среда, 23 октября 2019 г.

adjectives/ degrees of comparison

The Comparative Form for Adjectives

One-syllable words

two-syllable words    ending in y

    two syllables or more    not ending in y

add er

drop the y and add ier

use more / don't add er

big  bigger

noisy noisier

dangerous  more dangerous

old  older

busy  busier

expensive more expensive

nice  nicer

crazy  crazier

comfortable  more comfortable

young  younger

lazy  lazier

humid  more humid

fast  faster

funny  funnier

tired  more tired

cheap  cheaper

dry  drier

acceptable  more acceptable

There are some exceptions: good, bad, far, and fun are adjectives that don't follow the rules when making the comparative form.

good  better

bad  worse

far  farther

      fun  more fun

Never use two comparatives together on an adjective:

more cheaper

Part A.

Directions: Complete each sentence with the comparative form. The words in parentheses are adjectives or adverbs. (10 points)

1. She is ___________ ___________ I am. (old)

2. These shoes are _________ ___________ ________those shoes. (expensive)

3. I think this pizza tastes ___________ ___________ the one we ordered from them the last time. (good)

4. The weather today is _____________ ____________ it was yesterday. (bad)

5. Jorge got home much ___________ last night ___________ he ever has. (late)

6. The state of Minnesota is a lot _____________ ___________ the state of Delaware. (big)

7. I wake up much ____________ now ____________ I did when I was younger. (early)

8. The sun is ______________ away from the earth ___________ the moon. (far)

9. Spanish is an ______________ language to learn _____________ English. (easy)

10. Riding a motorcycle is ___________ _________________ ____________ riding a bike. (dangerous)


One-syllable words

two-syllable words    ending in y

    two syllables or more   not ending in y

add est

drop the y and ad iest

use most / don't add est

big  biggest

noisy noisiest

dangerous  most dangerous

old  oldest

busy  busiest

expensive most expensive

nice  nicest

crazy  craziest

comfortable  most comfortable

young  youngest

lazy  laziest

humid  most humid

fast  fastest

funny  funniest

tired  most tired

cheap  cheapest

dry  driest

acceptable  most acceptable

There are some exceptions: good, bad, far, and fun are adjectives that don't follow the rules when making the comparative form.

good  best

bad  worst

far  farthest

      fun  most fun

Directions: Complete each sentence in the superlative form. The words in parentheses are adjectives. (10 points)

1. This is ________ ____________ ________________ car I have every owned. (expensive)

2. Maria is one of ________ ______________ players on the team. (good)

3. ________ _____________ month of the year in Minnesota is January. (cold)

4. He is __________ ______________ working employee in the company. (hard)

5. Who has __________ ______________ solution for fixing economic problems in the U.S.? (good)

6. Many Americans think George Bush has been _________ _____________ President we have ever had. (bad)

7. We had ______ __________ ____________ on our vacation last year. (fun)

8. A good education is ________ ___________ _______________ experience for a young person. (important)

9. That was ___________ ________________ story that I have ever heard. (funny)

10. Which country has ________ _______________ building? (tall)

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