вторник, 25 сентября 2018 г.

2 One One One little dog run


nut      орех

but      но

drum   барабан

sun     солнце

fun     веселье

run     бегать

bu    автобус

cu    чашка

jump   прыгать

puppy   щенок

rubber   резина

 Foxes keep their socks in boxes

My name is Sasha

I am Russian   

I am from Ekaterinburg

I am a schoolgirl 

My favourite colour is pink        I enjoy swimming  I go swimming twice a week

 Mike and a white kite

Mike sees a bike

“Hello,” says Mike

“Hi”, says the bike

“Can you ride a bike?”

“ No,” says Mike

2 класс
1.One One One
Little dog run
Two two two
Cats see you
Three three three
Birds in a tree
Four four four
Rats on the floor


“Tick tock”
Says the clock
“Get up, Pete
It’s seven o’clock”

 “Cat” sat on a hat
“ Spot” is not a hot dog
“Spot” is a dog
Dick, sit a bit

4. I see a pen 
    I see a hen 
    I see a cock cock
    I see a clock clock

Little bird,
Little bird, can you clap?
No, I can’t   No, I can’t
I can’t clap
Little bird,
Little bird,  can you fly?
Yes, I can   Yes, I can
I can fly
Elephant, elephant
Can you fly?
No, I can’t   No, I can’t
I can’t fly
Elephant, elephant
Can you stop?
Yes, I can   Yes, I can
I can stop
Little fish,
Little fish, can you   stop?
No, I can’t   No, I can’t
I can’t stop
Little fish,
Little fish, can you swim?
Yes, I can   Yes, I can
I can swim
Gorilla, gorilla
Can you swim?
No, I can’t   No, I can’t
I can’t swim
Gorilla, gorilla
Can you climb?
Yes, I can   Yes, I can
I can climb
Buffalo, buffalo
Can you climb?
No, I can’t   No, I can’t
I can’t climb
Buffalo, buffalo
Can you run?
Yes, I can   Yes, I can
I can run
Boys and girls
Boys and girls
Can you sing?
Yes, we can   Yes, we can
We can sing
Boys and girls
Boys and girls
Can you dance?
Yes, we can   Yes, we can
We can dance
We can sing,   we can dance
Yes, we can   
Yes, we can   
Yes, we can   
Yes, we can   

Clap- хлопать в ладоши
Fly- летать
Stop- топать ногами
Swim- плавать
Climb- карабкаться
Run- бегать
Sing- петь
Dance- танцевать


the nurse

told nursery tales

about gnomes

to the twins


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