среда, 13 апреля 2016 г.

Английский язык, 5 класс
Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ
1. Choose the correct variant.
Who built the first bridge over the river Thames?
A) The Germans built the first bridge over the river Thames.
B) The Romans built the first bridge over the river Thames.
C) The Americans built the first bridge over the river Thames.
D) The Englishmen built the first bridge over the river Thames.
2.  Fill in the gap.
­­­­_________ ­­­­ ­­­­­­­­­he ever been to the theatre?
A) have
B) has
C) is
D) are
3. Choose the correct variant.
Where can you see the statue of the famous fairytale hero, Peter Pan?
A) in Hyde Park
B) in Green Park
C) in Kensington Gardens
D) St. James Park
4. Choose the right translation.
She has recently read a letter.
A) она прочитала письмо вчера
B) она прочитает письмо завтра
C) она недавно прочитала письмо
D) читает письмо сейчас
5. Complete the sentence.
The building in the picture is …
A) the Tower of Pisa
B) the Sydney Opera House
C) the Coliseum
D) Trafalgar Square
6. Choose the right transcription.
A)     [ədˈvenʧə]
B)      [ˈæʤɪktɪv]
C)     [ˈædvətaɪzmənt]
D)     [ˈædvɜːb]
7. Choose the correct preposition.
The temperature is three degrees … zero.
A)     across
B)      on
C)  above
D)  from
8. Choose the correct answer.
Does his friend often play tennis?
A)     Yes, he is
B)      No, he is not
C)     Yes, he does
D)     No, he does
9. Fill in the gap.
My classmate has just read an article, ______
A)     hasn’t he?
B)      doesn’t he?
C)     aren’t he?
D)     do he?
10. Choose the correct Tense.
My brother likes to ride a horse every day.
A)     Present Perfect
B)      Present Continuous
C)     Present Simple
D)     Future Simple
11. Fill in the gap.
He __ watching TV now.
A)     am
B)      is
C)     are
D)     has
12. Choose the correct variant.
What museum is famous for its wax models?
A)     The Sherlock Holmes Museum
B)      The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
C)     Madam Tussauds 
D)     The Science Museum
13. Which of these forms of irregular verbs are correct?
A) see-seed-saw
B) draw-drew-drawn
C) put-pat-pit
D) forget-forget-forget

14. Complete the sentence.

When you phoned I … in the garage.
A)     am working
B)      was working
C)     has worked
D)     was worked
15. Choose the right translation.
Мечты сбываются
A)     Dreams come home
B)      Dreams come true
C)     Dreams come back

D)       Dreams come in

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