понедельник, 6 апреля 2020 г.

New New reading 9 form

 Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа. Занесите Ваши ответы в таблицу.

What other necessary things had to be done to start operating the Channel Tunnel?
Why didn’t the British support the first project of the Channel Tunnel?
How many tunnels does the project actually contain?
What are the safety tips while travelling through the Channel Tunnel?
What are the possible ways for a passenger to travel through the Channel tunnel? 
Why is the Channel Tunnel considered to be a great engineering achievement?
What was the most difficult task in constructing the Channel Tunnel?
The Channel Tunnel (or Chunnel) is a long tunnel between England and France under the English Channel. The section under the sea is 38km long and the entire length is 50.5km. At its lowest point it is 75 metres deep. The Channel Tunnel is the longest undersea tunnel in the world. The tunnel was recognised as one of the ‘Seven Wonders of the Modern World’ by the American Society of Engineers.
For centuries, crossing the English Channel via boat had been considered a miserable task. The windy weather and choppy water made travellers seasick. So, in 1802, French engineer Albert Favier was the first person whoproposed to dig a tunnel under the water of the channel. Favier’s plan was adopted by French leader Napoleon Bonaparte. But the British rejected the plan. They feared that Napoleon wanted to build the tunnel in order to invade England.
At the end of the 20th century the idea was revived. The digging of the Channel Tunnel began simultaneously from the British and the French coasts. The greatest challenge was making sure that both the British side of the tunnel and the French side actually met up in the middle. Special lasers and surveying equipment were used. On December 1, 1990, the meeting of the two sides was officially celebrated. For the first time in history, Great Britain and France were connected.
Although the meeting of the two sides of the service tunnel was a cause for great celebration, it certainly wasn't the end of the Channel Tunnel building project. Crossover tunnels, land tunnels from the coast to the terminals, electrical systems, fireproof doors, the ventilation system and train tracks all had to be added. Also, large train terminals had to be built at Folkestone in Great Britain and Coquelles in France.
It took 13,000 engineers and technicians to construct the Channel Tunnel. In fact, there are two running tunnels, one each way. Additionally, there is a smaller service tunnel with a crossover in the middle, so in case there’s an emergency, the trains can actually change to either side. It is wrong to call it a tunnel as there are actually three tunnels. The tunnels are about 50 meters below the seabed.
If you want to use the tunnel, you have got a choice. You can either go on a passenger train, the Eurostar, which departs from London, Paris and Brussels city centres. Or you can go on the drive-on service, called the Eurotunnel Shuttle, starting close to the tunnel entrance where you drive your car or truck onto special rail cars.


 Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа. Занесите Ваши ответы в таблицу.

What natural resource do Icelanders use as an alternative to central heating?
What should you take with you when going to Iceland?
What are thenational characteristics of the local people?
In what seasons can you see snow in Iceland?
What extreme excursions can the country offer?
What does a traditional Icelandic house look like?
Why are these animals widely used in tourist business?
In spite of its hard northern climate, Iceland is very attractive to tourists. Many people who have visited the country once want to go there again and again. The country turns skeptics into poets and optimists. It’s not only because of the views but also because of the local people. Icelanders are friendly and hospitable and welcome guests. It really compensates for the cold harsh climate!
An adventurous traveller would never mistake Iceland’s scenery for any other because of the boiling water fountains and the steam coming from the earth. Smoking volcanoes attract the bravest tourists. Iceland is the only place in the world where you can hike up a volcano and even go inside. There are guided walks to the glaciers, large masses of slowly moving ice, too.
Icelandic weather is unpredictable throughout the year. Bright sunshine can easily change to cold and miserable weather within a few hours. In the summer, rain is typical in Iceland. From September to May, when the temperature falls, it often snows, especially on the south and west coasts.
Till nowadays Icelanders cannot do without horses. And horses are very important not only for farming. From the Viking Age, horses have become a part of Iceland’s culture. They look like My Little Pony toys but they are exceptionally strong, so they can do heavy work and survive cold winters. The horses are good-natured, which is perfect for new riders. Guesthouses and travel companies across the country offer horse rides and tours.
If you decide to visit Iceland, you’ll never regret your decision. The only thing that can spoil your trip is the weather. That’s why it’s very important to get a reliable weather forecast whatever season it is. If you wear appropriate clothes and have some smart heating devices, neither rain nor snow can ruin your trip.
Hengill, a place near Reykjavik, is a famous landmark of the country. It is a field of more than 7 thousand hot springs. The water from the springs is used to warm the houses and to fill the open pools in the capital of Iceland. The water comes from below the earth where the temperature is about seven thousand degrees.


 Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа. Занесите Ваши ответы в таблицу.
Why did a prehistoric reptile get a girl’s name?
Where is the Isle of Wight?
What is the origin of the island’s name?
What animal is prohibited on the Isle of Wight?
What is the emblem of the Isle of Wight?
What do touriststake from the Isle of Wight as a memory?
What is special about the language spoken on the island?
The Isle of Wight is considered to be the largest island of England. The island measures about 380 square km, of which about half is an area of outstanding natural beauty. About 140,000 people live on the island and several million people visit it each year. This paradise is located in the English Channel which separates the continent and Great Britain.
The accent of the Isle of Wight is similar to the traditional dialect of southern England. While speaking, the natives of the island drop some consonants and put an emphasis on longer vowels. The Isle of Wight has its own local and regional words. Some of their words (e.g. grockle – visitor, tourist and nipper – a younger male person) are used in the neighbouring areas of the mainland too.
There are many red squirrels which are the only squirrel native to the British Isles. However, there are few of them left on the mainland now. Red squirrels are being replaced by American grey squirrels. The grey squirrels carry the deadly parapox virus, which is fatal to the reds. The strait between the island and the mainland provides a barrier to grey squirrels. It is illegal to bring a grey squirrel onto the island, with a penalty of two-year's imprisonment.
The Isle of Wight is not large, but it has lots of sights to see. One of the most well-known places is Alum Bay which is famous for the sand on its beach. The sand is of different colours – from red to purple, from brown to white. Tourists usually buy a glass paperweight with stripes of coloured sand, and take it back home as a souvenir.
The Isle of Wight has recently been declared the Dinosaur capital of the UK! Bones of more than 25 different species were found on the small island, including the largest British dinosaur. In 2009, five-year-old Daisy Morris discovered the remains of an undiscovered species on the beach, which has been named after her – the Vectidraco (Dragon of the Wight) Daisymorrisae.
The correct spelling of the island’s name is Wight not White. Wight is an old English word to describe a creature or living being. The experts do not have a common opinion on why the island was called that. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the name has nothing to do with the colour.


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк,  чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. This story happened to __________________ when they had to leave their home city, London, during the war.

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They __________________ to the house of an old Professor who lived in the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station.

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He __________________ a wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper.

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He himself was a very old man with white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head. The children liked him almost at once. Only Lucy, who was the __________________ of them, felt a little afraid of him.

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On their __________________ evening, after dinner, they said good night to the Professor and went upstairs. It was the largest house they had ever seen, so Peter suggested exploring it in the morning.

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When the next morning came, there was a steady rain falling.
"I wish the weather __________________ more cheerful!" said Edmund.

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"Stop complaining, Ed," said Susan. "I think the weather __________________ soon."

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"We were going to explore the house," Peter reminded them. He __________________ a sandwich at the moment and was absolutely happy with the whole situation.

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Everyone nodded and at that point their amazing adventures __________________.

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Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
Ballroom dancing in the UK is making a comeback. For the past five years its popularity has grown thanks to the TV show 'Strictly Come Dancing'.
In the show a professional ballroom __________________ has a celebrity for a partner.

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They learn __________________ ballroom dances and perform them live on TV.

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Four judges and the public decide who stays in the __________________ and who leaves.

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The show demonstrates how glamorous ballroom dancing is. The celebrities wear __________________ dresses and suits

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and the show looks very __________________.

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According to the ratings, the __________________ is becoming more and more popular with TV audiences.

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Начало формы
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
Emma lived in a big city and worked for a large company. Her days were usually very busy  she __________________ hardly find half an hour for lunch.

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However, at weekends she __________________ bored and lonely.

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Emma had moved to the city because of her job. Only two months before she had thought she was the __________________ girl in the world.

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She had got a job most of her friends could only dream about. It was her __________________ full-time job.

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The company __________________ ‘Imagination’. They focused on Internet technologies.

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Emma __________________ much about the Internet but her boss said that it didn’t matter.

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He also said that she __________________ creative and had imagination and that was why she had a good chance of succeeding in the job.

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When Emma told her friend, Lucy Pitt, about the new job, Lucy said:
“I’m very happy that you __________________ a good job. But I also feel very sad about it because you’ll go to the city and will forget about your friends.”

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“I wish we could always be together but it’s impossible,” Emma said. “I promise that I __________________ to visit you as soon as I can.”

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1  Listening


Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между
высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными
в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное
соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее
утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы
в таблицу.

Teaching abroad doesn’t seem nice to some people.

My relative is a role model for me in terms of working 


Some countries offer good career opportunities for 

beginning teachers.

Reatives are happy when you decide not to teach abroad.


I’m going to spend my gap year teaching English abroad.

Teaching abroad is a way to change your life.

Don’t hesitate to write to the employer if you need the job.




Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G
соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют
(2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя
дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – 
Not stated).
Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы
услышите запись дважды.

A. Lucy wasn’t at school for several days.

B. Lucy felt bad because of overeating.

C. Lucy’s mother is a doctor.

D. Peter did exercises with the map of the UK.

E. Peter is not afraid of the test.

F. Peter offers his notes to Lucy.

G. Lucy and Peter are going to review for the test later.

Утверждение A B C D E F G

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