пятница, 25 августа 2017 г.

9 Form Everybody dreams of a better life SUPER SUPER SUPER !!!

                                  9 класс   2017-2018

I had a stay caution this year. 

 Deception - обман 
Deceive [disiv] - обманывать

Deception is a fundamental part of life.

Men tell twice as many lies as women.

Some peple deceive for money.

We deceive ourselves.

Art is a deception that creates real emotions.
Art is the greatest deception of all.
Why do movies are able to take us onto extraordinary adventures?

1. achieve
2. achievement
3. available
4. aware
5. beneficial

6. benefit

\Monologue  My school

1.What is your typical day like ?  2.What is your favourite subject and why ? 3.What do you like most about your school? 
 I attend Gymnasia №25. Well, let me tell you about my school day. 
 I start school at 9 o'clock. A lesson is 40 minutes. We also have double lessons. My favourite lesson is science because I like to find out how things work. Lunch time is at half past twelve in my school. Most kids have school dinners, which are usually nice. After lunchtime we have more lessons like technology for example. Another lesson is PE. We do different sports there. I love gymnastics because I can do jumps and spins. My school finishes at half past fourteen. Some pupils go to after school clubs. As for me, I go to music club to play the guitar. School is O'K. I learn different things and meet my friends there. That's what I love most about my school.
  To sum up, this topic is really interesting and I think people will always be interested in it.


1.How many lessons do you usually have?
2. What subjects do you find the most difficult?
3. What is your favourite week day? Why do you like it?
4. What sports facilities do you have in your school?
5. Do you think school uniform is necessary or not. Why do you think so?
6.What would you recommend your friends do to improve their English?  

1. In fact, I usually have five or six lessons a day.
2. If you ask me, I would recommend my friends see films in English and read English books to improve their English.
3. To be honest , I find chemistry and physics the most difficult subjects.
4. Actually, my school offers good sports facilities they are: gym, sports ground, some sports equipment.
5. Sure, my favourite week day is Sunday : no lessons on this day. Fine.
6. I believe that school uniform is necessary because children wearing school uniforms look more like students than when they are casually dressed

Phrasal verbs

“I turned up”= “I arrived”
1.          transitive    intransitive
I got up. He really stands out. (выделяется). My car broke down.

2. The Object
2.transitive : Please switch off the TV.
transitive ( separable): Please switch the TV off.
“ Switch it off”

3.          Context
“The plane took off.”
“ I’m really tired. I need to take some time off
 time off = have a holiday.

I need to take off. It’s time. I’ve got to go!
To pick p. 31
to pick at - ковыряться в тарелке
to pick on- придираться
to pick out- выбирать
to pick up - поднимать, подобрать( посадить в машину), усвоить

Wombats are exotic animals that only live in Australia. They have become an unofficial symbol of the country. In 1974 a wombat appeared on an Australian stamp for the first time. Since then it has been regularly used on different Australian stamps and coins. Wombats look like little bears and prefer grass to meat. They also love eating berries, plant roots and mushrooms. Like camels, wombats drink little water because there is enough water in fresh grass. Wombats spend most of their life in holes under the ground. With their strong arms and long nails they are able to dig very long and complex tunnels. Fortunately, wombats have few enemies in the animal world. Most wombats live around 15 years

We eat what we can what we can't we can

Compulsive gamblers are experts at self- deception

We deceive to gain advantage  and to hide our weakness.

Мы обманываем чтобы получить преимущество и скрыть свои слабости.

Actually   In fact    Sure 



-ing                         -ed
1. How do you feel when you eat disgusting food?
2. Does an amusing film make you feel amused?
3. How do you feel about boring lessons?
4. Does a boring lesson cause you to feel bored?
5. Are you interested by Lucy’s videos?
6. Do you ever feel annoyed with the way that your class mates speak to you?
7. Do you find English grammar too confusing?
8. Do you feel confused about English grammar?
9. How do you feel when you go to bed?

10. Are you excited to go on holiday this year?

1.How many lessons do you usually have?
2. What subjects do you find the most difficult?
3. What is your favourite week day? Why do you like it?
4. What sports facilities do you have in your school?
5. Do you think school uniform is necessary or not. Why do you think so?
6. What would you recommend your friends do to improve their English?  

 1 .gradually
2. opportunity
3. rapid- стремительный
4. record
5. subsequent -последующий

6. tame- приручать

I can’t imagine my life without my computer and the Internet! Now I can write all my stories and immediately send them to my friends to read…
…What do you use your computer for?

How much time do you spend working on your computer? What else do you do in your free time?

Nothing is worse than losing your best friend
Everybody dreams of a better life

I’d like to go somewhere quiet

The word ‘tsunami’ can be translated from Japanese as ‘big wave’. It describes a natural process that can be dangerous for people and their homes. Most of the huge waves appear after earthquakes. Most waves are born in the Indian and the Pacific Oceans where volcanoes are active. The mass of water rises from the bottom of the ocean and moves to the shore. It moves at the speed of a plane and can be up to 40 meters high. The wave is very powerful and dangerous. In 2004, a tsunami happened in the Indian Ocean. It was one of most terrible natural disasters in history. It hit 14 countries bordering the Indian Ocean. Thousands of people were killed or went missing.

A needle in a haystack
Knitting: a craft makes a comeback
 "Sewing and knitting clothes at home is a waste of time and  money". What do you think? 

a sleuth  -
brain – bending challenge –
I am stumped –
archnemesis , archnemeses –
play …on television –
figure out –
perplexing  problem –
luscious  -

a sleuth  -сыщик
brain – bending challenge – крайнесложное испытание
I am stumped – я втупике
archnemesis , archnemeses – заклятыйвраг
play …on television –играть в кино
figure out – разобраться
perplexing  problem –сложная проблема

luscious  - сочный

1. Are things which people make with their hands important?
2. Are things which people make with their minds important?
3. Is people’s spiritual life as important as their physical comfort, need for food and warm clothes in winter?
4. People who think of a better society are philosophers. Is it true?

5.   People who claim that they know how to make people happier are politicians. Is it true?

You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.
…Sometimes I hate our school radio because they talk about things everyone knows. And news should be fresh! One day I will be a reporter and will show them how to make really good news…
…How do you get to know what’s happening in the world? What are you going to be? Do you think English will be necessary for your future career, why? …
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

How long does it take you to do your homework?   What subjects do you usually  start with and why? Should schoolchildren be given more or less homework and why  ?

When at school I go to all the lessons and do my homework.  I usually don't spend so much time on doing homework because I go to after school music club to play the guitar.  I always start doing my homework with the subjects which seem easier such as languages and maths then I write essays and do tests. I should do this so that I can go to university when I am older. Teachers say I don't work hard and that is why my results aren't fantastic. However, I am good at maths, history, geography music and sport. 

I would like to study at a school where the teachers don't give too much homework because homework is boring and makes school education challenging. Actually, I would like to get less homework. Then, I would have more time to pursue [ pe 'sju:] my hobby. 
It's great!

1.       ­_he   _ aw   _even  _wimming  _hrimp.
2.        _ive _at _lat _ish _lapped.
3.        _liver _rdered _ily _range _ysters.
4.       _rincess _atty’s _retty _ond is _efect.
5.        _hris _aught _old _rusty _lams.

1.  S    She saw seven swimming shrimp.
2.  F   Five fat flat  fish  flapped.
3. O Oliver   ordered oily orange oysters.
4. P  Princess Patty’s pretty pond is perfect.
5. C   Chris caught cold crusty clams.

1.           Она увидела 7 плавающих креветок.
2.           Пять толстых широких рыбок вильнули хвостиками.
3.           Оливер заказал маслянистых оранжевых устриц.
4.           Красивый пруд принцессы Пэти совершенен.
5.           Крис поймал холодных хрустящих  моллюсков.

1. In my free time I listen to the music, go to the cinema or play the guitar.
2. The Head gave the class 7 permission to organize an after- school club.
3. I go to the chess club at the weekend by the bus.
4. Jenny loves the swimming and she’d like to swim the English Channel.
5. You need a hobby like playing the flute or collecting the stamps.

1. In my free time I listen to the music, go to the cinema or play the guitar.
2. The Head gave the class 7 permission to organize an after- school club.
3. I go to the chess club at the weekend by the bus.
4. Jenny loves the swimming and she’d like to swim the English Channel.

5. You need a hobby like playing the flute or collecting the stamps.


Very good

внушающий благоговение
Very bad



внушающий благоговение
Very bad


1. Джени любит плавать и она хотела бы переплыть Ла-Манш.
2. Я езжу в шахматный клуб в выходной на автобусе.
3. Тебе нужно хобби такое как игра на флейте или коллекционирование марок.

4. Директор дал разрешение 7 классу организовать кружок после уроков.

1. совершенно
2. круто
3. отлично
4. скверная (погода)
5. блестящий (ответ) 
6. изумительно
7. потрясающе
8. жутко извиняюсь

1совершенно- perfectly
2. круто- coolly
3. отлично- excellently
4. скверная (погода)- nasty
5. блестящий (ответ) - brilliant
6. изумительно- amazingly
7. потрясающе- terrifically
8. жутко извиняюсь- awfully sorry

1. The grass is always greener
2. Don’t judge a book by its cover
3. Practice makes perfect
4. Where there’s a will there’s a way
5. When in Rome do as the Romans do

1. Было бы желание, а способ найдется
2. Навык мастера ставит
3. В какой народ приедешь такую шапку и наденешь
4. Внешность обманчива

5. Хорошо там, где нас нет

1.           You shouldn’t be jealous of what other people may have.

2. It is about determination.

3. When you travel you need to adapt to the culture.
4. The more you practice the closer you are to achieving perfection.
5. Don’t judge someone by their appearance or the way they dress or just generally how they look or act.
6. A really old dirty book could have an amazing story to tell inside.  
7. Somebody can have a Mohawk and lots of scary make –up and spikes all over them but they might also have a kitten fan page on Instagram.

 8. The more you practice the closer you are to achieving perfection. 

9. Things are not always as they seem.
10. Don’t be jealous because it might not be what it seems.
11. A really beautiful book could be really boring inside.

The one that got away.
When I was five years old, I took a boat out on the pond and went fishing by myself. I really wanted to catch a fish. But they were not biting.
I stayed in my boat for three days waiting. A couple of days I thought I felt a fish nibbling on the bait at the end of the fishing line. The first time I pulled in my catch it was not a fish it was an old tire. The second time it was a shoe. Finally, at the end of the first day, I felt a strong pull at the end of the line.
The pull was so strong that my boat raced in a hundred circles, faster than you can say the word seafood. I needed all my strength just to hold onto the fishing rod. I pulled and I pulled and I reeled in the biggest fish ever swam on the Earth! It weighed more than everyone in this room put together! Then something terrible happened.
After I had pulled the huge fish into my boat I realized that we were sinking under its weight! Water was pouring into the boat from all sides! I am not a very good swimmer so I was scared.
Although it was the hardest decision I ever made I had to let the fish go. I pushed it back over the side of the boat and we waved good-bye to each other as it swam away.

nibble- грызть, щипать
reel in – вытаскивать рыбу при помощи спининга
hold onto – держаться за

bait – наживка, приманка  bite- клевать, кусать

Christine is a photographer. She's been a professional photographer for the last three years. She works for a nature magazine and travels all over the world taking pictures of animals.
To increase her chances of getting a good job, Christine went to college for four years and received a bachelor's degree in photography. She also studied Spanish and French because she wanted to work in Spanish and French-speaking countries.
Christine is also interested in making documentary films. She wants to spend a few months in a Colombian rainforest and make a film about the animals, insects, plants, and people that live there. She thinks filmmaking is one way to help save rainforests that are being destroyed.
  • 1A: What does Christine do?
  • 1B: She's a ____________.
  • 2A: Who does she work _____?
  • 2B: She works ______ a nature magazine.
  • 3A: How many years ______ she go to college?
  • 3B: She _______ for four years.
  • 4A: Which languages did she ________?
  • 4B: She studied Spanish and French.
  • 5A: What else is she interested in doing?
  • 5B: She's interested in ________ documentary films.
(1. photographer; 2. for / for; 3. did / went; 4. study; 5. making)

Joe loves to play baseball. He's been on a baseball team since he was eight years old, and now, at the age of twenty-one, he hopes to play on a professional baseball team.
Joe has good eyesight, quick reflexes, and he's very fast. All of those qualities make him a good player. He also works hard at improving his skills as a player by going to practice regularly and exercising every day. Other players admire his work ethic.
Off the field, Joe works at a sporting goods store. He helps customers find things, and he gives them advice on what to buy. He likes working at the store, but playing professional sports is his life's dream.
  • 1A. What does Joe _______ to do?
  • 1B: He loves ___ _____baseball.
  • 2A: How long has he _______ on a baseball team?
  • 2B: He's _______ on a team since he was eight.
  • 3A: How does he improve his skills as a player?
  • 3B: He works _______.
  • 4A: Where does Joe work?
  • 4B: He works ______ a sporting goods store.
  • 5A: What _______ he do there?
  • 5B: He helps customers find things in the store.

(1. love / to play; 2. been / been; 3. hard; 4. at; 
5. does)

№2. Books (
Is reading still popular with teenagers and why or why not. What kind of books do you like reading? Why do many people prefer e-books to paper books? ) 

Well, I’d like to share my thoughts about teenagers’ attitude to reading .
I share the point that reading is popular with teenagers and they do a lot of it: they read from school books, on the Internet, they read books ( for example Harry Potter series).So, they do different kinds of  reading.
Actually, I have some reading preferences. I love fantasy, adventure books, horror,  science fiction, but I read anything. The last book I read was "Три Мушкетера". I chose the book because I saw the film. It's an adventure book. I enjoyed the book more than I expected. I would recommend this book. 
As for e-books, they are cheaper and more comfortable to use than paper books that is why they are so popular. 

That's all I wanted to say
To sum up, this topic is really interesting and people will keep discussing it.

1.How often do you go to the cinema? 
2.What kinds of films do you like most? 
3.Why do you think many people prefer watching films at home. 
4.What do you like to do in your free time? 
5.How can films in English help students improve their English?
6.What film would you recommend your friends see and why?   

1.I'd rather listen to the music, go to the cinema and play the guitar in my free time.I go to the chess club at the weekend. 
2. People like watching films at home because they find it more comfortale than going to the movies . 
3. My point is that watching films in English helps students improve their listening skills and speaking skills. 
4. Actually, I go to the cinema twice a week or more.   
5.If you ask me I would recommend Great  Expectations with David  Suchet  because of an interesting plot and good acting.

6.To be honest, I love comedies most.   

You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.
I’m having a very busy time now as I have to get ready for my exams. As far as I know, all students in Russia have to take school exams too…
…When are you going to have your exams? What exams have you chosen and why? What are your plans for the summer holidays? …
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.
Write 100120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Present Perfect
1 The tulips haven’t bloomed yet.
2 The potatoes haven’t sprouted yet.
3 He hasn’t never used pesticides.
4 I have smell the roses.
5 Gardening has been a popular hobby for a long time.
6 Have you ever grew herbs?
7 The insects have not damaged out plants this year.
8 I haven’t saw many bees this year.
9 We have has little rain this year.
10  My father has planted the seeds yet.
11 My neighbors have planted corn this year.
12 Our family has always growed our own vegetables.
13 We hasn’t planted anything in our garden for many years.
14 Have you ever received roses?
15 We haven’t found any weeds yet.
16 Have you eaten tomatoes from the garden?
17 Carrots have always been my favorite vegetable.
18 Has she water the plants?
19 Have you yet planted your garden?
20 Have you buy seeds yet?
21 I have ever seen an apple tree.
22 Where has the sun go?
23 Butterflies have always liked our garden.
24 Has your brother shoveled the dirt?
25 Has she cutted the grass?
26 April has always been the best time to plant vegetables in my country.
27 The gardener has trim the bushes.
28 The birds have ate all of our seeds.
29 The gardener has improved the soil.
30 My father hasn’t planted the seeds yet.

Join the beginnings of the sentences with the endings. Use a, an, the or nothing.
1. I’ve got…
2. My mother always leaves…
3. Take a swim in…
4. I don’t like…
5. She hopes to continue working as …
6. Charles I lived in…
7. We need…
8. Do you know how to get to…
a. Dead Sea, where you cannot sink.
b. Heathrow Airport from here?
c. small gift for you.
d. people who are always late.
e. front door open.
f. double room for three nights.
g. seventeenth century.
h. actress in the future.

Match the words from the box to the correct animal category.
Ant  butterfly deer hare pigeon snake stork tortoise



Match the words to make correct collocations.

a. station
2.out of
b. programmer
c. space
d. to the conclusion
e. order

Match the words that have similar meaning.

1. chilly
a. wet
2. rainy
b. hurricane
3. foggy
c. hill
4. wind
d. cold
5. mountain
e. misty

1. предпочитать
2. отнести
3. появляться
4. позволять
5. сожалеть
6. обсуждать
7. путешествовать
8. отменить
9. развивать
10. посещать
11. запоминать

tion ment ance ant  ness  ity

ive able ous y   in un
( in)active          
attendance /attendant 

-       Hi, Sammi
-       Hi, Jullia
-       Are you doing anything tomorrow?
-       Why?
-       Julia, would you like to go somewhere with me tomorrow?
-       I’d love to. Great! What shall we do?
-       What about running?
-       Why? I hate running. Do you like music? We could go to the opera.
-       My dad likes opera. He listens to  it all the time. But I can’t stand it.
-       No opera. Great!
-       What about football?
-       I don’t like football it’s noisy and boring.
-       Shopping?
-       I love shopping.
-       Me too.
-       Let’s go to the department store.

-       Settled. 

1.                     notorious
2.                     participant
3.                     obedience
4.                     tramp
5.                     rebel
6.                     provide
7.                     refer
8.                     cast- off
9.                     voluntary
10.   adult
11.   dedicate

1.                        to cast light on smth.- пролить свет на
2.                        to cast one’s mind back- вспомнить о
3.                        to cast smth.  from one’s mind- выбросить из головы
4.                        to cast a spell over sb.- заколдовать
5.                        to cast a vote- проголосовать
6.                        to cast doubt on smth.-сомневаться
7.                        to cast one’s eyes down-опустить глаза
8.                        to cast smth(sb.) aside- отложить в сторону
9.                        to be cast away- оказаться на необитаемом острове

10.                        the die is cast- жребий брошен

8 комментариев:

  1. I'm crazy about food. I spend a lot of time thinking about it. I adore cooking, thought i'm not very keen on washing up afterwards. I'm get to like Asian food, particularly Thai and Korean. I don't like takeaway food at all. As a Child,i detest brokoli(i hatet the smell), but i adore it now. There are only couple of thinks i can't bear: one is snails. The other think i absolutely loathe is yogyrt. I'd rather die than eat yogyrt
    Узких. Н 9а

  2. I'm crazy about food. I spend a lot of time thinking about it. I adore cooking, though I'm not very keen on washing up afterwards. I am very fond of Italian food, particulary pasta and pizza. I don't like takeaway food at all. As a child, I loathed carrot, but I've got to like it now. There are only a couple of things I can't bear: one is fish. The other thing I absolutely detest is mushrooms. I'd rather die than eat mushrooms.
    Белоусова Александра 9а

  3. I'm crazy about food.I spend a lot of time thinking about it.I adore cooking, though I'm not very keen on washing up afterwards.I am very fond of Japanese food, particulary sushi and rolls .I don't like take away food at all.As a child, I loathed carrot, but I've got to like it now.There are only a couple of things I can't bear: one is fish.The other thing I absolutely detest is mushrooms.I'd rather die than eat mushrooms.
    Пятачева Александра 9а

  4. I'm crazy about food. I spend a lot of time thinking about it. I adore cooking, though I'm not very keen on washing up afterwards. I am very fond of Greek food, avgolemono soup and hollummi. I don't like takeaway food at all. As a child, I loathed carrot, but I've got to like it now. There are only a couple of things I can't bear: one is fish. The other thing I absolutely detest is mushrooms. I'd rather die than eat mushrooms. Якимовская Елизавета 9а

  5. I'm mad about food. I adore cooking,but I really don't like to clean the table and wash dishes.I'm very fond of Korean food,particulary rolls and sushi. I've got to like it now. There are only a couple of things
    I can't stand: one is snails. The other thing I absolutely adore is broccoli. I'd rather die Than eat cabbage. Юля С.

  6. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  7. I'm crazy about food. I adore cooking, though I'm not very keen on washing up afterwards. I'm very fond of Italian food, particulary pizza and pasta. I don't like takeaway food at all. As a child, I loathed carrot, but I've got to like it now. There are only a couple of things I can't bear: one is nuts. The other thing I absolutely loathe tomato juice. I'd rather die than drink tomato juice.
    Лиферова Софья 9а

  8. Этот комментарий был удален администратором блога.
