четверг, 31 августа 2017 г.

Iam alive awake 4 Form 5 Form

4 Form 2017-2018

I had a stay caution this year. 

Deception - обман 
Deceive [disiv] – обманывать

Do you ever deceive your sister?
Who deceives more often men or women?

Little Red Hen
Who planted the wheat?
Who cut the wheat?
Who made the flour?
Who made the bread?
Who ate the bread?

         Little Red Hen
“Will you help me plant the wheat?” asked Little Red Hen.
“No,” said the Rat, the Cat, and the Dog.
“Then I will plant it all by myself,” said Little Red Hen.
And she did.
“Will you help me cut the wheat?” asked Little Red Hen.
“No,” said the Rat, the Cat, and the Dog.
“Then I will cut it all by myself”, said Little Red Hen.
And she did.
“Will you help me make the flour?” asked Little Red Hen.
“No,” said the Rat, the Cat, and the Dog.
“Then I will make it all by myself”, said Little Red Hen.
And she did.
“Will you help me make the bread?” asked Little Red Hen.
“No,” said the Rat, the Cat, and the Dog.
“Then I will make it all by myself”, said Little Red Hen.
And she did.
“Will you help me eat the bread?” asked Little Red Hen.
“Yes,” said the Rat, the Cat, and the Dog.
“No,” said Little Red Hen.
“I will eat it all by myself”, said Little Red Hen.
And she did.

Little Red Hen:
1.                      “Will you help me plant the wheat?”
2.                      “Then I will plant it all by myself,”
    3. “Will you help me cut the wheat?”
    4. “Then I will cut it all by myself”
    5. “Will you help me make the flour?”
    6. “Then I will make it all by myself”
    7. “Will you help me make the bread?”
    8. “Then I will make it all by myself”
    9. “Will you help me eat the bread?”
   10. “No”
   11. “I will eat it all by myself”
The Rat, the Cat, and the Dog:
No, No, No, No, Yes.
The author:
Asked Little Red Hen. Said Little Red Hen. And she did.

Peter is able to beat Bill           at billiards and baseball

 A pair of gloves- пара перчаток
A pair of shoes- пара туфель
A pair of trainers- пара кроссовок
A pair of trousers –пара брюк
A blouse – блузка
A jacket- куртка
A sweater - свитер

A cosmonaut- cosmonauts
A pilot- pilots
A doctor-doctors
A pupil - pupils

A teacher -teachers

Better late than never

Nothing is worse than        losing your best friend

If you're tired and you know it ...If you're tired and you know it, Go to sleep!
If you're tired and you know it, Go to sleep!
If you're tired and you know it, And you really want to show it, If you're tired and you know it, Go to sleep!
If you're scared and you know it, Hug yourself!

... If you're angry and you know it, Stamp your feet!...

1.  F   Five fat flat  fish  flapped.

2. O Oliver   ordered oily orange oysters.

3. Princess Patty’s pretty pond is perfect.

1.       Пять толстых широких рыбок вильнули хвостиками.
2.           Оливер заказал маслянистых оранжевых устриц.

3.          Красивый пруд принцессы Пэти совершенен.

p. 41 ex. 1.

1. I get up at eight o’clock on Monday.
2. On Tuesday I go to school at 9 o’clock .
3. At twelve o’clock on Wednesday I have lunch.
4. At one o’ clock on Saturday I usually play football.
5. On Friday at five o’clock I watch telly.
6. On Thursday at three o’ clock I usually go shopping.
7. On Sunday at six o’clock in the evening I usually read books.

Match the words from the box to the correct animal category.
Ant  butterfly deer hare pigeon snake stork tortoise


Present Perfect
1 The tulips haven’t bloomed yet.
2 The potatoes haven’t sprouted yet.
3 He hasn’t never used pesticides.
4 I have smell the roses.
5 Gardening has been a popular hobby for a long time.
6 Have you ever grew herbs?
7 The insects have not damaged out plants this year.
8 I haven’t saw many bees this year.
9 We have has little rain this year/
10  My father has planted the seeds yet.
11 My neighbors have planted corn this year.
12 Our family has always growed our own vegetables.
13 We hasn’t planted anything in our garden for many years.
14 Have you ever received roses?
15 We haven’t found any weeds yet.
16 Have you eaten tomatoes from the garden?
17 Carrots have always been my favorite vegetable.
18 Has she water the plants?
19 Have you yet planted your garden?
20 Have you buy seeds yet?
21 I have ever seen an apple tree.
22 Where has the sun go?
23 Butterflies have always liked our garden.
24 Has your brother shoveled the dirt?
25 Has she cutted the grass?
26 April has always been the best time to plant vegetables in my country.
27 The gardener has trim the bushes.
28 The birds have ate all of our seeds.
29 The gardener has improved the soil.
30 My father hasn’t planted the seeds yet.

“Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
Where have you been?”
“I’ve been to London
To look at the Queen”
“Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
What did you do there?”
“I frightened a little mouse
Under her chair.”

I’m alive awake alert enthusiastic 2
I’m alive awake alert
I’m alert awake alive

I’m alive awake alert enthusiastic

Honesty is the best policy
Be honest in all you do
Tell the truth and treat people fairly  
And they’ll do the same for you

4. Я читал книгу прошлым летом.
3. Аня никогда не была в Лондоне.
2. Аня не была в Лондоне в прошлом году.

1. Я только что позавтракал.

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