понедельник, 19 декабря 2016 г.

Result clauses: so, such, too, enough.
          So/ adjective, adverb, прилагательное, наречие, many\much+ noun/…that
My brother’s so handsome that he’s thinking of becoming a model.
We drove to the station so slowly that we missed our train.

I have to do so much homework that I don’t have time for hobbies.

My brother’s so handsome  he’s thinking of becoming a model.
We drove to the station so slowly  we missed our train.

I have to do so much homework I don’t have time for hobbies.

They’re such big fans of the team that they never miss a game.

New York City is such a big place that it’s easy to get lost

The Statue of Liberty is such a famous landmark that everyone knows where it is and what it represents

Part A.

Directions: Complete each sentence by choosing “so” or “such.”

1. I’m ________ hungry, I could eat a horse.

2. This is __________ a big mess, it will take several days to clean up.

3. It was __________ a hot day yesterday.

4. This room feels ________ hot.

5. Why is he being __________ a jerk?

6. That movie was __________ funny!

7. It was __________ a funny movie we saw it three times.

8. He’s having chest pains. __________ matters should be discussed with a doctor.

9. Marie is ___________ in love with her boyfriend.

10. It snowed __________ much last night, school was called of for today


Part B.

Directions: Complete each sentence by choosing “so”or “such” and “that.”

1. The movie has been _________ a big success, __________ a sequel is going to be made.

2. She liked the student’s writing _________ much _________ she gave him a gold star.

3. They’re __________ excited __________ they can’t get to sleep.

4. The patient was in __________ pain __________ the doctor gave him a sedative.

5. It was __________ a big explosion __________ it was heard several miles away.

6. These are _________ difficult times __________ we are living through.

7. Henry’s __________ rich __________ he doesn’t need to work, but he does anyway.

8. This is __________ a popular restaurant __________ a reservation is needed weeks ahead of time.

9. These are ___________ dangerous chemicals __________ you need to wear gloves when you use them.

10. The teacher’s class was __________ boring _________ some people actually went to sleep.


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