … work on Sunday.( it is in the rules of this work).2.Tearchers don’t… work on Sunday.3. You … work hard in order in order to succeed.4. You… smoke on buses.( Smoking is against the rules).5. In football you … touch the ball with your hands.6. Nowadays pupils… learn Latin at school.7. Does Michael… get up early tomorrow?8. Do we…wait here?

2. Should, ought to. Should- ask for or to give advice. Ought to-duty, law.                            A- I’ve got a toothache. What… I do?
B- You … go to the dentist.

A- I saw a robbery. What… I do?
B-You…  report it to the police.
Either, neither. Either= one or the other, neither = not one or the other
1…of the children are learning French this year.  
2…Indian nor Chinese food is expensive.
3. My husband’s mad about both football and cricket, but I enjoy… of them.
4. I’m happy … with Chinese or Indian food.
5.Both these dishes are very different from British food, partly because…contains meat or potatoes.        
Контрольная работа№5. Раздел№5 Мир путешествий. 

1. need, should, needn’t, shouldn’t
1.You don’t …your coat. It’s not cold outside.
2.You…go to the shops. We have enough food.
3.You don’t …to go to the doctor’s.
4. I …go home. It’s midnight.  
5.I… spend so much money.
6.You…drive so fast.
7.You…eat more fruit. 

2. Translate into Russian:
-Everything is pink! You must have put something red in the machine.
-Oh, I might have put John’s red socks in with the sheets by mistake. 

3.Write sentences and questions about the past.
0. Could she come on the earlier bus?- Could she have come on the earlier bus?  
1.Jacky might miss the train.
2.They should get home by now.
3. Might the children stay late at school?
4.I must leave the keys in my coat pocket.
5.Carol might not receive your email. 

4.Have to, need.  Have to –1.it’s important to do smth. because there’s a rule or law.2.When smth. is necessary, we can’t choose not to do it. Need- when we think smth is necessary or a good idea. When smth. is necessary for our body or health.
1. You …to put a card down.
2.Cars …to pay to cross the bridge.
3.Do you …to be a member to use the gym?
4.I …to get up early tomorrow – the train leaves at 6.45 a.m.  
5. I…to earn some more money.  
6.She …to talk to her doctor .
7.I…to go to bed early tonight. I’m very tired.
8. You…to drink more water.

Контрольная работа№6.Раздел№6.СМИ. 

1. 1.Insert the right preposition.
1.Who can keep you …making a mistake?  
2.Who could predict that Mike would be capable… acting on the stage.
3.Many customers complained… getting bad services in the star hotel.
4.I’m a little tired... studying.
5. He could stop the child… going out and losing the way.
6.Do you object...  my staying here a little longer?  

2. –ing, - to inf.
1.I don’t fancy(go)  out this evening.
2.Have you ever considered(go) to live in another country? 
3. I like Dan but I think he tends(talk)  too much.
4. Ann pretended(not see) me when she passed me in the street.
5. Are you thinking of (buy)  a car?
6.How old were you when you learnt( drive) ?
7.I wish that dog would stop (bark) .It’s driving me mad.
8. We were hungry, so I suggested (have) dinner early.
9. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk ( miss)  the train.
10.I’m still looking for a job, but I hope ( find)  something soon. 

3. Complete the sentences for these situations:
0. Shall we get married?   Yes, let’s.- They decided…( to get married).
1. Please help me.   OK.-She agreed…
2. Can I carry your bag for you?    No,thanks. I can manage.- He offered…
3.Let’s meet at 8 o’clock.   OK,fine.-They arranged…
4. What’s your name?   I’m not going to tell you.- She refused…
5. Please don’t tell anyone.    I won’t. I promise.- She promised…
6. What shall we do?  We could go to the zoo. – She suggested …
7. Do you want to play tennis?  No, not really. – He didn’t fancy…
8. You were driving too fast.   Yes, it is true. Sorry! – She admitted … 

Card 1.  

My brother works for a TV company. It's a wonderful job. He loves it. He is learning to play the guitar .It's good fun and his teacher's fantastic. His favourite sport is tennis but he also enjoys playing football. He doesn't watch TV- it's very boring for him but he is interested  in old films from the 1960s. He prefers old films to modern ones in fact. He is very keen on jazz, he goes to a club every Friday. 
            Card 2 .
          Two years ago my cousin got a challenging job with good prospects  in local radio. She worked hard  and as a reward  she was promoted. She was delighted. She was quickly transferred to a different department. Then things went wrong: one colleague got the sack, and another handed in his notice. After that ten people were made redundant. She didn't want to be out of work, so she decided to look elsewhere. She applied for a job in TV and was appointed assistant director. Amazing.  
Got the sack -выгнали с работы were made redundant - были уволены to hand in ono's notice -подать заявление об уходе.
          Card 3
         - Amy,I know you work on reception at the sports centre but what does that involve?  
         -Well, I handle all customer bookings, and answer enquiries over the phone or face to face. Occasionally I also have to deal with complaints from members of the public, and if there's a problem, i'm the one who has to solve it. 
         - So, it's not just clerical duties, then? 
        -Oh, no. Some weekends I'm in charge of the whole centre and in an emergency it's my job to make sure that everyone is safe. I have alot of responsibility. 
        Card 4. 

      I am hoping to have a career in the private sector. I'd like to be in management  and have my own business. I had a couple of jobs in small companies in my holidays, so I have a little experience. I am hoping to work for a large company. They do a lot of training and I will get some extra qualifications too. 
Questions (раздел №1)  

Most classmates want to be ...(bankers)   
Few people in my class would like to be...(factory workers) 
In my class a lot of pupils are going to become...(pilots) 
Almost everyone in our class wants to be postmen
Nobody in our class wants to be.... 

1.Does your mum work in an office? 
2.Does your mum have a full- time or a part-time job? 
3.Does she earn low wages? 
4.Does your mum work long hours? 
5.Does your mum earn much money
6.Does your mum's job pay well? 
7.Is your mum a ...p35 ex 7. 
8. Do you think flying is enjoyable? 
9.Do you prefer meat to fish? 
10.What's your favourite city? 
11.Are  you interested in sport? 
12.Are you keen on classical music? 
13.Do you enjoy walking in the countryside?   
14. Do you think history is interesting?  
15.Would you like to be in the legal profession? 
16.Would you love to be the boss of company? 
17.Would you like to produce cars? 
18.Would you like to sell clothes? 
19.Would you love to design motorways? 
20.Would you like to teach people their jobs?

My mum works in an office. She has a full-time job which doesn't  pay well, unfortunately. So, my mum doesn't earn much money , she earns low wages although she works very long hours. 

Which   unfortunately  so   although  

  When my brother  was at secondary school  he went to all the lessons  and did his homework, but he didn't work very hard . So, when he took exams at 16, his results weren't fantastic. He passed 6, which was good but he failed maths. His worst result was physics - he got a grade E,which was terrible. After that he went to a sixth form college where he worked hard and did well. He passed all his exams at 18 and went to university. That's where he is now.    
  I would like to go on a summer English course
in Cambridge. My mum has found an advertisement for a language school. She wrote an e-mail to the manager of the school in which she asked about the price of a one- month General English course. It turned out to be not so high. The school has several sports fields, a gym, a library, a canteen, a very well-equipped science lab and a computer room. The teachers at school are very creative

My school (Gymnasium  25 ) provides many good facilities : friendly atmosphere and good teaching .Then, my school runs many after- school clubs (our school basketball team is great ! )All after-school activities are arranged for pupiles to learn self- defense and show off all their talents .I like our school canteen -a busy and noisy place but I enjoy food here. Eglish is a school subject I like most because I enjoy speaking English .                                                                                                                               1.What facillities does your school provtde? 2.What after-school activities does your school have? 3.   Do you enjoy food in your school canteen?  


My least favourite modern invention is the television, and my favourite is the radio. A televis
ion controls you and stops you from doing things,but when you're listening to a radio, you
can do all sorts of things: cooking, reading and you can listen to it anywhere. In the car, at 
work, riding your bike, walking in the country. It's  brilliant.   
My favourite invention is very simple. It's good for your health and it's good for the environ 
ment, itis fast and it is cheap to use. It's the bicycle. Everyone should  have one. 
My least favourite modern invention is the computer. I mean, sometimes I hate it. I want to  
pick it up and throw it out of the window, but I can't do without it. The internet let's me keep  
in touch with everyone, which is great ' cause I don't like talking over the phone.   


- Hotel Metropole. Can I help you? 
- Oh, good morning. I'd like to book a double room with a bathroom for May 24 , please. 
- That's fine. All our bedrooms are en-suite. 
- Right, and how much is that? 
- It's 60 pounds a night and breakfast is included in the price. 
- That's great. And has the hotel got parking?  
- No, I'm afraid, not. 
- Oh, what a shame.     


Atlanta Hotel ( Vilnus)We stayed in this hotel near the Old Town where we had a beautiful bedroom with good facilities: minibar, internet acces, satellite TV,and air conditioning. The hotel has a great gym. There was 24-hour room service and the stuff was very helpful with tourist information. The cafe bar was a very pleasant place to meet other guests and we had a delicious breakfast there too.We recommended both Vilnus and the Atlanta for a short stay


The media.
 The media is TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and the internet.The media report on news from around the world, for example disasters like the asian tsunami or wars between different countries. As well as reporting the news the media give their opinion on events round the world. And reporters also like to write about celebrities such as Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie. 
BarryExcuse me, Mr. O'Relly, may I have a word with you? 
Mr. O'RellyYes, Barry,of course. What is it? 
Barry: Mr.O'Relly, I've been thinking maybe it's time I had a pay rise. I've been working here for five years, I do my job well, I've never taken a day off, but my sallary's still the same as when I started. 
Mr. O'Relly : It seems to me you 're well paid, and as you know the fringe benefits we give are usually good: you've got health insurance, staff canteen... 
Barry;  But what about overtime, Mr. O'Relly? I work really long hours, you know.
Контрольные работы 9 класс.
  Контрольная работа № 1.
Лексико-грамматический тест.
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

People travel a lot nowadays. Planes are considered to be the
most __________________ means of transport but for some
people airports can be a nightmare.
There are __________________ queues when you check in and
you waste lots of time if your flight is delayed.
However, there are some airports where you can
__________________ enjoy yourself.
For example, you’ll never be bored at Hong Kong’s
international airport. There are thousands of people from
__________________ countries here but the passengers never
experience any problems because everything is well organised.
There are attendants in red coats, who help you to get from one
place to another. It’s very good for people with no sense of
The attendants are always very polite and
Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их
заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А–G, подберите
соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–8. Используйте
каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
 1.The scientific explanation  2.The real shape  3.A lucky sign  4.Some tips       5.Places without rainbows   6. A personal vision  7. A bridge between worlds         8. Impossible to catch

A. Two people never see the same rainbow. Each person sees a different one. It
happens because the raindrops are constantly moving so the rainbow is always
changing too. Each time you see a rainbow it is unique and it will never be the
same! In addition, everyone sees colours differently according to the light and
how their eyes interpret it.

B. A rainbow is an optical phenomenon that is seen in the atmosphere. It appears
in the sky when the sun’s light is reflected by the raindrops. A rainbow always
appears during or immediately after showers when the sun is shining and the
air contains raindrops. As a result, a spectrum of colours is seen in the sky. It
takes the shape of a multicoloured arc.

C. Many cultures see the rainbow as a road, a connection between earth and
heaven (the place where God lives). Legends say that it goes below the earth at
the horizon and then comes back up again. In this way it makes a permanent
link between what is above and below, between life and death. In some myths
the rainbow is compared to a staircase connecting earth to heaven.

D. We all believe that the rainbow is arch-shaped. The funny thing is that it's
actually a circle. The reason we don’t see the other half of the rainbow is
because we cannot see below the horizon. However, the higher we are above
the ground, the more of the rainbow’s circle we can see. That is why, from an
airplane in flight, a rainbow will appear as a complete circle with the shadow of
the airplane in the centre.

EIn many cultures there is a belief that seeing a rainbow is good. Legends say
that if you dig at the end of a rainbow, you'll find a pot of gold. Rainbows are
also seen after a storm, showing that the weather is getting better, and there is
hope after the storm. This is why they are associated with rescue and good
fortune. If people happen to get married on such a day, it is said that they will
enjoy a very happy.

F. You can never reach the end of a rainbow. A rainbow is all light and water. It is
always in front of you while your back is to the sun. As you move, the rainbow
that your eye sees moves as well and it will always ‘move away’ at the same
speed that you are moving. No matter how hard you try, a rainbow will always
be as far away from you as it was before you started to move towards it.

G. To see a rainbow you have to remember some points. First, you should be
standing with the sun behind you. Secondly, the rain should be in front of you.
The most impressive rainbows appear when half of the sky is still dark with
clouds and the other half is clear. The best time to see a rainbow is on a warm
day in the early morning after sunrise or late afternoon before sunset. Rainbows
are often seen near waterfalls and fountains. 

9 Form 2016 ( Test Speaking )

№1. School 
(What is your typical day like ?  What is your favourite subject and why ? What do you like most about your school? )  

It takes all sorts of schools. I think that my school is better than a lot of others ( I attend  Gymnasia №25). Well, let me tell you about my school day. 
 I start school at 9 o'clock. A lesson is 45 minutes. We also have double lessons. My favourite lesson is science because I like to find out how things work. Lunch time is at half past twelve in my school. Most kids have school dinners, which are usually nice. After lunchtime we have more lessons like technology for example. Another lesson is PE. We do differerent sports there. I love gymnastics because I can do jumps and spins. My school finishes at half past fourteen. Some pupils go to after school clubs. As for me I go to music club to play the guitar. 
  School is O'K. I learn different things and meet my frinds there.   

№2.About your school. ( 1. How long does it take you to do your homework? 2.What subjects do you usually start with and why? 3.Schould schoolchildren be given more or less homework and why? 

When at school I go to all the lessons and do my homework. I usually don't spend so much time on doing  homework  because I go to after school music club to play the guitar. I always start doing my homework with the subjects which seem easier such as languages and math then I write essays and do  tests.I should do this so that I can go to university when I am older. Teachers say I don't work hard and that is why my results aren't fantastic. However, I am good at maths, history, geography music and sport. 

I would like to study at a school where the teachers don't give too much homework because homework is boring and makes school education challenging. 

3. Books (Is reading still popular with teenagers and why or why not.What kind of books do you like reading? Why do many people prefer e-books to paper books? ) 

Reading is great!

You see everybody in my class is fond of reading that's why I think reading is still popular with teenagers. My classmates share the opinion that reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.And they do a lot of reading.They read from school books,on the Internet ,they read books ( for example Harry Potter series).

My dad often says to me : Reading is to the mind  what exercise is to the body. I share the point and so do many teens, I believe. Yes, reading is popular with teenagers, they do a lot of it: , they read from school books,on the Internet ,they read books ( for example Harry Potter series). You see, they have various reading preferences as well as everybody in my family does.
 My dad loves bestsellers, especially detective stories and my mum reads historical novels. I love fantasy, horror and science fiction, but I read anything. The last book i read was "Три Мушкетера" I read it last week. I chose this book because I saw the film. The main characters are Atos, Portos, Aramis, D'Artanian. It's an adventure book. The main characters helped the king (Ludovig 14) and the queen. The book had a happy ending. I enjoyed the book more than I expected. I would recommend this book. 
As for e-books, they are cheaper and more comfortable to use than paper books that is why they are so popular. Besides, they help to increase teen's interest in reading which will never be lost. 

4.My career choice.( what job do you want to do in the future;
·         what two subjects do you think are the most important for your future job, and why;
·         do your family approve of your career choice or not.)
Nowadays there are many kinds of jobs, so there is a lot of choice out there.
As for my career choice, being an architect is the most suitable job for me since I am keen on buildings. Besides, I know that there will be many different career opportunities when I get my qualification. As a qualified architect I can design buildings, work as an architectural journalist or even as an architectural historian. The good news is that I can earn a comfortable salary.
While at school, I need to study maths. Art courses in drawing, design and photography will also be helpful. Added to that, history, English and computer studies will all be needed if I want to do my job well.
My family approve of  my career choice since my granddad used to be an architect. 

5.  The Internet. 
(1. Why using the Internet is so popular? 2. How can the Internet help students in their studies? 3.Сan the Internet be dangerous and why?)
Indeed, the Internet is quite popular nowadays since millions of peopie
use the Internet doing different things online:  they send emails, watch videos online,people have profiles on websites like Facebook to communicate, In fact, people spend o lot of time online.
As for our school studies, the Internet is really helpful for doing a project at school. Sure you can find information for your project in one second.
On the other hand the Internet can be dangerous because of some harmful sites. 

6. A talk about keeping feet.
  1.     Why is a healthy lifestyle more popular nowadays?  
               2.    What do you do to keep fit?
       3.  What sports activities are popular with teenagers in your region?
Nowadays people seem crazy about having a healthy lifestyle.
To be in perfect shape, I spend much time outdoors and eat a healthy diet. In fact, I am a healthy eating fan, so I eat much fruit and vegetables but  at night I dream of eating loads of fast food: tasty cheeseburgers drive me mad but in the morning I eat porridge for breakfast and feel quite happy.
           To keep fit, I also take some exercises. I enjoy such sports activities as swimming, playing basketball, cross country skiing and skating. I am pretty sure these activities are popular with other teens in my region as well.
To conclude, (I can say for sure) those people are having a healthy lifestyle who are responsible for their health.


A talk about the place where you live.
Remember to say:
-What is your town famous for?
-What is your favourite place in the city? Why do you like it?
-Are you going to stay in your city after leaving school or move to another place?

Towns and cities come in all shapes and sizes. I love my hometown Revda – a small town in the Urals region.
I guess my hometown is famous for its big and interesting museum- Demidov Centre where you can get to know the unique history of Revda. Kabalinskiye springs is one more favourite place of mine . It is very popular in spring and summer. My family like to go to picnic there. In winter we enjoy cross –country skiing in the forest.
I can’t imagine living somewhere in another place that’s why I plan to come back after graduating from the university.
I hope living in my native town my entire life will make me happy. 


№ 1.   
1.How many lessons do you usually have? 
2.What subjects do you find the most difficult? 
3.What is your favourite week day? Why do you like it? 
4. What sports facilities do you have in your school? 
5. Do you think school uniform is necessary or not. Why do you think so? 
6.What would you recommend your friends do to improve their English?

1.In fact, I usually have five or six lessons a day. 
2. If you ask me, I would recommend my friends see films in English and read English books to improve their English. 
3.To be honest , I find chemistry and physics the most difficult subjects. 
4.Actually, my school offers good sports facilities they are: gym, sports ground, some sports equipment. 
5.Sure, my favourite week day is Sunday : no lessons on this day. Fine. 
6.I believe that school uniform is necessary because children wearing school uniforms look more like students than when they are casually dressed.  

 2.  Teenagers' reading habits.   

1.What kinds of books do you do you like to read? 
2. Who is your favourite writer? 
3.How often do you borrow books from the library? 
4.Why do you think teenagers are reading less and less now? 
5.How can reading english books help students improve their English? 
6.What book would you recommend your friend who wants to read something for pleasure?   

1.Actually  I often borrow books from the school library. 
2.I love fantasy, adventure books, horro and science fiction but I read anything. 
3.I see what you mean / I see your point but I don't think so. I guess teens do a lot of reading, they read from school books,on the Internet ,they read books ( for example Harry Potter series).They do different kinds of reading. 
4. Sure,I would recommend Harry Potter books. 
5.My point is that reading helps students improve their reading skills ,writing skills and speaking skills. Yes, reading can bring all these benefits. 
6.Since I love Harry potter books ,Joanne Rowling is my favourite author.

№ 3. What do teenagers think about the modern film industry?    

1.How often do you go to the cinema? 
2.What kinds of films do you like most? 
3.What idea think : many people prefer watching films at home. 
4.What do you like to do in your free time? 
5.How can films in English help students improve their English?
6.What film would you recommend your friends see and why?   

1.I'd rather listen to the music, go to the cinema and play the guitar in my free time.I go to the chess club at the weekend. 
2. I like the idea of watching films at home. It is nice. 
3. My point is that watching films in English helps students improve their listening skills and speaking skills. 
4. Actually, I go to the cinema twice a week or more.   
5.If you ask me I would recommend Great  Expectations with David  Suchet  because of an interesting plot and good acting.
6.To be honest, I love comedies most.    

1.What is your favourite season?

2.Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?

3.What do you like to do during your winter holidays?

4.How often do you and your family travel?

5.What type of transport do you find the most 

convenient and why?

6.What place in your country would you recommend to a

foreign tourist to visit ? Why?

1.Sure,my favourite season is spring.

2.Actually, I spend my summer holidays at the seaside.

3.In fact, I enjoy doing a lot of  winter sports during my 

winter holidays : go skiing, skating, snowboarding. I 

sometimes play hockey.

4.Since my family enjoy travelling we travel quite often.

5. To be honest, I find plane the most convenient 

because it is the fastest.

6. If you ask me, I would recommend a foreign tourist  to 

visit Red Square since it is the heart of Russia.

№5. Green Future

1.-Where would you like to live in a big city or in the country?
-I guess I would live in the countryside. I dislike big cities.

2. - What are the advantages of living in the country?
    - Living in the country you can face many advantages: clean environment, peace and quiet, safety. No traffic jams there.
3. –What is the main ecological problem in the place where you live?
    - If you ask me, pollution seems to be the main environmental problem in my hometown.
4. – Do you and your friends care about the ecological problems? Why?
5. - Have you ever taken part in any ecological projects at school?
    -Yes, I took part in the “Greenest School of the Year” contest.  
6. - What would you recommend to a person who wants to improve the ecological situation in his or her hometown?

    -I would recommend to take part in all “green’ events.

№6. daily routine

1.     When do you get up on weekdays?
                –I usually get up at 7 o’clock on weekdays.
2.   What do you prefer to eat for breakfast in the morning?
     -I usually have porridge, scrambled eggs, toast with butter and  raspberry     jam and a cup of cocoa for breakfast.
3.   How long does it take you to get to school?
– I usually go to school on foot I don’t take a taxi that’s why it takes me about 20 minutes to get to school.
     4. What is your favourite part of the day? Why do you like it?
        - Sure, I like evenings best. I enjoy spending time with my family    watching telly together or just walking outside. In the evening I have some  time for reading a book. Amazing!
      5. What do you do to help your parents about the house?
       - I wash up, vacuum the floor, the carpet, water flowers,  even walk our dog to help my parents about the house. You see I do a lot of chores.
       6. What would you recommend to teenagers who’re often late for school?
        - I would recommend not to stay up late and take a taxi to get to school.

№7 mobiles

-        1. How old are you?
-        I am fifteen.
-        2. When did you get your first mobile phone?
-        As a child of seven I got my first mobile. I got my first mobile at the age of 6. I got my first mobile when I was 5.
-        3. What do you usually use your mobile for?
-        In fact I use my mobile all the time. Of course, I make calls then I send and receive about 10 text messages every day. Besides, I sometimes take digital pictures and send them to my friends.
-        4. How do you feel when you forget your mobile phone at home?
-        Sure, I don’t feel very comfortable about it. Every time my classmates’ mobiles ring I start looking for my mobile in my pockets.
-        5. Do you think it is right that mobiles phones are not allowed in some schools?
-        Don’t take me wrong but I don’t think it is right that mobiles are not allowed in some schools. Of course it is not so good when phone calls interfere in school studies and students get sidetracked but some calls can be very important.
-        6. In what places would you recommend people switch off or turn down their phones? Why?
-If you ask me I would recommend people switch off or turn down their phones at the theatre, cinema, in the concert hall and in class not to get people sidetracked

№ 8.
English Club

1.  What is your favourite school subject?
-Sure, science is my favourite school subject.
2. – When did you start learning English?
- As far as I remember, I started learning English five years ago.
3. – What do you do in your English lessons?
- Actually, we do a lot of grammar exercises, read texts, translate from English into Russian, speak English and watch films in English.
4. –Do you find learning English easy or difficult? Why?
- If you ask me, I find learning English easy because I don’t face any problems learning English.
5. –What other foreign language would you like to learn and why?
-  I think I would like to learn  Spanish because it is easy to learn.
6. – What would you recommend a person do to improve his or her English?
- Sure, I would recommend to speak to natives as often as possible.


2 комментария:

  1. Кириллова Полина 8а
    1. Him
    2. Her
    3. Then
    4. It
    5. Me
    6. Her
    7. Them
    8. You
    9. Him
    10. It
    11. It
    12. Me
    13. Them
    14. Them
    15. You
    16. Us
    17. Him
    18. Her
    19. It
    20. Us

  2. Степанова Софья 8А
    1. Him
    2. Her
    3. Then
    4. It
    5. Me
    6. Her
    7. Them
    8. You
    9. Him
    10. It
    11. It
    12. Me
    13. Them
    14. Them
    15. You
    16. Us
    17. Him
    18. Her
    19. It
    20. Us
