понедельник, 3 июня 2013 г.


  WRITING  PERSONAL  LETTERS     .                             .           Part 1.
1. Last week my friend started to work part-time.I want to find a part- time job , too.Do you or your friends work part-time?Is it difficult to find a job for a teenager in Russia and what kind of work could it be?What are you going to do after finishing school?...Unfortunately,yesterday I left my bag in the bus...                         1.Write a letter to Simon.-answer his questions,-ask 3 questions about his bag. 100-140 words.

2. My younger brother starts school this year. He is very anxious and worried.I`m trying to encourage him and tell him about how I went to school for the first time. Do you remember your first day at school ? What was it like?Is it a special day in your country? By the way we had a school party last week.                           1.Write a letter to Julian.  -answer his questions,-ask 3 questions about his school party. 100-140 words.
3...We`ve moved to a new town.It`s small and green. My neighbours say that it hasn`t changed a bit for the last two centuries.Have you noticed any recent changes in your city? What are they? Do you like or dislike them? Why? Yesterday my mum won a cooking competition...
1.Write a letter to Robert.-answer his questions,-ask 3 questions about the cooking competition.100-140 words.

4... I`ve got really exciting news.Wy dad has signed a long-term contract with a foreign company and we are going to live in another  country next year.On the one hand ,I am looking forward to it, but on the other hand I am worried about leaving behind everything I know so well.Do Russian people often go to work abroad?What about foreigners working in Russia?Would you like to live in another country?Why or why not?    
Anyway, I`ve already made some arrangements for my summer holidays...           
1.Write a letter to Angela.-answer her questions -ask 3questions about her plans for the summer holidays.

Part 2 

5. Last month our class went to Washington to visit the National Museum of American History.It was my first visit there and it was fun!How often do you go to museums with your class,if at all?Which museum is your favourite or what museum would you like to visit?Why do you think people should go there?This summer we plan to go hiking with my parents.                                         
1.Write a letter to Tom.-answer his questions-ask 3 questions about his summer plans.100-140 words

6....In Great Britain most young people want to become independent from their parents as soon as possible. Could you tell me what you and your friends think about not relying on your parents? Are you ready to leave your family immediately after you finish school? Is it easy to rent a house or an apartment for students in Russia? As for the latest news,I have just returned from a trip to Scotland...   
1. Write a letter to Tom.-answer his questions-ask 3 questions about his trip to Scotland. 100-140 words. 

7..Next week we`are presenting our projects  in literature.I`ve written about Shakespeare and his time.I`ve spent the whole month on the research and it helped me to understand that I`d like to be a historian.What would you like to do in the future?Who and what helped you to make the choice?What kind of training do you need for this occupation? Last week my parents bought me a kitten.I like him so much!...       
1. Write a letter to Ann.-answer her questions-ask 3 questions about Ann`s kitten.100-140 words.

Part 3
8...We`ve moved to a new town.It`s small and green.My neighbours say that it hasn`t changed a bit for the last two centuries.Have you noticed any recent cnanges in your city?What are they?Do you like or dislike them?Why? Yesterday my mum won a cooking competition...
1. Write a letter to Robert -answer hs questions-ask 3 questions about the cooking competiton.100-140 words.                                                                              
9...My younger brother starts school this year.He is very anxious and worried.I`m trying to encourage him and tell him about how I went to school for the first time.Do you remember your first day at school?What was it like?Is it a special day in your country? By the way we had aschool party last week...    
1. Write a letter to Julian.-answer his questions-ask 3 questions about his school party.100-140 words.   
10...At school we are dong projects on reading habits of people in different countries.Could you tell me what kind of books you and the members of your family like reading?       As for the family news my sister got married last week... 

1. Write a letter to Steve.answer his questions-ask 3 questions about his sister`s husband.

11. I would like to know more about the way people in your country preferto spend summer holidays.Can you tell me about the activities you and the members of your family enjoy doing in summer?What places do you like to go to? As for the family news,we have just bought a new house and we are planning to move in soon...  

1. Write a letter to Alice.-answer her questions-ask 3 questions about Alice`s new house. 

Part 4
12More and more young people get involved in environmental protection.Could you tell me what measures young people in your country take to save the environment?What kind of support do they get from your local community and family?Is there any Green Party/Movement where you live?Would you like to start one, if there is`nt? I`m very happy now because I have just passed my last exams. Write back soon, Ann                            
1. Write a letter to Ann.-answer her questions-ask 3 questions about her plans for the coming holiday.100-140 words.                                                                                                                                                               
13..And now a few questions about schools in your country.How often do schoolchildren have to take exams?How many exams do they have to take and is it difficult to pass them?How do you prefer to prepare for your exams and why?...

1. Write a letter to Ed.-answer his questions-ask 3 questions about his last exam.100-140 words.

14...Last month my parents and I went to Edinburgh and among other places we visited the famous National Gallery of Scotland there .It was my first visit to a picture gallery and it was great!How often do you go to art galleries or exhibitions, if at all?What kind of paintings do you personally prefer?Why do you think people should go to such places? Next winter my parents and I plan to go skiing... 
1. Write a letter to Mark.-answer his questions -ask 3questions about his skiing plans.100-140 words.  

15...Last week my mum went to New York to help my aunt with her new baby. My dad and I had to do all the housework ourselves What kind of family chores do you normally have,if at all ? What would you cook for yourself,if you had to?Do you think boys should be able to cook and to keep nouse, and why?  Next weekend I`m going hiking with my classmates.  
1. Writwe a letter to John. In your letter -answer his questions.-ask 3 questions about his hiking plans. 100-140 words.   

16..I`m going to do a project on reading in different countries.Could you help me?Do young people read as much as old people in your counyry? Do you prefer to read E- books or traditional books? Why?How much time do you and your friends spend reading daily? As for the latest news , I have joined a sport club...  
1. Write a letter to Nick. In your letter -answer his questions -ask 3 questions about Nick`s club.100-140 words.   

17...Last weekend was my mom`s anniversary and we had a family gathering.We entertained more than 25 people and  lived on leftovers for two days after the event.What do you usually cook for special occasions ?  How often do you entertain people in your family? Do you normally celebrate your family holidays at home , or go to a cafe or to a club? Why? Oh, before I forget ,my middle brother won our school tennis tournament... 

1. Write a letter to Jane. In your letter -answer her questions -ask 3 questions about her middle brother.100-140 words.       
18. ....This year we had a school costume party for Halloween.It was a big success.What costume would you fancy wearing to a costume party?What would you rather do:make a costume yourself or buy one,and why?What do you think of costume parties in general? 
           Our historv teacher is taking us to a museum for a field trip next week. 
         Write a letter to Nancy.In your letter -answer her questions - ask 3 questions about the museum.100-140 words.         
19... This summer I could go to Canada to visit my cousin or to Peru to stay with my elder brother. I ve'chosen Peru. Can you guess why? How would you like to spend your next summer holidays, if you could choose? Do you think summer is the best period for holidays?  
        I recently got a new niece.She's so cute!   
     Write a letter to Jerry. In your letter - answer his questios - ask 3 questions about his little niece. 
     100-140 words. 
 20... I wish I could go to Sochi for the Winter Olympics. It seemed to be such an exciting sports festival. 
         What kind of international event would you like to visit and why? What sports are you fond of and do you play them yourself ? What's your PE class at school like , and how do you like it ?   
         Oh, yes. I got a wonderful  book as a birthday present...     
       Write a letter to Jerry. - answer his questions - ask 3 questions about his new book.Write 100-140 words
21..You received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Nancy who
… I hope you liked my New Year card. Where and how did you celebrate New
year this time? What was the weather like? What’s your secret wish or at
least hopes and expectations for the coming year?
I’ve redecorated my room and it looks much nicer now …
Write a letter to Nancy.
In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about the way her room looks now
Write 100–140 words.

22. ...Last month I took part in a photo contest and won a new 
camera! Now I'm taking photos all the time. How often do you take
 photos? Where can you take good pictures in your city? What are your favourite kinds of photos? Why? 
...In three weeks we're having a special lesson with a foreign guest.We just can't wait to meet him.

     Write a letter to Dan
In your letter
answer his questions
ask 3 questions about the foreign guest.
Write 100–140 words

23  ...I got a new violin as a birthday present. What musical instrument can you play or would like to play? What kind of music do you like listening to? Where and how often do you manage to listen to it?
My best friend is moving to another city, I’ll miss her so much…
Write a letter to Maggie.
In your letter
-        answer her questions
-        ask 3 questions about her best friend
-        100- 140 words
                             9  Form   .  writing      EXAM  .    
       Test №7 
...It's my best friend's 16th  birthday party  next week, but I don't know what to buy him.I need your help and advice!  
      ...Have you ever bought a birthday present for a friend?...What's the best way to choose what to buy?...What if they don't like it? 
    Write a letter to Arthur.Answer his 3 questions.Write 100-120 words. 

       Test № 8 I haven't done any exercise for a while and I don't feel very healthy. I really need to get      fit.       
    What are the best forms of exercise to do to start getting fit?  
     How often should I exercise?   
     Is it a good idea to join a gym or fitness club? 
    Write Denise a letter and answer  her 3 questions.Write 100-120 words.  

          I am thinking about getting a pet .They seem like a lot of fun and it would be great to have one           around the house to play with .
          ...What kind of pet do you think I should get and why?...Where should I get a pet from-an animal shelter or a pet shop?...Hou do you take care of a pet?  Write a letter to Stan.

           Test №3    ...I am moving to a new school, like you did last year. It's a big school and I don't know anyone there .I am a bit worried about meeting new people and fitting in.

         ...How can I meet new people and make new friends?...Was it easy for you?,,,Should I join any clubs  or do any sports?

          Test №5   ...I'm really excited about school this year , especially learning French.I must say, though, I've never studied a foreign language!      
          ...What's your favourite way to learn a foreign language and why? Is it easier to read a foreign language or speak it?...
       Do you recommend travelling to the country to learn it? 
     Write a letter to Kile and answer his 3 questios .100-120 words.

           Speaking       Speaking        Speaking        Speaking        

Student card   Test № 8
Task № 1  Give a talk about art galleries and museums.
      C2         Remember to say:  

  •                what purpose art galleries and museums serve 
  •                whether you go to galleries and museums and why/why not         
  •                       what you prefer:seeing objects in a museum /gallery or reading about them;why 

      You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.The examiner will listen until you have finished . 
Then she/he will ask you some questions. 

  •  C3 Task№2                 You play the part of a student at an intrnational school .You go to see a fellow student, Christopher/Christine ,in the student hostel before classes and ask to borrow a recipe book.You need it in order to make some cakes for a charity event on     Saturday.
  •      ask for the recipe book and explain why you need it.
  •    answer your fellow student's questions about the charity event you will attend .
  •    do not accept your fellow student's offer of some food because you have already eaten breakfast .
  •    Invite your fellow student to attend the charity event with you .You begin the conversation.The examiner will play the part of Christopher/Christine
  • Remember to 
  •    mention all the 4 aspects of the task
  •    be active and polite           
           Task 1
           Give a talk about newspapers and magazines.

           Remember to say:

  •   what we need newspapers and magazines for nowadays
  •   whether you read newspapers and/or magazines, and why/why not
  •   what you prefer: reading the news in a newspaper or online, and why

You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished.
Then she/he will ask you some questions.

                  Task 2 (2-3 minutes)
                  You play the part of a student at an international college. You meet your classmate
                  George/Georgia in the college canteen. You need to borrow his/her DVD about water
                  pollution for a Geography project on the environment.

  • Ask if you can borrow the DVD and explain what you need it for.
  • Answer his/her questions about the project.
  • Do not accept the offer of coffee.
  • Invite your classmate to the theatre tomorrow.

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play of George/Georgia..
Remember to
  • mention all the four aspects of the task
be active and polite


Task 1

Give a talk about school trips.

Remember to say:
  • what school trips are for
  • which school trips you have enjoyed the most, and why
  • what you would prefer: to visit a museum or a castle,and why

 You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.The examiner will listen until you have finished . 
Then she/he will ask you some questions. 


Task 2 (2-3 minutes)

You play the part of  a student at an international school. You find your classmate
Nick/Nicole to ask if you can borrow his/her old elbow pads for ice hockey practice,
because as a new player you dont`t yet have your own.
  • Ask for the elbow pads, explain why you need them, and answer your classmates`s questions.
  • Accept your classmates`s offer to go with you to buy elbow pads, and ask if he/she knows where to go.
  • Do not accept your classmate`s suggestion that you go after practice, because you have to study.
  • Ask if your classmate is able to go this Saturday, and suggest a time and place to meet.
You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of Nick/Nicole.
Remember to 
  • mention all the four aspects of the task
  • be active and polite      

Task 1

Give a talk about hobbies.

Remember to say:

  • why it`s good to have a hobby
  • what sort of hobbies interest you and why
  • what you prefer: doing hobbies on your own or doing them with friends and why

You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.The examiner will listen until you have finished . 
Then she/he will ask you some questions. 


Task 2 (2-3 minutes)

You play the part of  a student at an international school. You find your classmate
Eric/Erica outside the school building during a break between classes.You want
to borrow yor classmate`s notes from yesterday`s Chemistry class.
  • Ask if you can borrow your classmate`s notes.
  • Answer that everything`s fine and you missed your morning classes because you had to go to the dentist.
  • Ask if you can give the notes back later today, then accept the offer to take the notes home.
  • Do not accept the offer to go to a cafe after school because you have to help your mum do something, but invite your classmate to a football match tomorrow evening.

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of Nick/Nicole.
Remember to 
  • mention all the four aspects of the task
  • be active and polite      


Task 1

Give a talk about hobbies.

Remember to say:

  • why it`s important to have an exercise routine
  • whether you have an exercise routine, and why/why not
  • what would you prefer: exercising in a gym or exercising outdoors, and why

You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.The examiner will listen until you have finished . 
Then she/he will ask you some questions. 


Task 2 (2-3 minutes)

You play the part of  a student at an international school. You meet your English
speakimg classmate Freddie/Freda in the street. You need to borrow his/her earphones,
because yours aren`t working and you want to listen to some French lessons tonight to
prepare for an exam.

  • Ask for the earphones and explain why you need them.
  • Answer your classmate`s questions about learning French.
  • Do not accept any invitation for the day because you are going home to study.
  • Invite your classmate to meet for coffe tomorrow

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of  Freddie/Freda.
Remember to 
  • mention all the four aspects of the task
  • be active and polite      


Task 1

Give a talk about hobbies.

Remember to say:

  • why travelling to different places is a good idea
  • where you have travelled in your country and abroad
  • where you would prefer to visit: somewhere near or far away, and why

You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.The examiner will listen until you have finished . 
Then she/he will ask you some questions. 


Task 2 (2-3 minutes)

You play the part of a student at a high school. You meet your classmate Marcus/Marcia
outside the classroom before the first lesson. You want to ask him/her about the school
football team.

  • Ask how to join the team and when the next football practise is.
  • Explain that you don`t have a shirt or boots so you need to borrow some.
  • Answer that you play in attack because you can run fast, and ask what position your classmate plays.
  • Do not accept the offer to go to a caffe after practice because you have too much homework. but invite your classmate to have something to eat tomorrow after scgool.

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of  Marcus/Marcia.
Remember to 
  • mention all the four aspects of the task
  • be active and polite      


Task 1

Give a talk about hobbies.

Remember to say:

  • what we need friends for
  • if it`s important to have a best friend, why/why not
  • what you prefer: having many friends or having a few good friends, and why

You have to talk for 1.5-2 minutes.The examiner will listen until you have finished . 
Then she/he will ask you some questions. 

47 комментариев:

  1. Dear Simon,
    Thanks for your letter. It was very nice to hear from you again. You want to find a part-time job? Well done!
    Anyway, you asked me about part-time job. Yes, I work part-time with my friend Misha. We work in my fathers café. We are waiters. I agree with you, it’s so difficult to find a part-time job for us. I think, the most available jobs for teenagers are ; baby seaters, waiters and volunteers. Than I finishing school I go to college.
    Oh, you left your bag in the bus? So terribly! How it’s happened? What did you have in your bag? How much is your bag?
    Got to go now! Bye!

    Love, Tanya.

    1. Well done-Fine! Good! asked me about my working part- time. farther`s cafe.i think the most suitable jobs...As for my plans,I am going to enter a college a fter school.How did it happen!- вопрос не про сумку.

  2. Revda Russia
    Dear Simon,
    Thank you for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you again.
    Anyway, you asked me if I or my friends work part-time. Well, my friends and I are working every summer where possible. Find a job on a part-time job for a teenager nowadays not the problem. For example you can go to a cafe or store. Personally, I worked in a summer cafe and I liked it.
    What color was the bag? Where did you put it? What was in the bag?

    1. work every summer,To find a job ...is not a problem,To find apart- time job...a store...

    2. Revda Russia
      Dear Simon,
      Thank you for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you again.
      Anyway, you asked me if I or my friends work part-time. Well, my friends and I are work every summer,To find a part-time job for a teenager nowadays is not a problem. For example you can go to a cafe a store. Personally, I worked in a summer cafe and I liked it.
      What color was the bag? Where did you put it? What was in the bag?

    3. Этот комментарий был удален администратором блога.

  3. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  4. Revda, Russia
    Dear Simon,
    Thank you for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you again.Anyway, you asked me if I or my friends work part-time.
    I don't work, but my some schoolmates worked this summer.Is it difficult to find a job for a teenager in Russia and in our city there isn't enough work for teenagers. The friend worked in the summer groups a measure under the name "bee".
    After leaving school it would be desirable to enter the university in the engineering, management.
    What form there was a bag? What color there was a bag? What was inside?
    My dad is calling me. Hope to hear from you soon.

    1. My friend worked in the summer group called "Bee".What form was a bag?What color was abag?

    2. What colour is the bag?I would like to enter the university after leaving school.My friend had a couple of jobs in the summer.

    3. Revda, Russia
      Dear Simon,
      Thank you for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you again.Anyway, you asked me if I or my friends work part-time.
      I don't work, but my some schoolmates worked this summer.Is it difficult to find a job for a teenager in Russia and in our city there isn't enough work for teenagers. My friend worked in the summer group called "Bee".
      After leaving school it would be desirable to enter the university in the engineering, management.
      What was inside? Were the money in the bag? Whether the document is in the bag?
      My dad is calling me. Hope to hear from you soon.

    4. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

    5. Was there any money in your bag? Were there any documents in the bag?

    6. Revda, Russia
      Dear Simon,
      Thank you for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you again.Anyway, you asked me if I or my friends work part-time.
      I don't work, but my some schoolmates worked this summer.Is it difficult to find a job for a teenager in Russia and in our city there isn't enough work for teenagers. My friend worked in the summer group called "Bee".
      After leaving school it would be desirable to enter the university in the engineering, management.
      What was inside? Was there any money in your bag? Were there any documents in the bag?
      My dad is calling me. Hope to hear from you soon.

  5. Этот комментарий был удален администратором блога.

    1. Revda, Russia
      Dear Simon,
      Thank you for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you again!
      I have never had a part- time job but I would like to because I am likely to have both a fair amount of spare time and a desire to earn some money .Typical jobs for teenagers are: babysitting, washing cars. Volunteer positions are another option .You can volunteer your services at hospitals, political groups. Sure, this experience will benifit me in the future, but I really want to work to earn money myself. My ambition is to be a lawyer.
      It`s a bad news about your bag! What color there was a bag? What was inside? How much does it cost? Bye for now and I hope to hear from you again. Say hi to everyone.


    2. Нет ответа на вопрос:Is it difficult to find a job for ateenager in Russia?,What are you going to do after finishing school?
      What colour was your bag?

  6. Revda, Russia
    Dear Simon,
    Thank you for your last letter. I have never had a part- time job but I would like to because I am likely to have both a fair amount of spare time and a desire to earn some money for new phone .Typical jobs for teenagers are :working at afast-food restaurant,washing cars and it is all . Volunteer positions are another option .You can volunteer your services at hospitals, old people's homes, charitable organisations or political groups. Sure, this experience will benifit me in the future, but I really want to work to earn money myself. My ambition is buy new phone.
    It`s a bad news about your bag!
    What color there was a bag?
    What was inside?
    How much will it cost new bag?
    Keep in touch.

    1. Нет ответа на вопросы: Is it difficult to find a job for a teenager... What are you going to do after finishing... What color is your bag? How much does your new bag cost?

    2. Revda, Russia
      Dear Simon,
      Thank you for your last letter .I worked part-time and my friends too. I think typical jobs for teenagers are :working at afast-food restaurant,washing cars and it is all . Volunteer positions are another option .You can volunteer your services at hospitals, old people's homes, charitable organisations or political groups.I think it isn't difficult to find a part-time job for a teenager. I am going to enter the Institute after finishing school and I can not earn
      It`s a bad news about your bag!
      What color there was a bag?
      What was inside?
      How much will it cost new bag?
      I'm waiting for the next message from you.Keep in touch.

    3. What colour was your bag?How much does your new bag cost?Вместо фразы I`m waiting for the...нужно:I hope to hear from you soon.

    4. Revda, Russia
      Dear Simon,
      Thank you for your last letter .I worked part-time and my friends too. I think typical jobs for teenagers are :working at afast-food restaurant,washing cars and it is all . Volunteer positions are another option .You can volunteer your services at hospitals, old people's homes, charitable organisations or political groups.I think it isn't difficult to find a part-time job for a teenager. I am going to enter the Institute after finishing school and I can not earn
      It`s a bad news about your bag!
      What color there was a bag?
      What was inside?
      How much will it cost new bag?
      I hope to hear from you soon

    5. It`s bad news about your bag. at a fast- food restaurant...it isn`t difficult to find a part- time job for a teenager in Russia.I can not earn-лишняя фраза.What colour was your bag?How much did your new bag cost?

  7. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  8. Revda, Russia
    Dear Simon,
    Thank you for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you again.
    Anyway, you asked me about my working part-time, I didn`t work part- time but my friends did. I think it isn`t difficult to find a part-time job for a teenager...As for my plans...I am going to enter the Institute after finishing school.
    You left your bag in the bus? Oh, It’s awful! What things were in your bag? Was the bag expensive? What color is it?
    I got to go now. My dad is calling me. Hope to hear from you soon.

  9. Revda,

    Dear Simon,
    Thank you for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you again. How are you?
    Anyway, you asked me if i or my friends work part-time. Neither me no my friends work part-time.
    In fact, it`s not difficult to find a job for a teenager in Russia. There are different part-time jobs in Russia. For example, one can work at the caffee or in a shop or as a newspaper deliever etc. As for my plans, I am going to enter the University after finishing school.
    Oh! You left your bag in the bus? I feel sorry about it. Is your bag cheap or expensive? What was in it? Was their a wallet, a passport?
    Got to go now.

  10. Revda, Russia
    Dear Simon,
    Thank you for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you again!
    Anyway, you asked me about my working part-time, I worked part-time and my friends too. It was awful. I think it's hard to find a job for a teenager in Russia. As for me, I wanna be a physist or musician, so I'm on the way!
    You left your bag in the bus? Oh, It’s awful! Was the bag expensive? What color is it? Was it a bag which I gave you?
    I gotta go now. Hope to hear from you soon.
    Best wishes,

    1. Revda, Russia
      Dear Simon,
      Thank you for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you again!
      Anyway, you asked me about my working part-time, I worked part-time and my friends too. It was awful. I think it's hard to find a job for a teenager in Russia. As for me, I wanna be a physicist or a musician, so I'm on the way!
      You left your bag in the bus? Oh, It’s awful! Was the bag expensive? What color is it? Was it a bag which I gave you?
      I gotta go now. Hope to hear from you soon.
      Best wishes,

  11. Revda, Russia
    Dear Simon,
    Thanks a lot of for your last letter!
    Anyway, you asked me about a part-time job.
    Well, I and my friends don't work part-tim, because we are busy at school. It is difficult to find a job for a teenager in Russian teenagers.
    As for me, I am going to be a teacher. So I need a lot of time to study.
    It's bad news about your bad! What was there in your bad? Was there anything important or expensive in it? What colours?
    Well, I've got to go now. It's time for my homework! Hope to hear from you soon.

  12. перед because запятая не ставится,..to find a job for a teenager in Russia... нет ответов на вопросы:What are you going to do after finishing school?What kind of work could it be?...What colour is it?

  13. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  14. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  15. Revda,Rossia
    Dear Simon,
    My study started and I must work hard to pass my exams good next year.
    About your question, it is difficult to find a job for teenager but it is possibly. There are a lot of part-time jobs for teenagers and they are not important but you can earn money yourselves and get a new experience.
    My friend work as headscout the whole summer and she very liked this job because it is fun and interesting! Perhabs next summer I will work as headscout too.
    After finishing school I am going to enter the university but I have not decided yet which one I will choose.

    Did you find your bag? Were there any valuable things? How are you trying to find it?
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Best wishes,

  16. Dear Simon,Thanks a lot for your last letter.It was nice to hear from you again.Anyway,you asked me about working part-time.Well,...but it is possible...a lot of part- time jobs for teenagers in Russia......they are not important-ненужные фразыMy friend worked as a...and she liked this job very much.Did you find your bag?How are you trying..-вопросы не про сумку,

  17. Revda,Rossia
    Dear Simon,
    Thanks a lot for your last letter.It was nice to hear from you again.Anyway,you asked me about working part-time.
    My study started and I must work hard to pass my exams good next year.
    About your question, it is difficult to find a job for teenager. There are a lot of part-time jobs for teenagers and but you can earn money yourselves and get a new experience.
    My friend work as headscout the whole summer and she very liked this job because it is fun and interesting! Perhabs next summer I will work as headscout too.
    After finishing school I am going to enter the university but I have not decided yet which one I will choose.

    Were there any valuable things? You left your bag in the bus? Was it a bag which I gave you?
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    Best wishes,
