четверг, 31 августа 2017 г.

5 описание фото Who stole cookies SUPER SUPER !!1

           5 Form    2017 - 2018
1. I’d like to describe picture №2. 2. Look, the picture shows a school girl in Maths class. 3. The girl is doing  the sums and she seems to like it.
4.  She doesn’t look like a student. 5. The girl is not wearing a school uniform ,  she is wearing a yellow T-shirt  and blue jeans. 6. The girl’s hair cut is unusual. 7. She wears her hair short cut.
8. As for me, I dislike the photo because the girl looks like a boy very much.
9.That’s all I wanted to say about the photo. 

1. I’d like to describe picture №2. 2. Look, the picture shows a school girl in Maths class. 3. The girl is doing the sums.
4.  She doesn’t look like a student. 5. The girl is not wearing a school uniform, she is wearing a yellow T-shirt and blue jeans. 6. The girl’s hair cut is unusual. 7.  Her hair is short cut.
8.  I like the photo because the girl is nice.
9. That’s all I wanted to say about the photo. 

  I’d like to describe picture №2. 2. Look, The picture shows a school girl doing the sums  in  Maths class. 3.  She seems to like it. 4. I think she is smart because her eyes are bright and clever. 5. The girl doesn’t look like a student because she is not wearing a school uniform , she is wearing a yellow T-shirt  and blue jeans. 6. The girl’s haircut is unusual. 7. She wears her hair short cut.
8.  I like the photo because I enjoy both Math and doing the sums at the blackboard.
9.That’s all I wanted to say about the photo. 

1. I’d like to describe picture №2. 2. Look, the picture shows a school girl in Maths class. 3. The girl is doing  the sums and she seems to like it.
4. As for her clothes she doesn’t look like a student very much. 5. The girl is not wearing a school uniform ,on the contrary, she is wearing a yellow T-shirt  and blue jeans. 6. The girl’s hair cut is also unusual. 7. She wears her hair short cut.
8. As far as I am concerned I dislike the photo because the girl looks like a boy very much.
9.That’s all I wanted to say about the photo. 


1.  I’d like to describe picture №2. 2. Look, The picture shows a school girl doing the sums  in  Maths class. 3. The girl is doing  the sums and she seems to like it. 4. I think she is smart because her eyes are bright and clever. 5. As for her clothes she doesn’t look like a student very much because the girl is not wearing a school uniform ,on the contrary, she is wearing a yellow T-shirt  and blue jeans. 6. The girl’s haircut is also unusual. 7. She wears her hair short cut.
8. As far as I am concerned,  I like the photo because I enjoy both Math and doing the sums at the blackboard.
9.That’s all I wanted to say about the photo. 


I’d like to describe picture number 12. Look, the picture shows my younger sister sitting in front of the fire place. 3.There is a New Year tree in the background.
 4.Sophie is holding a New Year toy in her hands .5.Sophie looks happy because she has got a present from Father Frost. 6.I like her hairdo: Sophie is wearing two short pony tails.7. I like her clothes too: she is wearing a white jacket and blue jeans. 8.The atmosphere in the picture is warm.
9.I like the picture because I like winter holidays, New Year, New Year presents and my little sister.10. That's all I wanted to say about the photo.

№ 3.

 I’ve chosen picture number 2.  Look,This is the photo of my uncle advertising buns which he bakes. 3.I like his smile and his brown eyes.4. Frank is not so tall and he wears his dark hair short cut that’s why he looks younger than his age.5. Frank is 23 and he works as a shop assistant at the baker’s.6. Besides, he bakes bread. 7.As a baker he is wearing a white shirt and a white apron.8. Come and try Frank's buns! They are tasty.
9.As for me, I like the photo because I like both buns and my uncle. 10. That's all I wanted to say about the photo.


1. I’d like to describe picture number 3.  2. Look, The picture shows a girl reading a magazine for children.  3. The magazine might be interesting because the girl seems to be involved in reading a lot.  4. She is lying on the floor, on the carpet and feels comfortable. 5. I sometimes like to read lying on the sofa or on the floor.
6. The girl is wearing a T- shirt and shorts like me when I’m at home. 7. A blue T- shirt and red shorts make a good match. 8. Besides, she is wearing a bracelet which looks nice. 9. I like her hairdo: she wears her dark hair cut. 10. As for me, I like the photo because I like reading books this way.11. That's all I wanted to say about the photo.

Who stole cookies from the cookie  jar ?
John stole cookies from the cookie  jar.
“Who? Me? Couldn’t be!”
Who stole cookies from the cookie  jar ?
Mary stole cookies from the cookie  jar.
“Who? Me? Couldn’t be!”
Who stole cookies from the cookie  jar ?

-What do you have for breakfast?
- A cup of coffee, bread- and –butter and some apple jam.
- Do you have roast chicken for lunch?

- No, I have vegetable soup for lunch.

I had a stay caution this year.

Deception - обман 
Deceive [disiv] – обманывать

Do you ever deceive your sister?

Who deceives more often men or women?

in, on, at

your home
your neighborhood
the street
a market or store
your classroom
the hallway 
the doctor's office
a restaurant
a shopping mall
a bus or train
the bank
a coffee shop
the post office

                                     Rock pools
P-There’s nothing special in the rock pool.
G-There’s always something, Peppa.
P- There is something. Yes, it’s a crab!
G- The crab is pinching my finger. Ouch!

P- Naughty Mr. Crab !

Peter is able to beat Bill     at billiards and baseball

Whether the weather is cold
Whether the weather is hot
We’ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather

Whether we like it or not

What do you learn English for?( p.10)

Nothing is worse than losing your best friend.
Everybody dreams of a better life.

I’d like to go somewhere quiet.

1. In my free time I listen to the music, go to the cinema or play the guitar.
2. The Head gave the class 7 permission to organize an after- school club.
3. I go to the chess club at the weekend by the bus.
4. Jenny loves the swimming and she’d like to swim the English Channel.
5. You need a hobby like playing the flute or collecting the stamps.

1. In my free time I listen to the music, go to the cinema or play the guitar.
2. The Head gave the class 7 permission to organize an after- school club.
3. I go to the chess club at the weekend by the bus.
4. Jenny loves the swimming and she’d like to swim the English Channel.

5. You need a hobby like playing the flute or collecting the stamps.

1.  F   Five fat flat  fish  flapped.
2. O Oliver   ordered oily orange oysters.
3. Princess Patty’s pretty pond is perfect.

1.       Пять толстых широких рыбок вильнули хвостиками.
2.           Оливер заказал маслянистых оранжевых устриц.
3.          Красивый пруд принцессы Пэти совершенен.

1. The grass is always greener
2. Don’t judge a book by its cover
3. Practice makes perfect
4. Where there’s a will there’s a way
5. When in Rome do as the Romans do

1. Было бы желание, а способ найдется
2. Навык мастера ставит
3. В какой народ приедешь такую шапку и наденешь
4. Внешность обманчива
5. Хорошо там, где нас нет

The one that got away.
When I was five years old, I took a boat out on the pond and went fishing by myself. I really wanted to catch a fish. But they were not biting.
I stayed in my boat for three days waiting. A couple of days I thought I felt a fish nibbling on the bait at the end of the fishing line. The first time I pulled in my catch it was not a fish it was an old tire. The second time it was a shoe. Finally, at the end of the first day, I felt a strong pull at the end of the line.
The pull was so strong that my boat raced in a hundred circles, faster than you can say the word seafood. I needed all my strength just to hold onto the fishing rod. I pulled and I pulled and I reeled in the biggest fish ever swam on the Earth! It weighed more than everyone in this room put together! Then something terrible happened.
After I had pulled the huge fish into my boat I realized that we were sinking under its weight! Water was pouring into the boat from all sides! I am not a very good swimmer so I was scared.
Although it was the hardest decision I ever made I had to let the fish go. I pushed it back over the side of the boat and we waved good-bye to each other as it swam away.

nibble- грызть, щипать
reel in – вытаскивать рыбу при помощи спининга
hold onto – держаться за

bait – наживка, приманка  bite- клевать, кусать

Joe loves to play baseball. He's been on a baseball team since he was eight years old, and now, at the age of twenty-one, he hopes to play on a professional baseball team.
Joe has good eyesight, quick reflexes, and he's very fast. All of those qualities make him a good player. He also works hard at improving his skills as a player by going to practice regularly and exercising every day. Other players admire his work ethic.
Off the field, Joe works at a sporting goods store. He helps customers find things, and he gives them advice on what to buy. He likes working at the store, but playing professional sports is his life's dream.
  • 1A. What does Joe _______ to do?
  • 1B: He loves ___ _____baseball.
  • 2A: How long has he _______ on a baseball team?
  • 2B: He's _______ on a team since he was eight.
  • 3A: How does he improve his skills as a player?
  • 3B: He works _______.
  • 4A: Where does Joe work?
  • 4B: He works ______ a sporting goods store.
  • 5A: What _______ he do there?
  • 5B: He helps customers find things in the store.

(1. love / to play; 2. been / been; 3. hard; 4. at; 5. does

Match the words to make correct collocations.

a. station
2.out of
b. programmer
c. space
d. to the conclusion
e. order
Match the words that have similar meaning.
1. chilly
a. wet
2. rainy
b. hurricane
3. foggy
c. hill
4. wind
d. cold
5. mountain
e. misty

Match the words from the box to the correct animal category.
Ant  butterfly deer hare pigeon snake stork tortoise


Join the beginnings of the sentences with the endings. Use a, an, the or nothing.
1. I’ve got…
2. My mother always leaves…
3. Take a swim in…
4. I don’t like…
5. She hopes to continue working as …
6. Charles I lived in…
7. We need…
8. Do you know how to get to…
a. Dead Sea, where you cannot sink.
b. Heathrow Airport from here?
c. small gift for you.
d. people who are always late.
e. front door open.

f. double room for three nights.

Present Perfect
1 The tulips haven’t bloomed yet.
2 The potatoes haven’t sprouted yet.
3 He hasn’t never used pesticides.
4 I have smell the roses.
5 Gardening has been a popular hobby for a long time.
6 Have you ever grew herbs?
7 The insects have not damaged out plants this year.
8 I haven’t saw many bees this year.
9 We have has little rain this year/
10  My father has planted the seeds yet.
11 My neighbors have planted corn this year.
12 Our family has always growed our own vegetables.
13 We hasn’t planted anything in our garden for many years.
14 Have you ever received roses?
15 We haven’t found any weeds yet.
16 Have you eaten tomatoes from the garden?
17 Carrots have always been my favorite vegetable.
18 Has she water the plants?
19 Have you yet planted your garden?
20 Have you buy seeds yet?
21 I have ever seen an apple tree.
22 Where has the sun go?
23 Butterflies have always liked our garden.
24 Has your brother shoveled the dirt?
25 Has she cutted the grass?
26 April has always been the best time to plant vegetables in my country.
27 The gardener has trim the bushes.
28 The birds have ate all of our seeds.
29 The gardener has improved the soil.
30 My father hasn’t planted the seeds yet.

Present Perfect
1 The tulips haven’t bloomed yet.
2 The potatoes haven’t sprouted yet.
3 He hasn’t never used pesticides.
4 I have smell the roses.
5 Gardening has been a popular hobby for a long time.
6 Have you ever grew herbs?
7 The insects have not damaged out plants this year.
8 I haven’t saw many bees this year.
9 We have has little rain this year/
10  My father has planted the seeds yet.
11 My neighbors have planted corn this year.
12 Our family has always growed our own vegetables.
13 We hasn’t planted anything in our garden for many years.
14 Have you ever received roses?
15 We haven’t found any weeds yet.
16 Have you eaten tomatoes from the garden?
17 Carrots have always been my favorite vegetable.
18 Has she water the plants?
19 Have you yet planted your garden?
20 Have you buy seeds yet?
21 I have ever seen an apple tree.
22 Where has the sun go?
23 Butterflies have always liked our garden.
24 Has your brother shoveled the dirt?
25 Has she cutted the grass?
26 April has always been the best time to plant vegetables in my country.
27 The gardener has trim the bushes.
28 The birds have ate all of our seeds.
29 The gardener has improved the soil.
30 My father hasn’t planted the seeds yet.

I’m alive awake alert enthusiastic - 2
I’m alive awake alert
I’m alert awake alive
I’m alive awake alert enthusiastic

Honesty is the best policy
Be honest in all you do
Tell the truth and treat people fairly  

And they’ll do the same for you

1.  I usually have lunch at three o’clock.
2.  In the afternoon I usually have a cup of tea.
3.  I usually do homework at noon.

4.  I usually work on computer at noon.


1. The grass is always greener

2. Don’t judge a book by its cover

3. Practice makes perfect

5. Хорошо там, где нас нет
4. Внешность обманчива

2. Навык мастера ставит

1.  F   Five fat flat  fish  flapped.

2. O  Oliver   ordered oily orange oysters.

3. P  Princess Patty’s pretty pond is perfect.

1.      1. Пять толстых широких рыбок вильнули хвостиками.

2.           2.Оливер заказал маслянистых оранжевых устриц.

3.         3. Красивый пруд принцессы Пэти совершенен.

Card №5.
Teresa is 28. She is a nurse. Teresa lives in a flat in Brighton. She works in a hospital outside Brighton. She drives to work every day. Teresa’s hobby is painting. She has got a big collection of records. She likes sport very much.

Card№5 Text
My mum’s name is Jane. She is 35 and she is a music teacher. She can play the guitar. She’s very clever. My dad David is 42 and he is a pilot. He can speak French. Helen is my grandma. She’s 70 years old. She’s kind and friendly. She can make cookies but she often  burns them. Emma is my baby sister. She is sweet but very noisy. She can’t walk yet. My grandpa’s name is Ben and he is 72. Tom is my brother. He is 8 and he is very naughty. Computer games are his hobby. 
1.What is David?
2.Is Helen a good cook?
3.Why can't Emma walk?

Nick is 37. He is a photographer. Nick lives in a small house in London. He works in central London. He goes to work on the tube. He does not own a car. Nick does not like sport. He likes reading and watching television.

Card№4 Text
My mum’s name is Jane. She is 35 and she is a music teacher. She can play the guitar. She’s very clever. My dad David is 42 and he is a pilot. He can speak French. Helen is my grandma. She’s 70 years old. She’s kind and friendly. She can make cookies but she often  burns them. Emma is my baby sister. She is sweet but very noisy. She can’t walk yet. My grandpa’s name is Ben and he is 72. Tom is my brother. He is 8 and he is very naughty. Computer games are his hobby.
1.What is David?
2.Is Helen a good cook?
3.Why can't Emma walk? 

Card №3.
Bart Simpson is ten years old. He is short with fair hair. He is naughty and noisy.
He likes comic books and skateboarding.
He can speak French. He has got two sisters Lisa and Maggie.

Card№3 Text
My mum’s name is Jane. She is 35 and she is a music teacher. She can play the guitar. She’s very clever. My dad David is 42 and he is a pilot. He can speak French. Helen is my grandma. She’s 70 years old. She’s kind and friendly. She can make cookies but she often  burns them. Emma is my baby sister. She is sweet but very noisy. She can’t walk yet. My grandpa’s name is Ben and he is 72. Tom is my brother. He is 8 and he is very naughty. Computer games are his hobby.  
1.What is David?
2.Is Helen a good cook?
3.Why can't Emma walk?

Card №2
My name’s … I am from Russia. I have a nice stamp collection. My album has got seventy two stamps in it. My stamps are from Japan, France, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. I like stamps because they have nice pictures. Stamp collecting is fun because it makes me happy.

Card№2. Text.

The house is 100 years old. The tower has got six floors.  There is a reception room on the ground floor. The bedrooms are on the first, second and third floors. They have all got their own bathrooms. The kitchen is on the fourth floor and the living room is on the fifth floor. It is a great way to keep fit as there isn’t a lift.
 1. How old is the house?
 2. What is on the first floor?
 3. Where is the living room?

Card№1. Text
Amazing Spidey!
Peter Parker is a quiet teenager. He lives in a small house in New York City with his Aunt Mary. Peter hasn’t got many friends. His best friend Mary Jane lives next door. One day a spider bites Peter in a science lab. Now he’s got special powers. He is strong and fast and he can climb walls, just like a spider. People love him, but his enemy the evil Green Goblin is after him.
1. Where’s Spider- Man from?
2. Who’s his best friend?
3. What can Spider- Man do?
4. Who is against hi

1. Does Lara get up at 7 o’ clock?
2. Does Lara go jogging in the morning?
3. What time does she have breakfast?
4. How often does her father visit Lara?
5. What do Lara and her father talk about?
6. Does Lara go to bed late?

-Do you have to wear a uniform?
-I don’t really mind because we all wear it.
-How much homework do you have?
-One hour a night.
-Do you enjoy school?
-Rather. I like meeting my friends there.

-Does the melody sound lovely?
-Do the apples taste sweet?
-Does the little girl feel sad?

-Does the song sound fantastic?

1. Was the room cleaned yesterday?

2. Was America discovered in 1492?

3. Were the Houses of Parliament built in the 20th century?

Card №1.
My bedroom.
This is my bedroom. I’ve got a small bed, a chair, a desk, a bookcase and a bedside cabinet. The bed is in front of the desk. My desk is under the window. There’s a picture on the wall. There’s a computer on my desk and I have got books in the bookcase next to my desk. I like my bedroom very much

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