вторник, 25 июня 2013 г.


WRITING ESSAYS 10,11.        1   .                                        
1.Many people enjoy having a collection of photo albums,while others prefer to store photos in their computers. Which is better from your point of view? Comment the following statement.Write 200-250 words.                                                  
2.Comment the following statement. Some people think that extreme sports help to build character.What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? 200-250 words.                                                                          
  Use the following plan: -make an introduction( state the problem)                                                                    
                                        -express your personal opinion(2-3 reasons for your opinion)                                            
                                           -express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion                      
                                           -explain why you don`t agree with the opposing opinion                                                
                                           -make a conclusion restating your position.        
3.Comment on the following statement: "Some people prefer to travel abroad;others say that there`s much to be seen in our own country." What is your opinion? 200-250 words.                                  
4.Comment on the following statement.Public libraries are becoming less popular and they will soon disappear.200-250 words.          
5.A high salary is one of the most important factors in choosing a profession.  What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement? 200-250 words.      
6 Comment on the following statement   In any occupation discipline is more important than talent.
    What is your opinion? Do you agree with the statement?  Write 200-250 words.  
7.Comment on the following statement.  A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter.      
  What is your opinion? Do you agree with the statement? Write 200-250 words.
8. Comment on the following statement.   "A person who is fluent in a foreign ianguage can easily teach it."
    What is yourr opinion? Do you agree with the statement? Write 200-250 words.    
9. Comment on the following :  What do you treat as more important appearance or personality?  .
     Write 200-250 words.      
10.  Comment on the following statement. Violence and crime on TV have a negative impact on society.(cause  a huge rise in violence in society ).-----There`s little cause for concern.              
      What is your opinion?  Write 200-250 words. 
11. Comment on the folowing statement.             
          " Sewing and knitting clothes at home is a waste of  time and  money". What do you think? 
           Write    200-250 words.
12. Comment on the following statement. 
        "It is easier to make friends than to keep them." 
             Write 200-250 words.  
13. Comment on the following statement. 
       "It is the goverment's responsibility to protect the environment"             Write 200-250 words. 
14.     Comment on the following statement. 
       " Higher education is a waste of time and money." 
            Write 200-250 words. 
15.   Comment on the following statement.  
       "Cities shouldn't replace old historic buildings with new modern ones." 
           Write 200-250 words. 
16.    What are advantages and disadvantages of having a mass tourism in the area you live?  Write 200-250 words. 

17.      Comment on the following statement:
“It is impossible to make time for language learning within final academic year.”
Write 200-250 words

18.       Comment on the following statement:
It is easy to follow a healthy lifestyle.
Write 200 -250 words. 

19.  Comment on the following statement:
Computers cannot replace people.
Write 200 -250 words.  

20.    Comment on the following statement:
There should be no homework at school.
Write 200 -250 words.  

Comment on the following statement:
21.  The  Internet  is the biggest evil of our time
Write 200 -250 words. 

1. Nowadays sewing or knitting clothes at home is a subject of a lot of discussions. While some people say that it is a waste of time others believe this to be a good thing.

2. Nowadays new technologies play an important role in our life. They make us change our behaviour, wishes and habits. Thus, some like to keep their photos in albums while others prefer to store photographs in their computers. Which is better?

3. People have been visiting public libraries since time immemorial. Nevertheless, some people suggest that public libraries are becoming less popular.

4. Almost every city nowadays is constantly changing as new constructions appear. Some people think that old buildings should be replaced by modern ones, whereas others believe that it is better to preserve old houses.

5. The problem of protecting the environment has always been controversial. Some people believe that it is the responsibility of all the human beings. While others consider the role of government to be more important.

6.  The problem of what influences people’s mentality the most has recently been the subject of a heated debate. Some people support the idea that it is mass media which has the greatest impact on our mentality while others find that there are other things that shape our way of thinking.

7. It is a well- known fact that in choosing our future career we always take salary into consideration. Some people think that a high salary is just a pleasant bonus to their great profession. At the same time other people are interested just in good salary and different financial rewards. 


1. Language learning- изучение языка
1. Target language- изучение языка (целевой язык)
2. Academic commitments- учебные обязанности ( обязательства)
2. Academic obligations- учебные обязанности (обязательства)
2. Regular studies- учебные занятия
2.existing workload- существующая учебная нагрузка
3. To take priority- быть приоритетным
4. Keep up with- продолжать заниматься
5. get caught up in- заниматься
6. jot down- делать пометки, записывать
7. to incorporate into включить в
8. improved language acquisition-приобретение улучшенного языка
9. to retain information- сохранять информацию
10. to benefit – получать выгоду

11. effort – усилие

Academic obligations sometimes have to take priority. This is especially evident during exam periods. So, how can you keep up with your language learning during this time? Well, one way is to incorporate language learning into your existing workload. Studying the history of the Russian Empire for example? Try learning the names of all those events in your target language. Getting caught up in your chemistry homework? How about jotting down the names of standard lab equipment in the language you are trying to learn?
The possibilities for incorporating your target language into your existing academic commitments are almost endless. But the benefits don’t end with improved language acquisition. By combining your “regular” studies with language learning you ‘re finding new and interesting ways to retain information, thus benefitting both obligations with very minimal extra effort

Comment on the following statement:
“It is impossible to make time for language learning within final academic year.”
Write 200-250 words
- find ways how to incorporate language learning into existing workload / academic commitments / academic obligations
- to blend language learning with other commitments
- to combine regular studies with language learning
-learn the names in my target language
-jot down the names in the language I am trying to learn
-maintain language learning enthusiasm
-academic obligations
-take priority
-during your final year at school / during last year at school
- to keep up with your language learning
- one more nagging commitment
-one that can be ignored

-To use perfectly constructed language
- constantly improve your language skills
- benefits don’t end with improved language acquisition

- to find new  and interesting ways to retain information

Some people support the idea that it’s impossible to make time for language learning within final academic year while others think that you can successfully blend language learning with your other commitments.

 To conclude, although some people find it impossible to keep up with language learning during last year at school I still think there are many possibilities for incorporating your target language into your academic commitments. What is more, benefits don’t end with improved language acquisition. By combining your regular studies with language learning you’re finding new and interesting ways to retain information, thus benefitting both obligations with very minimal extra effort.


Some people support the idea that it’s impossible to make time for language learning within final academic year while others think that you can successfully blend language learning with your other commitments.
    In my opinion for those who wants to learn a foreign language for some reasons a lack of time just maintains their language learning enthusiasm. As for me I find ways how to icorporate language learning into my existing workload. While studying the history of the Russian Empire for example I try learning the names of all those events in my target language. When getting caught up in my chemistry homework I jot down the names of standard lab equipment in the language I am trying to learn. Indeed the possibilities for incorporating your target language into your academic commitments are almost endless.
   However there are opponents of this view who believe that academic obligations have to take priority during your final year at school. And it’s hardly possible to keep up with your language learning. They also state that students often  experience tremendous amounts of pressure and language learning can seem like just one more nagging commitment. Perhaps even one that can be ignored.
  Nevertheless I can’t agree with this  point of view because if you want to use perfectly constructed language then you should constantly improve your language skills.
   To conclude, although some people find it impossible to keep up with language learning during last year at school I still think there are many possibilities for incorporating your target language into your academic commitments. What is more, benefits don’t end with improved language acquisition. By combining your regular studies with language learning you’re finding new and interesting ways to retain information, thus benefitting both obligations with very minimal extra effort.

A pupil cannot study effectively without a computer

It is generally accepted that… считается что
It is a controversial question. это спорный вопрос
The question appears to be very controversial. вопрос спорный
Many people consider that…-многие люди считают что
There are several reasons to consider that…- существует несколько причин чтобы считать что
There are several reasons to consider that we cannot study effectively without a computer.
I am inclined to share my position я склонна к тому чтобы поделиться своим мнением
There is, however, an opposing view, which is supported by a number of valid points существует противоположное мнение, которое обосновано вескими аргументами

Admittedly, it is hard work for the most part признаться,  в большинстве своем, это тяжелая работа

I deem it wise - полагаю, это целесообразно

Nowadays, the question of  how effective computers are for studies appears to be extremely controversial. Some people believe that computers help us in the process of education, others think that they only disturb pupils. I would like to express my opinion on this problem.
To my mind, there are several reasons to consider that we cannot study effectively without a computer. First of all, it has lots of functions which improve the process of education. We can find information, write articles, calculate numbers and so on. It takes us less time than we do it without a computer. Moreover, computers have become smaller in size and weight so we can take a device with us wherever we go and continue the process of education in a comfortable atmosphere that helps to perceive information.
Nevertheless, some people are convinced that pupils who study with computers spend excessively much time on surfing the internet. They say that pupils often pay attention to useless information such as ads and news instead of working hard.
I cannot agree with this opinion. I insist that we need to relax sometimes and it is not bad that we can entertain ourselves… too.

In conclusion, I want to say that there are several thoughts on this issue. Personally, I deem it wise to use computers to study effectively as it gives lots of opportunities to find information I need. 

More and more celebrities are having cosmetic surgery that
* reshapes noses, enlarges lips
*removes fat from various parts of the body
*and reduces tummies.
Celebrities are having cosmetic operation to keep young looks.
Teens copy famous people.
More and more teenagers are having cosmetic surgery. (eyelid operation for example)
Girls are obsessed with their eyes, lips and noses. They want their eyes to look bigger.
Some parents pay for daughters to have eye operation when they finish school.
Some parents don’t want their children to have surgery.

 Improving your look improves your self- esteem.
Cosmetic surgery can make you feel good about yourself.
Having cosmetic operation is perfectly normal.

Do you want your eyes to look bigger?
Do you consider cosmetic surgery?
Do your parents want you to have cosmetic surgery?

What do you treat as more important: appearance or personality?
Some people support the idea that appearance is more important than personality, while others treat appearance as less important.
Personally I take personality more seriously. Firstly, I enjoy talking to interesting people. Secondly, some people who have done something special for others don't look very beautiful for example Chulpan Hamatova. Finally, skinny models are not always clever.
However, there are opponents of this view who prefer appearance to personality. They state that perfect teeth and a sexy body are more important than a good character.
Nevertheless, I am convinced that a lively personality it is one of the most important things which I'm looking for in people around me. This makes a soul beautiful and attracts my attention. Moreover, many young girls who started reading glossy magazines and looking at photos of slender
models and film stars all the time spring into dieting and become really ill. As usual, they end in anorexia. It's terrible!
In conclusion I would like to say that although some people find that appearance is more important than personality I take  personality more seriously.


Nowadays, the question of  how effective computers are for studies appears to be extremely controversial. Some people believe that computers help us in the process of education, others think that they only disturb pupils. I would like to express my opinion on this problem.
To my mind, there are several reasons to consider that we cannot study effectively without a computer. First of all, it has lots of functions which improve the process of education. We can find information, write articles, calculate numbers and so on. It takes us less time than we do it without a computer. Moreover, computers have become smaller in size and weight so we can take a device with us wherever we go and continue the process of education in a comfortable atmosphere that helps to perceive information.
Nevertheless, some people are convinced that pupils who study with computers spend excessively much time on surfing the internet. They say that pupils often pay attention to useless information such as ads and news instead of working hard.
I cannot agree with this opinion. I insist that we need to relax sometimes and it is not bad that we can entertain ourselves… too.

In conclusion, I want to say that there are several thoughts on this issue. Personally, I deem it wise to use computers to study effectively as it gives lots of opportunities to find information I need. 

Debate Theme: Pets

-        Cats make better pets than dogs.
-        People should be allowed to bring well- behaved pets in stores and restaurants.
-        It is important for a child to have a pet because it encourages children to be responsible.
-        Pets should be kept outside of our homes.
-        Snakes, hamsters and other unusual pets give us as much love as dogs and cats.

Debate Theme: Video games
-        People learn to solve real- world problems by playing video games.
-        Playing video games makes young people more likely to commit violent acts.
-        Playing video games causes people to be “loners” who don’t interact well with others.
-        Video games are a waste of time with no social or educational value.
-        Playing video games can help students learn English.


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