понедельник, 2 сентября 2013 г.

6 form exams exams

6 FORM             SUMMER  EXAMS      SUMMER  EXAMS    

Card №1.                                 Weather
In the Urals the weather is very changeable.It can get hot in the summer for two or three months.In autumn we get some heavy rain.In winter it can be dry, sunny and freezing or grey and damp.
1.What is the weather like in the Urals?
2. Is it hot in the summer?
3.What is the weather like in autumn?

Card №2.                           Weather forecast for tomorrow
Good evening and here is the weather forcast for
tomorrow.Revda will be cold .It will be a wet day with heavy showers .It may be windy in the evening.Unfortunately,the day won`t be bright and clear with a lot of sunshine. 
1.Will it be cold tomorrow

2.Will the day be bright and clear?
3.Will it rain tomorrow?

Card №3                      Visit to London
If I go to London I will see Big Ben.I will watch Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace as well.I will visit British Museum and the National Gallery if I go to London.I will see the musicals Cats and Mamma Mia. I think I will enjoy them greatly.I won`t do the shoppng when in London because I won`t have much time there.       
1.What would you see if you were in London?
 2.What would you watch if you went to London?
  Card№4                        My brother's house My brother's hoe                             
My brother's got a house in a village near me, and from the house he's got fantastic views of the countryside.Downstairs there's a living room,а dining room, а large kitchen and a study where my brother works.Upstairs there are four bedrooms and two bathrooms.There's also parking for two cars ,and a large garden.In the summer they eat outside all the time.
1.Do you live in a house or a flat?
2.If it's a flat,which floor are you on?
3.Have you got a garden? If so,how big is it?
4.What's the view? Is it nice?
5.Have you got parking?
6.What rooms have you got in your home?
Card№5       Surprise        
                                                                        Whether the weather is cold 
                                                 Whether the weather is hot
                                                 We'll weather the weather 
                                                  Whatever the weather   
                                                  Whether we like it or not 
    Card№6                                 One star is for Alaska 
        Surprise                   One star is for Nebraska               
                                          One star is for Dakota                                                                         One star is Minesota                                                                        
                                           There are lots of other stars 
                                           But I forget which ones they are                                                                                     
Card№7         Surprise            No English-No work
                                                                            No work-No money
                                                                             No money-No fun
                                                                            What's the conclusion?
                                                                              No illusion
                                                                             Let's study English right now!        
                                                                               School Trip     
     Hello,I'm your tourist guide for today. My name is...                                Look right: it is Buckingham Palace. Look left : it is British Museum.Look straigt: it is Big Ben.If you look right you will see Tower Bridge.If you look left you will see Westminster Abby. Now let's watch Changing the Guard at   Bucking ham Palace.Now let's visit Piccadily Circus.        

Card№9     Dialogue:  

                            -Excuse me ,may I ask you a few questios?
                                    - All right.   
                                    - Can you speak English?   
                                     - Yes, sure.  
                                   - What subjects did you like at school? 
                            - I liked French,Literature and Economics. 
                                    - What subjects didn't you like? 
                             - I didn't like Maths and Physics.    

    I went on a plane to New York. My mother was the airhostess and my father was a pilot. My mother looked after me. I ate lunch and watched a film. There was a kind woman next to me. She was very friendly. We talked about her children. She has a boy my age. His name is Pete. I will e-mail him tomorrow.       

1.Where did you go on a plane?   
2.What did you eat on the plane? 
3.What did you talk about with the woman next to you? 
4.How old is her son? 
5.Who are you going to e-mail to?     

Card№11     Australia 

  Australia is the world's largest island and its smallest continent.
  Australia is a land of striking differences. In the centre and in the west it is dry and uninhabited.Naturally very few people live there.Australia is divided into six states and two territories. Sydney is the largest city in Australia. The capital of Australia is Canberra.                

1.Is australia the largest continent in the world? 
2.What place in Australia is least populated? 
3.Is Sydney the capital of Australia? 
4.Which city is the largest one? 
5.What city is Austrlia's capital? eter

Сard №12 

Peter will go on holiday with his family in January.They will go to Scotland in the United Kingdom.They will travel by plane. The weather will be cold and windy. Peter will see snow for the first time.His mother will buy him a warm coat and some boots in Scotland.Peter will have lots of fun with his family in Scotland.They will visit the Castle Tweed and they will sail a boat on lake Tweed.  

1.Peter will go to Scotland, won't he? 
2.Scotland is a part of America , isn't it? 
3. Peter will travel by bus, won't he? 
4.Peter's mother will buy Pete a new car, won't she?
5.What will Pete and his family do in Scotland?

-Sally: Did you enjoy your birthday party last night, David?

- David: Yes, I did   It was great!

- Sally: Did you dance?

- David: Yes, we did

- Sally: Did you play party games?

- David: Yes, we did

- Sally: Did you invite me?

- David:  oops, No, I didn’t    Sorry, Sally

Homework 6 " A"

1.  I ___ to school every day. (go)
2.  She _____ to school every day. (go - negative)
3.  Juan and Martha _____ a large family. (have)
4.  He ______ a car. (have - negative)
5.  You _____ from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day (work)
6.  I ______ on the weekends. (work - negative)
7.  It _____ a lot in the winter in Minnesota. (snow)
8.  It _____ in the summer. (snow - negative)
9.  We _____ how to speak English. (know)
10. We _____ how to speak Italian. (know - negative)
1.Заполните пропуски  2. Задайте общие  вопросы к предложениям ( вспомогательный глагол ( Do, Does))
Present Simple – простое настоящее время

Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в тексте в соответствии с содержанием.

Bob is a businessman. He works for a manufacturer and travels a lot. He doesn't like to be away from his family, but traveling is a necessary part of his job. He wants to get a different job so that he can stay home more often with his wife and kids.
Bob has three daughters and two sons. It's a big family.  His wife, Susan, doesn't work outside the home right now because their children are all under the age of eight. They have a small three-bedroom house, and they hope to move into a new, larger house soon.
How much do you remember from the reading? Fill in the blanks.
  • 1A: What does Bob do?
  • 1B: He ____ a businessman.
  • 2A: Does he like to travel?
  • 2B: No, he ________.
  • 3A: What does he want?
  • 3B: He _______ a different job.
  • 4A: How many kids does he have?
  • 4B: He ______ five children.
  • 5A: What's his wife's name?
  • 5B: ____ name is Susan.


Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в тексте в соответствии с содержанием.

Nadine is a good swimmer. She swims on almost every day of the week during the summer. She swims on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. She also swims on the weekend on Saturday and Sunday. During the winter, she doesn't swim every day, but she still swims a lot. Why does she swim so much? She hopes to compete in the Olympics someday.
Nadine takes good care of her body. She exercises every day and she eats healthy food. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, and she avoids food that is unhealthy. She never eats junk food, but sometimes she has a hamburger and french fries for lunch. She usually makes healthy choices when it comes to eating.

How much do you remember from the reading? Fill in the blanks.
  • 1A: What does Nadine do every day?
  • 1B: She ____________.
  • 2A: Does she swim on the weekends?
  • 2B: Yes, she ___________.
  • 3A: What kind of food does she avoid?
  • 3B: She ___________ junk food.
  • 4A: What kind of choices does she make when she eats?
  • 4B: She makes ___________ choices.


Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски в тексте в соответствии с содержанием.

Tigist needs a new place to live. Right now she lives with her brother's family, but she wants to move out. She moved to the United States from Ethiopia seven months ago, and now she thinks she's ready to find her own apartment.
Tigist works at an airport coffee shop full time. She makes enough money to pay the rent for a small studio, but she wants a nice apartment so she and her friend, Helen, are going to find a place together. They want a two-bedroom apartment with a big kitchen, hardwood floors, and a short walk to the bus stop.
When Tigist lived in Ethiopia, she dreamed of her new life in the United States. She wanted to get a good job, have her own apartment, and make enough money to send some back to her family in Addis Ababa. Now it looks like she's going to achieve her dream!

How much do you remember from the reading? Fill in the blanks.
  • 1A: What country is Tigist from?
  • 1B: She's from ______________.
  • 2A: Where does Tigitst work?
  • 2B: She works at the _______________.
  • 3A: What does she want to get?
  • 3B: She wants to get her own ________________.
  • 4A: Where does she want to live?
  • 4B: She wants to live in a place that's near a ______ _

To Be вопросы

Am I....
Are we...
Are you...
Are you....
Is he....
Is she...
Is it.....
Are they....

Задайте вопросы
Lesson Three Practice
1. _____ he a good student?
2. ______ the cars parked in the garage?
3. ______ I supposed to go to work today?
4. ______ you in this class?
5. ______ she from Mexico?

 Задайте вопросы

Directions: Complete each question with the verb "be" in the present tense (am, is, or are) after the question word. (10 points)
1. Where ___________ I?
2. When ___________ the movie on?
3. Why ____________ you here?
4. How ___________ you?
5. What __________ it?
6. Who ___________ that?
7. What time __________ it?
8. How many books ___________ on the shelf?
9. How much ___________ the ticket?
10. How cold ___________ the drinks?


can / can't
I can ______
We can ______
You can ______
You can ______
He can ______
She can ______
They can ______
It can ______

can + not = cannot or can't
I can't ______
We can't ______
You can't ______
You can't ______
He can't ______
She can't ______
They can't ______
It can't ______

I can't help you.
She can't go out tonight.
They cannot speak English.

Дополните предложения
1.   We ________ ________ you later. (meet)
2.   What ________ you ________ for them? (do)
3.   It ________ ________ your life easier. (make)
4.   They ________ ________ their rent. (afford -- negative)
5.   Why _______ she _______ on time? (come -- negative)


would like
I would like ____
We would like _____
You would like ______
You would like _____
He would like_____
She would like _____
It would like _____
They would like _____
would like = want
The verb "would like" requires an object, a gerund, or an infinitive after it:
  • I would like a bagel. (The word "bagel" is an object.)
  • He'd like a new job. (The word "job" is an object. Notice that the subject and "would" are contracted to form "He'd." This is very common.)
  • They'd like a new dog. (The word "dog" is an object.)
  • They'd like to get a new dog. ("To get" is an infinitive.)
Most people make a contraction with the subject and "would."
I would like a burrito = I'd like a burrito.
She would like to make a call. = She'd like to make a call.
Present Tense - negative
I wouldn't like _____
We wouldn't like ____
You wouldn't like____
You wouldn't like ____
He wouldn't like ____
She wouldn't like ____
It wouldn't like ____
They wouldn't like ____
  • You wouldn't like living there. 
  • He probably wouldn't like the food.
  • They wouldn't like doing that kind of work. 

Ответьте на вопросы
  • What would you like on your pizza?
  • Would you like to go out tonight?
  • Would they like to go to the park?
  • What time would you like to leave?
  • How many pieces of chicken would you like?

Заполните пропуски
1.     What _______ you _________ to eat?
2.     I ________ _________ a hot dog.
3.     What ________ she ________?
4.     She ________ ________ some french fries.
5.     How _________ you __________ your steak?
6.     I _________ _________ it well done.
7.     They _________ __________ to watch TV.
8.     Your parents __________ _________ that. (negative)
9.     Bob _________ _________ living in California. (negative)
10.                       ________ you _________ some ketchup?


Дополните предложения

Directions: Use "have to" ( Должен, вынужден)  ( ____ ) to complete each sentence.
1.  He ________ ________ ________ his homework. (finish)
2.  They _______ ________ ________ ________ to work tomorrow. (go -- negative)
3. Alice ________ ________ ________ a dentist. (see)
4.  I ________ ________ ________ eating better. (start)
5.  You ________ ________ ________ some bread from the store. (get)
6.  We ________ ________ ________ ________ this chapter. (read -- negative)
7.  She ________ _______ ________ at work by 5:00 a.m. (be)

8. We ________ ________ ________ English in class. (speak)

have to
have to _____
We have to ____
You have to____
You have to ____
He has to ____
She has to ____
It has to ____
They have to ____

You have to go to school tomorrow.
He has to do some work.
They have to travel to New York.
To make "have to" negative:
do + not + have to + main verb
I don't have to _____
We don't have to ____
You don't have to _____
You don't have to ____
He doesn't have to _____
They don't have to _____
She doesn't have to _____
It doesn't have to _____
We don't have to be there until 8:00.
She doesn't have to do the dishes tonight.
They don't have to clean their house.

Задайте вопросы в простом настоящем времени используя вспомогательные глаголы DO (I, We, They, You) Does ( He, She, It)  Сформулируйте ответы, используя такие же вспомогательные глаголы

1. Question: __________ he ______________ his job? (like)
1. Answer: Yes, he _____________.
2. Question: _________ you ____________ any money? (have)
2. Answer: No, I _____________.
3. Question: Where _______ they ________? (live)
3. Answer: They __________ across the street.
4. Question: What _______ you ________? (do)
4. Answer: I __________ at a restaurant. (work)
5. Question: ________ she __________? (drive)
5. Answer: Yes, she ___________.

Дополните предложения, используя DO,Does

1. He _____ his homework at the library.
2. ____ you like to play football?
3. Where ____ they live?
4. She _____ not want to eat that.
5. We _____ our laundry at the laundromat.
6. What ____ you do?
7. _____ it take long to get there?
8. _____ he live near the school?
9. I _____ not have any money.
10. The students _____ not have their books today.

№ 10
Дополните предложения, используя количественное или порядковое числительное

1. We went to Florida for the __________ time. (one / first)
2. She turns ___________ next week. ( thirteen / thirteenth)
3. The runner finished in __________ place. (two / second)
4. I've already reminded you ___________ times. (three / third)
5. They celebrate the holiday on the ___________ of January. (nineteen / nineteenth)
6. This is his ___________ year at that company. (twenty / twentieth)
7. Please, for the __________ time, stop fighting! (hundred / hundredth)
8. The team scored only __________ point in the second quarter. (one / first)
9. This quiz is worth __________ points. (twenty / twentieth)
10. Their daughter is _________ years old. (five / fifth)
11. Jeremy is in his __________ year in college. (four / fourth)
12. Mary had her __________ child last year. (three / third)
13. The __________ century was an interesting time in England. (nineteen / nineteenth)
14. May I have a __________ helping of food, please? (two / second)
15. The Prime Minister of England lives at __________ Downing Street. (10 / 10th)
16. You will only get __________ warning before you get a ticket. (one / first)
17. Bob and Linda will celebrate __________ years of marriage this weekend. (forty / fortieth)
18. There are __________ days in January. (thirty-one / thirty-first)
19. The last day of the month of January is the __________. (thirty-one / thirty-first)
20. A __________-hour movie can be hard to sit through unless it's very interesting. (three / third)

Close = x...y
This pencil in my hand is yellow.
These pencils are not very sharp.

Far = x..............................y
That car across the street is red.
Those cars in the parking lot are blue.

Дополните предложения, используя указательные местоимения this, these для предметов на близком расстоянии и that , those для предметов на большом расстоянии

1. Is _____________ yours?
2. _____________ is really difficult.
3. Are _____________ books from the library?
4. Was _____________ a useful lesson?
5. When were _____________ lemons purchased?
6. _____________ milk tastes kind of sour.
7. Take a look at _____________ pants. Aren't they nice?
8. _____________ cars don't have a good safety record.
9. Where was _____________? Does it go here on the shelf?
10. Does _____________ cost a lot of money?

Directions: Complete each sentence or question with that or those.
1. How do you like _____________ peaches?
2. _____________ was the best movie I have ever seen!
3. ______________tables are dirty. Please clean them.
4. Whose are _____________?
5. _____________ furniture is kind of expensive.
6. Please hand me _____________ towels.
7. Whose is ______________?
8. How much are _____________ books?
9. We need to get _____________ car out of the garage.
10. _____________ is basmati rice. It's 
very good.

Дополни предложения, используя названия дней недели

Example: What day comes after Wednesday?
     Thursday comes after Wednesday.            
1. What day comes after Monday?
2. What day comes before Wednesday?
3. How many days are there in a week?
4. What's the first day of the work week?
5. If today is Tuesday, what day is the day after tomorrow?

Дополни предложения, используя глагол need в форме настоящего времени

  Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb "need." Some questions require "do" or "does."
  1. What _______ he _________ ?
  2. He ________ a pencil.
  3. ______ you ________ any help?
  4. I ________ ________ this. (negative)
  5. Who _________ more to eat?
  6. This flashlight _________ batteries.
  7. The students _________ books.
  8. I _______ ________ to go to work today. (negative)
  9. When _______ they ________ to leave?
  10. My car __________ an oil change.

Do you understand what you read?

1 Leonardo and Rachel each have a cat. Leonardo's cat is gray. Rachel's is orange. His is small. Hers is quite large. They both love cats.

Leonardo's cat is named "Stormy." Stormy is a female cat. She's a playful kitten, but sometimes she bites. Last year Stormy ran away. Leonardo was very sad, but then the cat came back. Now he keeps her inside and doesn't let her out of the house.

Rachel received her cat as a gift when she was just six years old. Rachel named him "Leo." Leo is a male cat. Now he's old and he sleeps all the time. Leo likes to go outside and catch mice. He stays in the neighborhood and he always returns at night.

Who gave Rachel her cat? Leonardo did. He's Rachel's grandfather!


Answer the questions

1 Who loves cats?

2 Do Leonardo and Rachel  have cats as pets?

3 What is Leonardo’s cat’s name?

4 What is Rachel’s cat’s name?

5 Does Stormy bite sometimes?

6 Is Leo a female cat?

7 Is Stormy old?

8 Does Leo sleep all the time? Why?

9 Does Stormy go out to catch mice?

10 Who ran away Stormy or Leo?

11 Does Leonardo let Stormy out of the house?

12 How old was Rachel when she received Leo as a gift?


  • 1A: What color is Leonardo's cat?
  • 1B: It's _____________.
  • 2A: What did Stormy do last year?
  • 2B: She ____________.
  • 3A: Does Leonardo keep his cat inside or outside?
  • 3B: He keeps her ____________.
  • 4A: Who gave Rachel her cat?

4B: ____________________.


Stan likes to ride his bike. He rides to and from work every day, and he rides his bike on the weekend for recreation and fun. Sometimes he rides on a bike path, but more often he rides in the street along with regular traffic.

Stan wears a helmet for safety, and he always signals his turns when riding in traffic. He stretches his left arm out straight when making a left turn, and he stretches his right arm out straight when making a right turn. State law in Minnesota requires that people on bikes ride on the right-hand side of the road. Also, according to state law, drivers of cars must give bicyclists at least three feet of space when passing.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

How much do you remember from the reading? Fill in the blanks.  

  • 1A: What does Stan ride to work?
  • 1B: He _____ a bike.
  • 2A: What _____ he wear to keep safe?
  • 2B: He wears a helmet.
  • 3A: Which arm does he use for a left turn?
  • 3B: He _____ his left arm.
  • 4A: On what side of the road do people ride their bikes?
  • 4B: They _____ on the right-hand side.
  • 5A: How much room must drivers give to people who ride bikes on the street?
  • 5B: They must give at least three ______.

Ответь на вопросы используя информацию из текста

Задание 2 № 16

Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.


A recent study shows that some male cockatoos create their own musical tools for drumming. The drumming and rhythm seem to be an extra component made to impress the ladies. Each bird has its own distinct style. Other animals (e.g. frogs and birds) use drumming and music to communicate as well, but cockatoos can drum at a steady rhythm, with a totally unique style, for up to half an hour — which takes quite a bit of practice.

Moreover, plenty of animals use tools, but far fewer make those tools themselves.

Among humans, a regular beat is associated with group-based activity, especially dancing. As for the cockatoos, drumming with a regular beat is a done solo.

Решения заданий с развернутым ответом не проверяются автоматически.
На следующей странице вам будет предложено проверить их самостоятельно.

Задания Д3 C1 № 132

Выберите фотографию и опишите ее. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7–8 предложений).


План ответа поможет вам:

— the place

— the action

— the appearance of the person

— whether you like the picture or not

— why

Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”

Решения заданий с развернутым ответом не проверяются автоматически.
На следующей странице вам будет предложено проверить их самостоятельно.

Задание 4 № 47

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


This text deals with …

1. Out-of-town shopping.

2. Bargain hunters.

3. The best shopping street.

4. A convenient way of paying.

5. Internet shopping.

6. The key to success.


A. Mary has already started doing her Christmas shopping on-line. She usually spends about £300 on presents and pays for them on her debit card. She is buying food from supermarket shopping services and has ordered books and CDs from on-line bookshops. Buying on-line saves her a lot of money, and it’s a lot nicer staying at home than having to go out in the High Street.

B. A recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world is in Warsaw. It’s called Nowy Swiat, which means New World. An incredible 15,000 Poles walk down this main street every hour. It is a lovely place to shop. It is now possible to buy almost everything in Warsaw. There are a lot of shops from the West, but the interesting thing is that Polish manufacturers are now producing high quality goods.

C. Many small street and comer shops are closing because people prefer to drive to shopping complex outside town. There they can park their cars without any problems and do all their shopping in one place. In a British shopping complex, you usually find a supermarket, a branch of most of the chain-stores, some smaller shops, and a few cafes. Most of the new shopping complexes are built near big roads.

D. Mail-order shopping has become very popular because it saves time. Shoppers use credit cards to pay for something over the telephone after they have seen it advertised in a mail-order catalogue, on TV, or in a newspaper or magazine. A number of mail-order companies accept phone orders twenty-four hours a day and most have toll-free numbers.

E. Many Americans like sales. They shop at stores that sell goods at a discount. An item on sale can cost as little as hall the normal price. Sales are advertized in newspapers, on radio on TV, or by mail. Stores compete with each other by reducing their prices and staying open in the evening. Many arc open seven days a week and sometimes until 10.00 at night.


Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.



Задание 5 № 84

Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из выпадающего списка.


I am your mother

Joyce is 24 years old. She has a baby daughter, but she can ’t take A____ of her baby. The government takes Joyce’s baby and gives her to B____ family. Joyce never forgets her daughter. For 20 years Joyce looks C____ her. She can ’t find her. She doesn’t know her daughter’s new name. She doesn’t know her daughter’s D____ . When Joyce is 44 years old, she gets a E____ at a small store.

A young woman works with Joyce at the store. The young woman’s name is Tammy. Tammy and Joyce are friends. One day at work Tammy begins to cry. “What’s the matter?” Joyce asks Tammy. “I’m looking for my birthmother and I can’t find her. I have only this photo. See? This is me when I was a baby.” Tammy shows Joyce the photo. Joyce looks at the photo for a long time. “Tammy,” Joyce says. “I think I'm your birth mother.”



A 1) love 2) care 3) kindness 4) attention

B 1) other 2) another 3) others 4) through

C 1) for 2) forward 3) after 4) his

D 1) school 2) country 3) address 4) character

E 1) place 2) work 3) department 4) job


Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.


Задание 6 № 77

Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние.


My grandmother

The person who (A)____ me the most about life is my grandmother. My parents travelled a lot when I was (B)____ so I spent most of my school holidays with her. She was (C)____ than just a grandmother to me. She was such a considerate person. She (D)____ how much I missed my parents so she did everything she (E)____ to make me feel at home. She was also really imaginative and spent hours telling me stories that she had made up. She taught me so many important things. She was the most positive person I’ve ever met and she taught me how to look for the good in everything.


1. younger; 2. knew; 3. could; 4. more; 5. has taught; 6. natural; 7. warning.


Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.



Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты чтобы прочитать текст вслух.

Physical Education is one of the subjects taught at school. Students do many different sports,

exercises, and activities. There are many types of physical fitness. Physical education keeps kids and adults fit and active. It is very important for their health and well-being. Scientists have shown that brain development and physical exercise go hand in hand. Physical education can help academic success. It is important to educate people in the field of healthy and

smart ways to stay active

Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на

подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ

(7–8 предложений).

План ответа поможет вам:

the place

the action

the person’s appearance

whether you like the picture or not


Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”


Установите соответствие между текстами A–E и их темами, выбрав тему 1–6 из списка.

Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

1) city attractions.

2) a London cinema.

3) a London theatre.

4) a London street.

5) nature sights.

6) a London museum.


The Lake District, in northwest England, is a small area, but extremely beautiful, with the

varied delights of soft hills and woodland and the panoramas of the great lakes. The Lake

District is more often visited, both by day tourists and holidaymakers, than any other region of

outstanding natural beauty in the British Isles.


England's most ancient northern city lies on the River Ouse in the centre of the Vale of York

between the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors. It was once the principal town of

Yorkshire, and it remains the seat of the Archbishop of York. A child-friendly city, its Viking,

Castle and Railway museums have plenty to engage young people as well as adults.


Along the north part of Trafalgar Square is the famous National Gallery. Founded in 1824, the

gallery has since grown into one of the most outstanding and comprehensive collections in the

world, with a list of masters ranging from Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt to El Greco and

Van Gogh.


The London Coliseum famous for its richly decorated interiors was used for variety shows,

musical comedies, and stage plays for many years. In 1974 its name was changed to

the English National Opera. Today it is used primarily for opera as well as being the London

home of the English National Ballet. When not on tour they perform regular seasons

throughout the year.


The Mall is London's impressive ceremonial way, a broad tree-lined avenue. The spectacular

parade takes place here each June to celebrate the official Birthday of the Sovereign. Queen

Elizabeth II rides down the avenue in a horse-drawn carriage. Over 1,000 officers and men are

on parade, together with two hundred horses; over two hundred musicians march and play as


Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму,

выбрав её из четырёх предложенных вариантов.

The Dog and the Donkey

Once in a small town there lived a baker. He had two pets – a dog and a donkey. The dog kept

watch over the house. The donkey carried the bread and the cakes that the baker made.

One night a thief A____ into the house. The baker B____ soundly. The dog too was fast asleep, he

did not bark at the thief. The donkey saw the thief and wanted to awaken C____ master, so

he began to bray loudly. The thief ran away.

The baker could not sleep. He came out. He could not understand why the donkey brayed so loudly

and he beat the stupid but dutiful donkey very badly. But the D____ house was saved. It was the

duty of the dog to keep watch and not of the donkey. However, the donkey turned out to be a E____

guard than the dog.

A 1) broken 2) was breaking 3) broke 4) was broken

B 1) sleeps 2) was sleeping 3) slept 4) has slept

C 1) him 2) her 3) he 4) his

D 1) baker 2) bakers’ 3) baker’s 4) bakers

E 1) good 2) more good 3) best 4) better

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.



Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из

списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

A Cap Seller and the Monkeys

There was a cap seller in a city. He used to go from village to village to

sell his caps. His way lay A____ a forest. It was a hot summer day and

he got tired. To get some rest he sat under a tree. Soon he fell B____ .

Many monkeys lived on that tree. When they saw the caps, they

climbed down the tree and took the caps. Then they climbed up the tree

C____ .

The cap seller woke up after some time. He found that his caps were

missing. He looked up and saw the monkeys wearing his caps. He tried

his best to get his caps D____ but he couldn’t.

Suddenly an idea occurred to him. He took off his own cap and threw

it on the ground. The monkeys did the same, since they are imitators.

The cap seller collected all his caps and went E____ happily.

1. again

2. asleep

3. around

4. away

5. back

6. thorough

7. through

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.

When you learn a foreign language you study grammar. Grammar is also important when you speak your native language. Grammar is very important because it is a set of rules which tell us how a language works. Every language has its own set of rules. For example, you can take basic types of words. They are parts of speech. We need to know grammar to put this or that word into the correct part of a sentence. So, everybody needs grammar.


Fashion changes all the time but not always at the same speed. Some things are in fashion for a very short time. Others on the contrary are in fashion for years. People who make goods want the fashion to change as quickly as possible. For example a factory has made dark blue jeans. If these jeans are in fashion next year you may not wish to buy another pair. But if black jeans become popular you will want to buy a pair of black jeans even if you already have a good pair of jeans which are simply of a different colour.

I’d like to describe picture number 2


The picture shows a girl sitting in the armchair at home.

She is playing with a kitten and she seems to like it.

I like her clothes she is wearing a blue dress and dark jeans. I like her hairdo too. She wears her hair long.

As for me, I like the photo because I enjoy playing with kittens.

That’s all ( I wanted to say about the photo)

I’d like to describe picture number 2


The picture shows a boy sitting at the table at home.

He is playing computer games and he looks so confused.

I like his clothes he is wearing a nice T-shirt. I like his hairdo too. He wears his hair short.

As for me, I like the photo because I enjoy playing computer games.

That’s all ( I wanted to say about the photo)

I’d like to describe picture number 3

Look! The picture shows a girl enjoying the views outside.

She is travelling on the train and she seems to like it.

I like her clothes: she is wearing a nice T-shirt . I like her hairdo too. She wears her hair long.

As for me, I like the photo because I am fond of travelling by train as well .

That’s all (I wanted to say about the photo)

I’d like to describe picture number 1

Look! The picture shows a little girl in the kitchen .

She is cooking cakes and she seems to like it.

I like her clothes: she is wearing a white hat and a white apron . I like her hairstyle too. She wears her hair short.

As for me, I like the photo because I am fond of cooking as well .

That’s all (I wanted to say about the photo)

I’d like to describe picture number 1

Look! The picture shows a boy taking pictures outdoors in winter . He is taking selfi and he seems to like it.

I like his clothes: he is wearing a nice t-suit and a sports hat.

As for me, I like the photo because I am fond of taking pictures as well .

That’s all (I wanted to say about the photo)


1 Прочитайте текст, вставьте в пропуски слова из списка, 2 слова лишние

Walking past Jeff Thatcher’s house, Tom saw a new girl in the (A)____. She had long yellow hair and blue eyes and was dressed in a white (B)____ dress. She was the most (C)____ creature Tom had ever seen. A certain Amy Lawrence immediately vanished out of his (D)____ ; he thought he loved her more than anything else in the world — in fact, he had only won her a (E)____ ago. Then, for seven days, he had been the happiest boy alive.


1week; 2. heart; 3. incredible; 4. garden; 5. summer; 6. towards; 7. beautiful.


2 Прочитайте текст, вставьте в пропуски слова из списка, 2 слова лишние

It was Saturday and a (A)____ summer day. Everyone was on holiday, everyone was happy. Well, almost everyone. Tom looked at the fence in front of him and the (B)____ left his heart. Thirty yards long and nine (C)____ high! He began to paint and then stopped to compare his white line with the unending continent of (D)____ fence. He sat down under a tree, discouraged. At that moment he saw Jim (E)____ along with a bucket of water. Tom had always considered boring the job of fetching water from the village pump, but now I seemed much better than the job he had to do.


1unpainted; 2. lovely; 3. feet; 4. skipping; 5. busy; 6. first; 7. happiness.



3 Прочитайте текст, вставьте в пропуски слова из списка, 2 слова лишние

Although he was (1)____ in Austria, Arnold Schwarzenegger has spent (2)____ of his life in the US. He has been (3)____ for a long time. He started his career as a champion body builder, but (4)____ became popular with movie (5)____ and fans, and his popularity has been increasing ever since.

He has performed in comedies, thrillers, Science-fiction, and other types of films. According to many of his fans, he has never made a bad film.


1born; 2. performed; 3. quickly; 4. producers; 5. most; 6. acting; 7. great.


4 Прочитайте текст, вставьте в пропуски слова из списка, 2 слова лишние

Japanese culture (A)____ an enormous impact on the rest of the world, especially in the areas of film, music and fashion. The streets of Tokyo are the city’s (B)____ area for youth culture. Teenagers here are hip kids with all the(C)____ gadgets. Japanese teenage girls spend their money on the (D)____ trends in clothes and music and teenage boys invest in the latest computer games. Some young Japanese people (E)____ their own fashion houses and design companies which are taking the rest of the world by storm!


1. most popular; 2. hottest; 3. famous; 4. latest; 5. privacy; 6. is having; 7. have started.


5 Прочитайте текст, вставьте в пропуски слова из списка, 2 слова лишни

Му younger sisters, Jenny and June, are (A)____ twins. Although they are very similar to each other in many ways, they are (B)____ in other ways. They agree on many things: for example, they are both fond of animals.

When they first went to school, Mum and Dad insisted on them being put to different classes. Jenny is now good at gymnastics and art but June is (C)____ at anything (D)____ .

June knows a lot about history and geography but is not interested in sport. Her teachers say Jenny is probably going to succeed at something(E)____ like painting — and June will probably end up doing some kind of research work.


1. hopeless; 2. identical; 3. practical; 4. artistic; 5. different; 6. feels; 7. works.


6 Прочитайте текст, вставьте в пропуски слова из списка, 2 слова лишние

All my family are professional musicians, but I was different. I wanted to become a (A)____ or an inventor. I persuaded my parents to buy me some laboratory (B)____ so that I could do some experiments at home. This was not such a good idea! (C)____ I wasn’t very good at science when it came to doing experiments. I remember when I made an attempt to create a new perfume for my friend. The (D)____ of the ingredients must have been wrong, because there was a small explosion, a lot of smoke and a terrible smell. After that I decided to study properly to become a chemist. I had a big (E)____ about it with my family — but I won in the end.


1. unfortunately; 2. equipment; 3. mixture; 4. are; 5. scientist; 6. argument; 7. runs.


7 Прочитайте текст, вставьте в пропуски слова из списка, 2 слова лишние

British teenagers are so keen — to become (A)____ that almost one in ten would abandon their (B)____ if they had the opportunity to appear on television. Footballers and Hollywood stars were among their role models. Most British teenagers believe that becoming famous is a great chance to become wealthy without skills or (C)____ . Daryll Rose, who is 16, dreams of becoming rich and famous as a footballer. I would love to be rich,’ he said. I am an (D)____ boy and I work hard. Everything seems easy when you are famous.’ Daryll accepts the (E)____ of education. But he doesn’t believe that education and a steady career will help him to have the lifestyle that he dreams of.


1. start; 2. celebrities; 3. could; 4. education; 5. ambitious; 6. qualifications; 7. importance.


1 Заполните пропуски нужной грамматической формой из списка

My mother goes to the theatre whenever she can. When a new play is on, she usually reads the review on the Internet to find out (1)__________ about the play. Last week a new comedy was staged at the city theatre. The reviews on the Internet (2)_________ it was very good. My father (3)________ comedies. So, my mom and I (4)______ the theatre without him. Unfortunately, we were a little late. We missed the beginning, but the rest of the play (5)_________ very funny. The actors were very good. The reviews on the Internet were right. We enjoyed every minute of the performance.


A 1) much 2) more 3) many 4) most

B 1) says 2) said 3) were saying 4) has said

C 1) don't like 2) likes 3) doesn't like 4) liked

D 1) have gone 2) are going 3) will go 4) went

E 1) was 2) is 3) will be 4) were

2 Заполните пропуски нужной грамматической формой из списка

Tornadoes are storms with very A____ turning winds and dark clouds. These winds are perhaps the strongest on B____ . They reach speeds of 300 miles per hour. The dark clouds are shaped like a funnell — wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The winds are strongest in C____ centre of the funnel. Tornadoes are especially common in the United States, but only in certain parts. They occur mainly in the D____ states.

A hot afternoon in the spring is the most likely time for a tornado. E____ become dark. There is thunder, lightning and rain. A cloud forms a funnel and begins to twist. The funnel moves faster and faster. The faster the winds, the louder the noise. Tornadoes always move in a northeastern direction. They never last longer than eight hours.



A 1) angry 2) weak 3) cruel 4) strong

B 1) space 2) earth 3) ground 4) planet

C 1) the 2) that 3) this 4) a

D 1) unknown 2) central 3) foreign 4) farther

E 1) sun 2) sky 3) clouds 4) winds

3 Заполните пропуски нужной грамматической формой из списка

Why do people keep cats as pets? Cat owners A____ that cats make excellent friends. Cats B____ playful, clever and loving animals. They can also be left alone for several days at a time. This is why millions of people today choose to share C____ homes with cats. People have kept cats as pets for the longest time. Ancient Egyptians D____ keeping cats as pets more than 4,000 years ago. But first they liked cats because wild cats were keeping animals like E____ and rats away from their food. Ancient Egyptians also took cats with them on hunting trips.


A 1) are known  2) knows 3) know 4) known

B 1) are 2) have been 3) were 4) was

C 1) there’s 2) there 3) theirs 4) their

D 1) begin 2) began 3) were beginning 4) begun

E 1) mouse 2) mouse’s 3) mice 4) mice’s

4 Заполните пропуски нужной грамматической формой из списка

Susan was seventeen years old. She left school and went to a college for a year to learn typing. She A____ B____ two exams and got good marks. The fact was that she C____ with her parents. So she started looking for work. Many people needed typists at that time, so she D____ a few jobs. Susan chose one of them. So on Monday morning she hurried to the office and spoke to the manager, «I want to work here, but I expect you E____ me how much money you will pay me».

«The money is not really big», the manager answered, «you may get thirty pounds now, and thirty pounds after three months». Susan didn't think for a long time and replied, «Well, if you don't mind, then I’ll start working in three months' time».

 A 1) must 2) had 3) could 4) has

B 1) take 2) took 3) to take 4) takes

C 1) is still 2) was still living 3) still lives 4) still has lived

D 1) was offered 2) is offered 3) offered 4) has offered

E 1) inform 2) informed 3) informing 4) to inform

5 Заполните пропуски нужной грамматической формой из списка

A School for Geniuses?

Theodore Tally is thirteen. He is from London. He A____ lessons at school boring. He always finishes his schoolwork first. His report card B____ perfect. When the teacher asks the class questions, she C____ «Ok, Tyrone, you know the answer but D____ someone else a chance». Tyron thinks that all this is frustrating. Though he has friends, others E____ him a nerd*. Tyrone’s parents want to find a school for gifted children. They are sure their son will be better there.


* a nerd (informal, usually insulting) — a person who studies very hard and only thinks of school work.


A 1) find 2) is finding 3) found 4) finds

B 1) is 2) was 3) are 4) will be

C 1) said 2) say 3) says 4) is saying

D 1) give 2) to give 3) gave 4) gives

E 1) caled 2) call 3) to call 4) called



6 Заполните пропуски нужной грамматической формой из списка

In Bangladesh the government wants A____ mobile phones for young people who are under sixteen. There B____ an opinion that mobile phones might C____ brain damage. They are more dangerous for teenagers than for adults because teenagers’ skulls are thinner. There are a lot of mobile phones thefts nowadays. This could D____ a very frightening experience. But a lot of parents feel that their kids E____ be safer if they have a mobile phone. Statistics says that young people smoke less these days because they spend more time talking and taking pictures. So mobile phones are pretty healthy.


 A 1) to ban 2) banning 3) bans 4) ban

B 1) Are 2) is 3) am 4) was

C 1) cause 2) causes 3) caused 4) will cause

D 1) are 2) is 3) am 4) be

E 1) is 2) were 3) will be 4) be

7 Заполните пропуски нужной грамматической формой из списка

John is my closest friend. We A____ in touch since we were together in Oxford. John B____ in the City now. He makes a lot of money. He says he C____ his student life and that very soon he D____ a partner in his firm. John likes me. And I can’t understand why. I don`t have a career, or money, or a flash car. But I also haven’t got a boss, a suit, or a tie, which I have to wear. So there is nothing that anyone can E____ me do or take away from me. I am absolutely free. John tries to hide that he likes me but he does and I let him do it.


A 1) were 2) are 3) have been 4) has been

B 1) work 2) worked 3) has worked 4) is working

C 1) doesn’t miss 2) don’t miss 3) wasn’t missing 4) haven’t missed

D 1) become 2) becomes 3) is becoming 4) will become

E 1) to make 2) made 3) make 4) makes


8 Заполните пропуски нужной грамматической формой из списка

The next day was Sunday. George and Albinia A____ still asleep when Robert woke up. For a minute he B____ understand where he was and what C____ the day before. Then he remembered and his heart sank. He D____ out of bed and put on his clothes. Then he took the last piece of cake and drank the rest of the milk. He went out of the house. It E____ raining but the sky was covered with clouds. The sun stood high in the sky though it wasn`t shining very brightly. There were a lot of people in the park. Robert was afraid that somebody might recognize him.


A 1) was 2) are 3) is 4) were

B 1) can 2) could 3) couldn’t 4) can’t

C 1) happened 2) happens 3) has happened 4) had happened

D 1) get 2) got 3) gets 4) is getting

E 1) has stopped 2) stopped 3) had stopped 4) have stopped

This text deals with …

1. School.

2. School uniform.

3. Bullies.

4. Free time.

5. Clothes and looks.

6. Pubs and clubs.


A. British teenagers spend most of their time at school. Students in Britain can leave school at 16 (year 11). This is also the age when most students take their first important exams, GCSEs. They take between five and ten subjects and that means a lot of studying. They are spending more time on homework than teenagers have done before.

B. Visit almost any school in Britain and the first thing you’ll notice is the school uniform. Although school uniform has its advantages, by the time most teenagers are 15 or 16 they are tired of wearing it. When there is more than one school in a town, a school uniform can make differences and rivalries between schools worse.

C. Music is the number one interest for British teens. But they certainly don’t all like the same music! UK garage, hip-hop and new metal are all popular. Teenagers love going out too. However, finding somewhere to go isn’t always easy. Pubs and clubs have strict rules for under 18-year-olds in Britain. It’s no surprise that British teenagers spend more free time online than European or American teens and use chatrooms to make a new friend.

D. In Britain, teenagers judge you by the shirt or trainers you are wearing. Thirty per cent of British teenagers love Nike 150s (trainers that cost $150), but not for sport — for posing!

E. Fifty per cent of teenagers in Britain say they have been bullied because of their race, looks, accent, intelligence or for no reason at all. Sixteen teenagers in Britain have serious problems every year because of bullying. The authorities are trying to find the solution.

This text deals with …

1. Computer virus.

2. Game addiction.

3. A crime.

4. An important message.

5. Punishment.

6. Using neighbours’ wi-fi.



A. A Singapore teenager who used his neighbours’ wi-fi Internet network will not be able to use the Internet for the next 12 months. The message for wi-fi users is clear: if it isn’t yours, don’t use it.

B. Seventeen-year-old Tan Luo was an online-game fan and played games at all hours of the day. He didn’t have time to study and wasn’t able to complete his course at the college. In the end, his parents were very worried and they disconnected their Internet access so Tan couldn’t go online.

C. However, this didn’t stop him. He knew his neighbours had Internet access, so he used theirs. He was able to connect to their wireless Internet network, or ‘wi-fi’, and continued playing online games from his own home.

D. The neighbours noticed Tan was using their wi-fi one night. They told him to stop, but he didn’t, and so they called the police. In Singapore it’s a crime to use a wi-fi network that isn’t yours. So, the young wi-fi thief had to go to court.

E. In court, Tan said he was very sorry. The judge didn’t sent him to prison. Instead, he sent Tan to a boys’ hostel for nine months. At the hostel, he will do sports and other activities, but he won’t be allowed to play video games. Furthermore, he won’t be able to use the Internet for the next year.

This text deals with …

1. Country’s brave defenders.

2. A really international place.

3. Governesses of rich children.

4. Textile business links.

5. A nice-sounding building.

6. The initial steps of commerce


A. Moscow has always been a multicultural city. If we look back at its history, we will see that there were several foreign communities living in Moscow on a permanent basis. We all know about German people inhabiting the banks of the Yauza river, where little Peter, the future tsar of all Russia, ran around, made friends and got his first ideas of learning about ships and fleets. But what do we know about the British community of Moscow? Did it even exist?

B. The first ties between Russia and Britain were formed in the middle of the 16th century in the time of Ivan the Terrible. It was then that some wealthy British merchants founded the Muscovy Company which held a monopoly on trade between Britain and Russia until 1698. The building of its Moscow headquarters was granted to the company by the tsar in 1556 and can be still visited at 4, Varvarka Street, known to us now as The Old English Court.

С. Beginning from the time of Peter the Great, several talented British military men moved to Russia. Many of them served as army generals and navy admirals, defending Russian borders in different wars and battles. Among the most famous ones were Field Marshall James Bruce, Field Marshall Barclay de Tolly and Admiral Thomas Mackenzie, all of them of Scottish origin.

D. In the 18th century, British industrialists made themselves known in Russia. One of the most outstanding figures was Robert McGill, who lived in Moscow and served as an intermediary between Lancashire mill engineers and the Russian cotton industry, and built over 180 mills (cotton factories) in Russia. Robert McGill had a house in Spiridonovka Street and together with his wife Jane was a prominent member of the British community in Moscow.

E. If you talk to Moscow concert musicians who were active between the 1970s and the 1990s, they will tell you of the fantastic acoustics of the “Melodiya” recording studio at 8, Voznesensky Lane, which they lovingly called ‘kirche’, mistakenly thinking it was a German church. This building, designed in the English neo-gothic architectural style, was in fact built in 1885 by Robert McGill and is St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, which was used as a recording studio in Soviet times.

Nadine is a good swimmer. She swims on almost every day of the week during the summer. She swims on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. She also swims on the weekend on Saturday and Sunday. During the winter, she doesn’t swim every day, but she still swims a lot. Why does she swim so much? She hopes to compete in the Olympics someday.

Nadine takes good care of her body. She exercises every day and she eats healthy food. She eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, and she avoids food that is unhealthy. She never eats junk food, but sometimes she has a hamburger and french fries for lunch. She usually makes healthy choices when it comes to eating.


1 А. The lady would like some _________.

1. breakfast 2. lunch 3. dinner


B. The lady`s name is_________.

1. Mrs. Johnson 2. Mrs. James 3. Mrs. Jones


C. The lady would like some _________.

1. apple juice 2. grapefruit juice 3. orange juice


D. The lady wants to have _________.

1. a pot of black coffee 2. a pot of black tea 3. a pot of green tea


E. The lady will eat _________.

1.four scrambled eggs with four sausages 2. two scrambled eggs with four sausages 3. three scrambled eggs with three sausages



А. The lady would like to _________ .

1. to buy a ticket 2. to change a seat 3. to reconfirm her flight


B. The reservations clerk asks the lady to give her information about _______.

1. the flight number 2. the id number 3. the seat number


C. The lady is leaving on _________.

1. On June 3rd 2. On May 3rd 3. On May 5th


D. The lady wants to fly to _________.

1. London 2. Rome 3. Paris


E. The lady will be arriving in her destination point _________.

1. at 5 o´clock p.m. local time 2. at 6 o´clock p.m. local time 3. at 7 o´clock p.m. local time



Pablo will be very happy if he can marry the girl he loves.


If I buy this house I will paint it a different color.

Part A. 

1.  If we _________________ a good place to eat, we __________________ there. (find / go)

2.  The restaurant ___________________ new employees if the economy ____________________ better. (hire / get)

3.  If it ________________ nice tomorrow, we ___________________ to the beach. (be / go)

4.  If you __________________ good food, you ______________________ healthy. (eat / stay)

5.  The door ______________________ if you _______________________ the knob. (open / turn)

6.  We ________________________ a lot of vegetables if we _____________________ them early. (have / plant)

7.  I _______________________ you tomorrow if you ________________________ to class. (see / come)

8.  If they _____________________ their work done on time, they ____________________ good. (get / feel)



Part B. 

1.  If it __________________________, they ________________________ a good harvest. (rain / have)

2.  She _________________________ to college if she _______________________ a scholarship. (go / get)

3.  If John ________________________ this job, he ________________________ the car he wants. (get / buy)

4.  They ________________________ any money for their retirement if they _____________________ now. (have / save)

5.  The flashlight ____________________________ if it ___________________________ new batteries. (work / have)




Part C. 

1.  We _________________________ to the beach if it ____________________. (go / rain)

2.  If she ________________________ the job she wants, she _____________________ to New York. (get / move)

3.  If his car ___________________________, he _________________________ his sister’s car. (start / borrow)

4. Sarah ____________________________ a ticket if she ___________________ the speed limit. (get / obey)

5. If you _____________________ that, I _________________________ it. (want / take)

Present Simple

Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in the present tense. (10 points)

1. She _______ to school three times a week. (go)

2. My father ________ at that restaurant. (work)

3. I _______ English during the week. (study

4. We ______ some time to go to the store. (have)

5. My car _______ a new set of tires. (have)

6. John _______ his shopping on the weekend. (do)

7. They _______ at that table every day. (sit)

8. A plumber _______ leaky pipes and toilets. (fix)

9. You always ______ me good advice. (give)

10. They ______ very good students. (be)


Directions: Make each of the above sentences negative. (10 points)

1. She __________ __________to school. (go)

2. My father _______ ________at that restaurant. (work)

3. I _______ _________English during the week. (study)

4. We _____ ________ any time to go to the store. (have)

5. My car _______ _________a new set of tires. (have)

6. John ______ _____his shopping on the weekend. (do)

7. They _______ ________ at that table everyday. (sit)

8. A teacher _______ ______leaky pipes and toilets. (fix)

9. You never  _________ me good advice. (give)


 Pizza Delivery

Delivery Guy: Hi. I’ve got a large cheese and sausage pizza for Alena.

Alena: That’s me. How much does it cost?

Delivery Guy: That’ll be sixteen dollars and fifty cents.

Alena: Does that include the tip?

Delivery Guy: No, that’s without the tip.

Alena: Okay, then here’s twenty. You can keep the change.

Delivery Guy: Okay, thanks.

Alena: You’re welcome. Thanks for bringing the pizza.

Delivery Guy: Anytime. Just give us a call. Have a good time.

Alena: Thanks, you too.

Past Passive

 1. The work _________ _________ very quickly.

2. The team _________ _________ in overtime.

3. Dennis and Kathy _________ _________ in June.

4. The pants _________ _________ by a tailor.

5. The results _________ _________ until the next day.

6. Vanessa _________ _________ by what her boyfriend said.

7. Everyone _________ _________ about the project.

8. The subject _________ _________ at the meeting.

9. The books _________ never _________.

10. Bob _________ _________ by his supervisor.


1   do

2 defeat

3 marry

4 alter   изменять

5 announce

6 hurt

7 excite

8 discuss

9 return

10 fire   увольнять

Present Perfect

Present Perfect

1. Where __________ you __________?

2. How long __________ you ___________ here?

3. Tom __________ ___________ there for ten years.

4. Michelle __________ __________ anything to eat yet today. (negative)

5. __________ you ___________ all of your homework?

6. We _________ __________ that movie yet. (negative)

7. __________ she __________ with the teacher?

8. It __________ ___________ since last week. (negative)

9. __________ you ___________ any coffee?

10. Bob __________ __________ several times over the last year.


2 –live

3 –work

4- have

5- do

6- see

7- speak

8- rain

9- have

10- move

good- well

hard- hard

early- early 

fast- fast 






The film is very bored/ boring 

I was amazed/ amazing when I saw it 

Pete was boring/ bored so he went home 

This article is very interesting/ interested 

She’s frightening/ frightened of dogs 

He... all over the world/ travel 

?... you ever... this film/ see 

- We ... on holiday this year/ be 

 They... your letter/ read

? ... Bill... the shopping? /do

1 Have you done your homework yet?

2 I haven’t done it yet 

3 I have just done it 

1 Have you finished the report? / yet 

2 I have been to Australia/ never 

3 Tom has called/ just 

4 Has Tony lived in London/ ever 

1 Have you ever been to Manchester?

2 Have you taken any exams this year?

3 Have any of your friends played in a rock band?

4 Has your best friend ever lied to you?

5 Has the lesson finished yet?

Directions: Complete each question with the correct form of the auxiliary verb and the main verb in the past tense. (10 points)

1. _______ they ________their work yet? (finish)

2. ______ you________ anything for lunch? (eat)

3. When _______ you _________ this morning? (wake up)

4. What ________the students________ in class yesterday? (do)

5. Where _______ I __________ my keys? (put)

6. _________ the teacher_________ you a quiz today? (give)

7. How ________ it __________ to lose all that money? (feel)

8. ________ Maria _________ to work last week? (come)

9. What time ________ the movie_____________ ? (start)

10. Is this what you __________ in class this morning? (do)

Directions: Make each sentence negative in the past tense. (10 points)

1. She _________ _________ the laundry last weekend. (do)

2. I _________ __________ that book very much. (like)

3. My car __________ __________ this morning. (start)

4. John ________ __________ the answer to the question. (know)

5. The party __________ _________ past midnight. (last)

6. Her boss __________ _________ her enough time. (give)

7. We found out that she _________ _________ her taxes. (pay)

8. Jose and I _________ _________ all that food on the table. (see)

9. His children _________ ________ their homework. (do)

10. They never _____________ how to ride a bike. (learn)

A                                           Past                    to be able to do smth

1. She _______ ________ _______ ________ her doctor yesterday. (see)

2. My friends _________ _________ _________ _________ me at the coffee shop. (meet)

3. Bob ________ ________ _________ _________ the door to his apartment. (open — negative)

4. The mountain climbers ________ ________ ________ ________ the top of the mountain. (reach)

5. We _________ _________ _________ _________ our car out of a snow-covered ditch. (get — negative)

6. The volunteers ________ ________ _______ ________ food to the people who needed it. (bring))

7. I’m sorry I _______ ________ _______ ________ you. (help — negative)
8. The doctors _________ ________ _________ __________ the man who had a heart attack. He died. (save — negative)

9. You ________ ________ ________ _________ your dinner. (finish — negative)

10. The rabbit ________ finally ________ ________ _________ from the trap. (escape)





 1. _________ you ________ ________ ________ after the operation? (eat)

2. _________ he________ ________ ________ his car? (start)

3. _________ they _________ _________ _________ the game? (see)

4. _________ you _________ _________ _________ to your teacher? (talk)

5. A: Why _________ they ________ ________ ________ Canada? (enter — negative)

 B: They didn’t have passports.

6 . _________ she ________ ________ ________ a gas station? (find)

7. How ________ you ________ _________ _________ under water for such a long time? (stay)

8. _________ the employees ________ _________ ________ any days off? (take — negative)

9. How many students ________ ________ _________ _________ the test? (complete)

10. Why __________ she _________ _________ __________ her car in that parking space? (park — negative)

I'd like to describe picture number 2

 Look! The picture shows a boy playing with his friends outdoors in the winter. He is playing snowballs and he seems to like it.

 I like his clothes: he is wearing a red jacket, blue jeans, a long red scarf, red gloves and a warm hat

As for me, I like this photo because I am fond of playing snowballs as well

That's all 

I'd like to describe picture number 2

Look! The picture shows a son and his dad playing chess at home

They are playing chess and they seem to like it.

I like their clothes: the son is wearing a black jacket and a white shirt. His dad is wearing a nice t-shirt. I like their hairstyle too. They wear their hair short.

As for me, I like the photo because I am fond of playing chess.

That's all

I'd like to describe picture number 2


The picture shows a group of people outside in winter. They are on a skating rink.

 They seem to enjoy it. I like their clothes. They are wearing winter suits and ice skates. I like the picture because I'm fond of ice skating as well.

 That's all

I,d like to describe picture number 1


The picture shows a boy sitting at the table at home.

He is playing computer games and he seems to like it.

I like his clothes: He is wearing a nice black T-shirt. I like his hair style. He wears his hair short.

As for me, I like the photo because I am fond of playing computer games as well.

That's all

I'd like to describe picture number one. Look!

The picture shows a mother and her two daughters cooking in the kitchen. They are cooking cakes and they seem to like it.

 I like their clothes. They are wearing nice white hats and white aprons.

As for me, I like this photo because I enjoy cooking cakes as well.

That’s all!

I’d like to describe picture number 2



The picture shows a group of people elsewhere at a skating rink.

They are skating and they seem to like it.

I like their clothes. They are wearing winter suits, winter hats and ice skates.


As for me, I like the photo because I'm fond of ice skating as well


That's all

Раздел 1

Мир профессий Выбор карьеры 

I work for a TV company. It’s a wonderful job – I love it

I’m learning to play the guitar. It’s good fun and my teacher’s fantastic

My favorite sport is tennis but I also enjoy playing football

I don’t watch TV – It’s very boring, but I’m interested in old films from the 1960s. I prefer old films to modern ones in fact

I’m very keen on jazz, I go to a club every Friday

1. editor

2. estate agent

3. fashion designer

4. physicist

5. nurse

6. social worker

7. pharmacist

 Two years ago I got a challenging job with good prospects in local radio. I worked hard and as a reward I was promoted. I was delighted. I was quickly transferred to a different department. Then things went wrong: one colleague got the sack, and another handed in his notice. After that ten people were made redundant. I didn’t want to be out of work, so I decided to look elsewhere. I applied for a job in TV and was appointed assistant director. Amazing!


2. exciting-восхитительная

3. fulfilling-дающая возможность 


4. satisfying- приносящая удовлетворение

5. rewarding-благодарная( за

предпринятые усилия)

6. tiring-утомительная

7. exhausting-изнурительная

1) Does your mum work in an office?

2) Does your mum have a full-time job or a part-time job?

3) Does she earn low wages?

4) Does your mum work long hours?

5) Does your mum earn much money?

6) Does your mum’s job pay well?

7) Is your mum a…

Моя мама работает полный рабочий день. Она работает в офисе. Хотя у моей мамы длинный рабочий день, она не зарабатывает много денег. Я не могу сказать что у нее хорошо оплачиваемая работа. На самом деле, она получает низкую зарплату.

Although   In fact  I can't say that

Моя мама работает полный рабочий день. Она работает в офисе.  У моей мамы длинный рабочий день и она зарабатывает много денег, она не получает низкую зарплату. На самом деле, я могу сказать что у нее хорошо оплачиваемая работа.

In fact    I can say that   And

1) bus driver

2) driving instructor

3) factory worker

4) cook

5) postman

6) sales rep

 – Amy, I know you work on reception at the sports center, but what does that involve?

- I handle all customer booking and answer enquiries over the phone or face to face. Occasionally, I also have to deal with complaints from members of the public, and there is the problem. I’m the one who has to solve it.

- It’s not just clerical duties then?

- Oh, no. Some weekends I’m in charge of the whole center and in an emergency it’s my job to make sure that everyone is safe. I have a lot of responsibility.

Booking-заказ.inquiry- вопрос, запрос.in an emergency- в случае опасности. Handle smth- take suitable action in a situation/ deal with smth. Clerical – секретарский

8 класс. 1 раздел. Мир профессий. Выбор карьеры.
Лексико-грамматический тест. Present, Past Subjunctive.  

1.If only it (to be)winter now. 2. I would (buy) a new car if I (have) enough money. 3. I wish Charlie Chaplin (to be) still alive. 4.If David (to be) here, he would ( enjoy ) this film. 5. If I (to be)you, I would (get) there early.6.I could (get) a better job if (stay) at university. 7.I wish I ( to be) very rich. 8.Mary wishes she (have) enough money for a new dress. 9. Many people wish that John Kennedy ( not go ) to Dallas. ( Many people are sorry that John Kennedy went to Dallas.10. I would ( phone) you if I ( not lose ) your phone number.( I didn't phone you because I lost your phone number.)  

          Контрольная работа №1. Раздел № 1. Мир профессий, выбор карьеры. 
1.What does she do? What does he do?  

1.mechanic-a) installs and repairs water pipes, taps, central heating, baths, etc. 
2.plumber -b) repairs engines in vehicles 
3.electrician- c) works for the civil service (all government departments except military).
4.carpenter -d) buys and sells houses and land for people 
5.nanny - e) imports goods to sell 
6.travel agent - f) performs religious ceremonies in some religions. 
7.importer- g) takes care of, cares for children in their own home 
8.priest - h) makes arrangements for people 
9.civil servant- i) installs, connects or repairs electrical wiring
10.sales rep- j) makes or repairs parts of building and other objects made of wood 
11.estate agent- k) travels to different places and sells the products of a particular company.

2.Complete the sentences , using the correct form of the verbs. 

1.If we had a garden, we...a pet.( got, 'd get, will get ) 
2.If I... a million dollars , I'd spend the money on a fast car.(have, will have, had) 
3. If you went to the concert you...it. (would enjoy , had enjoyed, will enjoy)
4. Ann... with us today if she wasn't at her sister's wedding. (would be, was, is) 
5. If it ... so cold, we'd go for a swim.(isn't, won't be ,wasn't) 
6.If ... ... ... ,I'd see a doctor as soon as possible. ( I were you, I was me ,you were me) 
7...buy the tickets on line if I were you , they're much cheaper. (you will, I will,  I'd) 
8.I would have spoken to you if I (see) you.(had seen) 
9.If he  (steal)the company plans, he wouldn't (keep) them in his office.  
10.If I (be not) rude to the customer, my boss wouldn't (fire) me. 
11.I wouldn't have got into debt if I (not buy)the car. 

3.To have something done. 
1. I have my house (paint) every five years. 
2. I have my hair ( cut) every six weeks. 
3. How often do you have your car (check)?
4. Don't forget to get the car (check). 
5. I'm going to get my hair (cut) tomorrow. 
6. I must have the windows (clean) soon. 
7. Did you have the house ( paint) last year? 
8. Will you have the TV (repair) soon? 
9. How often do you have your hair (cut) ? 
10. The college will have a new library (building)next year ?  

11.Paula's bike was stolen. 
12.John's clothes were torn in a fight.
13.Jane's flat was burgled at the weekend.  
14.Fiona's glasses were broken. 
15.Peter's driving licence was taken away by the police. 
16.Our electricity was cut off because we had forgotten to pay the bill. 

Раздел 2

Образование  Мир учения











Modern languages



Beethoven, jazz

Football, gym



Spanish, German

CO2, H2O

Picasso, Monet

Система образования в  Англии и Уэльсе

Start nursery school at 3

Go to primary school at 5

Go to secondary school at 11 (state school or private school)

Go to university

Stay at school until 18


Leave school at 16



Get a job

Go to college

Get a job

1. At what age do children go to nursery school?

2. When do they start primary school?

3. Do they usually wear a uniform at primary school?

4. When do pupils start secondary school?

5. When can they leave school and get a job?

6. Do they go to state school, private school or both?


1. Do you do well in exams?

2. Do you always do your homework?

3. Do you take notes in class?

4. Do you do much homework as part of your assessment?

5.Do you spend much time on Computer Studies ( Maths, Science, Physics, Chemistry )?

6. What subjects do you spend less time on?

7. Do you revise for the exams hard?

8. is your school a single-sex school or a mixed school?

9. Are you a student with learning difficulties?

10. Is PE optional or compulsory in your school?

11. Is good or bad food served in your school canteen?

12. Do teachers give you much homework?

13. Does your school have a reputation for high academic standards?

14. Are you satisfied with your academic results?

15. Do you cheat in exams?

16. Does your school offer high academic standards?

17. Can you take part in extra-curricular activities such as Art, Physical Education, Business Studies?


They are making my sister work really hard in her school. If they don’t pay attention in class and make notes, they are soon lost. Last week she didn’t do her Latin homework and the teacher told her to do 15 exercises! But then they had a test and she made only two mistakes. On the whole language lessons are fun. Most of the time they do fun activities. And she thinks she’s really making progress in Spanish. She understands much more now than a year ago. They are doing an interesting project on local history now. When they finish, they will have to make presentations about what they have found out.

Some days she just wants to scream: I can’t work any harder! I’m already doing my best! But then she thinks that at the end of it all she will do really well in the final exams and go to a good university.

Контрольная работа №2. Раздел № 2. Образование. Мир учения. 

1.Use the right word: away, down, into, out.

1.The criminal broke …on the way to the police station.

2.When Lucy failed the exam she broke…and cried. 

3.The child looked at the picture and broke…laughter.

4.What’s the matter? A fire broke…in the hotel.

5.My bike has broken…,may I use yours? 

6.It’s time to break…from your bad habits.

2.Paraphrase the following sentences using the phrase “ But for “ 

1.If John hadn’t helped us, we wouldn’t have got the job.


2.If Pauline weren’t ill, she would go to the conference. 


3.Complete the sentences using the right form of the adverb.

1.When they are hunting, lions( usual)  move very (slow)  and (silent)  through the grass.

2.We (real) don’t understand what you are saying.

3.Lift the weights (slow)  or you’ll hurt yourself.


4.Complete the sentences with phrases from the box.

very much, really slowly, rather surprisingly, a little, quite often, very carefully, extremely fast, rather hard, quite well.

1. She behaved …nobody expected her to do that.

2.I can sing…,but my sister sings better than me. 

3.John was stopped by the police because he was driving …

4.Palm trees grow …,only one or two centimeters a year. 

5.This is a dangerous machine. So make sure you read the instructions… 

6.We come here …-about four or five times a year. 

7. Clarissa loves her pet cat …

8. Zack hit his head…and got a really bad headache. 

9. I hate going to the gym but I try to exercise…every day to keep fit. 

5. Complete the sentences with a comparative or superlative form of the adverb.      

1.I am putting on weight-I should go to the gym (c- often). 

2. Which website sells airlines tickets …( S- cheap)? 

3. Which bird flies …?(S- high ) (the highest )

4. Children need to visit a dentist…than adults do (C- frequent) 

5. Who sang …on the show yesterday? ( S-good) 

6.Of all the cars in the test the Mazda went …(S fast) 

7. Please speak…(C –slow) 

8. Which type of battery lasts…? (S long) 

9. You’ve made lots of mistakes. Please work…next time. (C –careful)

10. Don’t get the ten o’clock train. It arrives …than the others. (C-late)  


Autumn winds are singing
Singing in the trees
The ripened corn is waving
Waving in the breeze
The harvest moon is shining
Shining in the night
Over hills and valley
In floods of silver light



 by  (Percy Bysshe Shelly

I.The sun is set; the swallows are asleep;

The bats are flitting fast in the gray air;

The slow soft toads out of damp corners creep,

And evening’s breath, wandering here and there

Over the quivering surface of the stream,

Wakes not one ripple from its summer dream




There are no dews on the dry grass to-night,

Nor damp within the shadow of the trees;

The wind is intermitting, dry, and light;

And in the inconstant motion of the breeze

The dust and straws are driven up and down,

And whirled about the pavement of the town

Раздел 3                                                                                              

Шопинг  Мир денег

1.DIY store-сделай своими руками

2.fishmonger’s -рыбный

3.flower shoр-цветочный

4.furniture shop- мебельный


6.newsagent’s-газетный киоск

7.off-licence-винный магазин

8.stationers-магазин канцелярских товаров

9 bakers-булочная

10 book shop- книжный магазин

11 butchers-мясной магазин

12 clothes shop-магазин одежды

13 music shop-магазин музыкальных инструментов

14 shoe shop- обувной магазин15   15 chemist's - аптека


Correct the following statements:

1. I bought some potatoes at the butcher’s

2.I went to the baker’s and bought the medicine the doctor prescribed

3. I got some notebooks and envilopes at the DIY store

4. I bought some lovely roses at the fishmonger’s

5.I got the newspapers at the off –licence

6.I went to that big furniture shop and bought a new dictionary

1. I got your wine at the off-licence.

2. I got some sausages at the greengrocer’s (at the butcher’s)

3. I went to the baker’s and got some rolls for breakfast

4. I got a new handbag at the DIYstore (at a leather goods shop)

5. I got some lonely fresh fish at that big furniture shop in Camden (at the fishmonger’s)

Complete the dialogue with the words from the box

 back, complaint, exchange, manager, receipt, refunds ( возмещение, возврат денег), return ( вернуть )

Customer: Good morning I’d like to make a… . I bought these shoes here a week ago and the heel’s come off. I’d like to… them, please

Shop assistant: Let me see. Er, yes, they don’t look too good. Have you got a…for them?

Customer: I do. Here it is

Shop assistant: Would you like to…them for another pair? Just like this one, or perhaps this beautiful new style?

Customer: No, thank you. I’d just like have my money …please

Shop assistant: I’m afraid we don’t give

Do adverts influence you?

Some people say adverts don’t influence them while others  think adverts influence them a lot.

Adverts influence me, but  in a negative way. If an advent irritates me I make  sure I never buy the product it’s advertising. Apart from that, I always choose the cheapest products I can find.

However when in the supermarket some people pick a product off the shelf probably because they have heard of the brand name or seen the logo and they feel they can trust it. That’s the effect of advertising.

Adverts are everywhere. There are hoardings in the streets, leaflets in your letter box, jingles on the radio, commercials on the TV, brochures in Shops, glossy ads in magazines. Advertising is a huge industry that makes you spend your money.

adverts   реклама

advertising  реклама

hoardings   щиты

leaflets  листовки

jingles  джинглы

commercials рекламные ролики

brochures   брошюры

glossy ads  глянцевая реклама

Контрольная работа №3. Раздел №3.Покупки. Мир денег. 

Might or may. ( May - more formal)

1.           Jenny…be at home now.  Call her. 2. The parcel…not arrive tomorrow. 3.Mr.Clement…be with a client .I’ll just check for you.4. The order …not arrive next week. 5. That man’s wearing a white coat. He …be a doctor..6. The director isn’t answering her phone. She … be in the meeting.7. My spelling isn’t very good. I …buy a dictionary8. We want to go skiing this winter. We … go to Switzerland.


Could, will be able to/ won’t 

A- So you’re interested in the translation job. Can you speak Spanish perfectly? 

B- Well, I… when I was at university, but that was a long time ago. I’m taking a course so I… to speak it very well soon.

A- OK. I’ll give you our test, but I… to recommend you for the job if you don’t pass it.

B- I understand that. Will I … to take the test soon?

A- Let’s see… to come back next Tuesday at four o’clock? 

Comparison of adverbs

1. I eat ( slowly) than other people.2. Can you speak (quietly) ? I’m trying to rest.3. I go to the dentist (regularly) than I used to.4. Do you live (far) from the college than me? 5.I played (badly) than usual yesterday.6. Karl played (well) in last Saturday match.

Complete the sentences using the right prepositions

1. Jane won’t be able to come. She is coming … with a fever. 2. Rachel won’t come… this evening.3. The hook came… the wall when I was hanging up my coat.4. What’s come… him. He is quite polite today. 5. She came … some important facts in course of her search.   


Изобретения и открытия

Изобретения и открытия

1. evidence – доказательство

2. findings – результаты

3. hypothesis

4. lab

5. record – записывать

6. research – исследование

7. analyze

8. observe

9. confirm - подтверждать

1. Do you think flying is enjoyable?

2. Is learning English good fun?

3. Do you prefer meat or fish?

4. Are you interested in sport?

5. Are you keen on classical music?

6. Do you enjoy walking in the countryside?

7. Do you think history is interesting?

8. What’s your favorite city?

My computer crashed1 yesterday. I think I got a virus2 when I was downloading3 music files from the Internet. First there was an error4 message and then it stopped responding. I tried restarting5 it but it didn’t help. I lost a lot of important data6. I’ve got to buy myself better anti-virus software7.

Контрольная работа №4.Раздел №4.Мир технологий и науки.                 

 Must, have to, mustn’t/don’t have to

1. Doctors sometimes … work on Sunday.( it is in the rules of this work).2.Tearchers don’t… work on Sunday.3. You … work hard in order in order to succeed.4. You… smoke on buses.( Smoking is against the rules).5. In football you … touch the ball with your hands.6. Nowadays pupils… learn Latin at school.7. Does Michael… get up early tomorrow?8. Do we…wait here?

2. Should, ought to. Should- ask for or to give advice. Ought to-duty, law.                            A- I’ve got a toothache. What… I do?

B- You … go to the dentist.


A- I saw a robbery. What… I do?

B-You…  report it to the police.

Either, neither. Either= one or the other, neither = not one or the other

1…of the children are learning French this year.  

2…Indian nor Chinese food is expensive.

3. My husband’s mad about both football and cricket, but I enjoy… of them.

4. I’m happy … with Chinese or Indian food.

5.Both these dishes are very different from British food, partly because…contains meat or potatoes     

Мир путешествий

R: Hotel Metropole. Can I help you?

K: Oh, good morning. I’d like to book a double room with a bathroom for May 24th, please.

R: That’s fine. All our bedrooms are en-suite.

K: Right, and how much is that?

R: It’s $60 a night and breakfast is included in the price

K: That’s great. And has the hotel got parking?

R: No, I’m afraid not

In an airport

When passengers get to the airport, they put their luggage (suitcase and bag) on a trolley and go to the check-in-desk. There, they show their ticket and passport and put their luggage on the scales. They can take hand luggage on the plane with them. The person at the check-in-desk often asks: “Do you want a window seat or an aisle seat?” They dive a passenger a boarding card and they often say: “Have a good flight!” You get on the plane and fasten your seat belt. The plane takes off. The plane lands and you get off. You go through passport control. Someone checks your passport. You collect your luggage from baggage reclaim. You go through customs and leave the terminal


1. trolley

2. check-in-desk – стойка регистрации

3. aisle [ ail](проход) seat  – место у прохода

4. boarding card (pass) – посадочный талон

5. take off – взлетать

6. baggage reclaim (claim) – выдача багажа

7.go through customs -  проходить таможенный досмотр

1. How often do you travel by plane?

2. Do you like to sit in a window seat or an aisle seat?

3. Would you like to cycle or walk around the world? Why/why not?

4. Which countries would you most like to visit?

5. Who would you take with you on a trip around the world? Why?

6. Do you like travelling? Why/why not?

7. Do you prefer to travel with parents, with friends or alone?

8. Is there anything about travelling that you do not enjoy?

9. Tell us about the most memorable place that you have ever visited?

10. What is the best thing about travelling for you?

11. Which is the longest journey you’ve ever made?

1. stay in hotel

2. facilities

3. air conditioning

4. room service

5. staff

Atlanta Hotel (Vilnius Lilhuania)

We stayed in this hotel near the Old Town where we had a beautiful bedroom with good facilities: minibar, internet access, satellite TV and air conditioning. The hotel has a great gym. There was 24-hour room service and the stuff was very helpful with tourist information. The café bar was a very pleasant place to meet other guests and we had a delicious breakfast there too. We recommended both Vilnius and the Atlanta for a short stay

Контрольная работа№5. Раздел№5 Мир путешествий. 

1. need, should, needn’t, shouldn’t

1.You don’t …your coat. It’s not cold outside.

2.You…go to the shops. We have enough food.

3.You don’t …to go to the doctor’s.

4. I …go home. It’s midnight.  

5.I… spend so much money.

6.You…drive so fast.

7.You…eat more fruit. 

2. Translate into Russian:

-Everything is pink! You must have put something red in the machine.

-Oh, I might have put John’s red socks in with the sheets by mistake. 

3.Write sentences and questions about the past.

0. Could she come on the earlier bus?- Could she have come on the earlier bus?  

1.Jacky might miss the train.

2.They should get home by now.

3. Might the children stay late at school?

4.I must leave the keys in my coat pocket.

5.Carol might not receive your email. 

4.Have to, need.  Have to –1.it’s important to do smth. because there’s a rule or law.2.When smth. is necessary, we can’t choose not to do it. Need- when we think smth is necessary or a good idea. When smth. is necessary for our body or health.

1. You …to put a card down.

2.Cars …to pay to cross the bridge.

3.Do you …to be a member to use the gym?

4.I …to get up early tomorrow – the train leaves at 6.45 a.m.  

5. I…to earn some more money.  

6.She …to talk to her doctor .

7.I…to go to bed early tonight. I’m very tired.

8. You…to drink more water.

Remember to say:

-What is your town famous for?

-What is your favourite place in the city? Why do you like it?

-Are you going to stay in your city after leaving school or move to another place?

Well, I'd like to share my thoughts about the place where I live

 I love my hometown Revda – a small town in the Urals.

I think the town is famous for its big and interesting museum- Demidov Centre where you can get to know the unique history of Revda. Kabalinskiye springs is one of my favourite  places . It is very popular in spring and summer. My family like to go to picnic there. In winter we enjoy cross –country skiing in the forest.

I plan to enter the university so I will move to Ekaterinburg for studies after leaving school . You know I plan to come back home after graduating from the university.

To sum up, this topic is really interesting and I think people will keep discussing it.

Task 3. You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (1012 sentences). Remember to say:

·                     why do people like travelling?

·                     what means of transport is the best for travelling, why?

·                     what places in Russia would you like to visit ?

·                     what is your attitude to travelling?

Well, I’d like to share my thoughts about travelling 

I think people like it because travelling is a break from daily routine and it can help relax. Actually, the best is coach ( bus) travel which is comfortable and ( relatively) inexpensive. The Eurolines thirtyday pass for young people allows you to make international journeys between 37 European cities for low prices. As for my country, I would like to make journeys to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Well, travelling is great fun. I like it.

That’s all I wanted to say about travelling) 

The Internet. 
1. Why using the Internet is so popular? 2. How can the Internet help students in their studies? 3.Сan the Internet be dangerous and why?

Let me share my thoughts about the Internet.
Indeed, the Internet is quite popular nowadays since millions of people use the Internet doing different things online:  they send emails, watch videos online, people have profiles on websites like Facebook to communicate. In fact, people spend o lot of time online.

As for our school studies, the Internet is really helpful for doing a project at school. Sure, you can find information for your project in one second.
On the other hand the Internet can be dangerous because of some harmful sites.
To sum up, this topic is really important and I think people will keep discussing it.

A Talk about watching television


Why do people spend time watching television?

2 What do most teenagers prefer: watching TV or browsing the Internet?

3 Is there a TV program you really like?

4 What is your attitude to watching TV as a way to spend your free time?



Well, I’d like to share my thoughts about watching television.   I think watching television is still a popular pastime with people because television is a break from daily routine , movies are good fun, they can help relax.

In fact, some teenagers like watching television more than browsing the Internet. 

As for me, there is a TV program I like very much. It is ...

Well , watching television is O K. I watch television very often in my free time. I really like it. It’s fun.

            To sum up, this topic is really interesting and I think people will always discuss it.

A Talk about school

1 What is your weekday like?

2  What do you like most about your school?

3 Do you prefer classroom learning or online learning? Why?

4 What is your attitude to your school?

Well, I'd like to share my thoughts about my school.
I start school at 9 o'clock. A lesson is 40 minutes. We also have double lessons.  Lunch time is at half past twelve in my school. Most kids have school dinners, which are usually nice. After lunchtime we have more lessons lik PE for example.  We do different sports there. I love gymnastics best of all. My school finishes at half past fourteen. Some pupils go to after school clubs. As for me, I go to music club to play the guitar.  School is O'K. I learn different things and meet my friends there.
  That's what I like most about my school. Well, I prefer online learning because I have more free time.

To sum up, this topic is really interesting and people will keep discussing it.

9-е классы

Учебный период





Количество учебных недель

Количество учебных дней

I четверть





II четверть





III четверть





IV четверть





Итого в учебном году




Email  template

Dear Robert,

Thanks a lot for your recent message. It was nice to hear from you. Please excuse my delayed reply. I was so busy revising for the test./ I was so busy at school/

Anyway, you ask (ed) me about/if…        



Got to go now. It’s time for my favourite TV show.Many thanks  again for your email. Hope to hear from you again. Write me back soon.

All the best,/ best wishes,


/ 90 / 132 слова/

100/120 слов 

.  Cover all the questions( remember to start a new paragraph for a new topic)

2.  Use contractions: I’m, don’t …

3.  Use Emotions

4.  Use linking words:


You know,


Of course,

You see,




By the way,





As for,

Yet, still


3...We`ve moved to a new town.It`s small and green. My neighbours say that it hasn`t changed a bit for the last two centuries.Have you noticed any recent changes in your city? What are they? Do you like or dislike them? Why? Yesterday my mum won a cooking competition...
1.Write a letter to Robert.-answer his questions,-ask 3 questions about the cooking competition.100-140 words

Dear Robert,

Thanks a lot for your message. It was nice to hear from you again.

Anyway, I notice some changes in my city. They are:

a new shopping centre, a cool park, a good zoo.

Well, I like them a lot because I like to go there .

Now I go there every day.

Got to go now. It’s time for my favourite TV show. Hope to hear from you again.

Write me back soon.



  Dear Emily,

Thanks a lot for your email.  It was nice to hear from you. Sorry for my delayed reply I was so busy revising for the test.

Anyway, you asked me about childhood. Well, as a child I enjoyed dancing, singing and playing with my toys. In fact, my favourite one was the Teddy bear that I was given by my sister’s friend when I was six years old. I think that  it is better for children to live in the countryside as it is more healthy.

Got to go now. It’s time for my favourite TV  show. Hope to hear from you.

Write me back soon.

All the best,


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Jane.

…My parents work long hours and don’t have enough time for the household chores. My sister and I try to help them as much as we can, and our parents have more time to spend it with us…

…What do you do to help your parents about the house? Who usually does the shopping in your family? What do you enjoy doing all together, as a family, when you all have free time?…

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

Write 100120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

on-line games are trending in conflict zones around the world

being a…is an incredibly interesting profession

it’s an exception rather than a rule  

1 How old are you?

2 How many times a week do you do sports?

3 What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?

4 What sports facilities are available in the place where you live

5 Why do you think it is important to keep fit?

6 What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit? 


Nowadays solar energy is widely used as an alternative form of power. Solar panels transform the energy from the sun into electricity. The first plane that does not need fuel was constructed in France, in 2015. It uses only the sun's energy. The panels are placed on the huge wings of the plane. It doesn’t fly very fast. Solar energy can make the plane move at only 140 miles an hour. However, the plane is able to travel round the world. It is safe and can successfully cross areas of bad weather. In the future, engineers hope to construct a model that people can fly in. Our dream of environmentally friendly transport may come true very soon. Would you like to take a flight on the solar plane? 

Г Two years ago I got a challenging job with good prospects in local radio. I worked hard and as a reward I was promoted. I was delighted. I was quickly transferred to a different department. Then things went wrong: one colleague got the sack, and another handed in his notice. After that ten people were made redundant. I didn’t want to be out of work, so I decided to look elsewhere. I applied for a job in TV and was appointed assistant director. Amazing!


…a huge mass of 1…which gets smaller in the summer 2… rising temperatures 3…much of the ice to melt. By 2030 during the summer months it may be 4…of sea ice

China is moving to take advantages of this with the series of 5…projects

which connects 6 …three very important regions in the world: Europe, Asia and North America 


to generate a really good vaccine

…to generate a really good vaccine in the next …years

… how much does that … when there are good treatments now

…there are more different ways of… yourself from becoming …with the virus in the first place

…it is probably not as crucial but I still think it is …crucial

…it still continues to be a …cause of disease worldwide

…until we get a vaccine we are still going to have some …get infected


 READING ALOUDl.      Reading Aloud

A long time  ago men learnt how to make structures with walls and roofs to protect themselves from bad weather and wild animals These ancient structures were quite primitive and very different from modern buildings Still, they gave people shelter and comfort which they needed Now there are many types of buildings in the world They vary in size shape and function There are several factors which influence the construction of a building Firstly, builders need to consider which building materials are available or suit better Secondly, they must know what a building is going to be used for Moreover, they should think about land prices and climate in the area where they are going to construct a building It is not a very good idea to build a house with big windows in the north or construct a lot of detached houses in the city center where land is very expensive 



People use paper every day Still, few of us think about where and how it was invented In the past people used various plants to write It could be bamboo or rice They also had animal skins to write Paper was invented in China many centuries ago It was thin and made from vegetable fiber or old cloth The technology of producing paper moved from China to Japan Then it moved to Korea where they usually made it from tree bark Only much later the invention spread to Middle East As the legend goes the secret of making paper was obtained from two prisoners of war Then the first paper mills were founded Both Spain and Italy claim to be the first to manufacture paper in Europe Until the 19 th century rags were the main ingredient for paper Then people discovered that wood could be pulped and turned into paper 



If you are looking for ideas to design your living space think about your friends’ homes which truly inspire you When your visit your friends and family think how you feel in their homes You may find some of them cluttered with too many decorations or being too bold for your style However, even such houses may give you an idea of what you certainly don’t want to have in your flat Understanding how you feel in actual living spaces can help you find out which style you want to bring into your own home If there is a home in particular where you feel comfortable relaxed and rested you should think about what elements of these living spaces you like best and which ones you can copy Moreover, if you have a friend who has a style much like your own ask him or her to help you as you work on your own room design 


Education is vital for modern people. Now in most countries one can get education for free. However, it was not like that in the past. In ancient Rome people did not have any formal education. Parents but not schools provided children with knowledge and skills at that time. These could be military, domestic or agricultural skills. Then schools appeared. They were only for boys between 9 and 17 years old who came from wealthy families. Girls could not study there. Roman schools taught writing and speaking skills and poetry. Foreign languages were also very important. Students had to learn some subjects in Greek to help them master this difficult language. Best students got books as a reward from schools. That was a very expensive present as books were very rare at that time. School teachers were deeply respected by the Romans and earned a high salary


If you want to live green you will have to reconsider many aspects of your life. Housecleaning is certainly one of them. We clean our homes on a regular basis but we rarely think about what products we use to do it. Using harmful chemicals to clean is very bad for the environment. When  you  wash them away you are simply putting them into the global water supply. This means water will have to take more purification before it is safe enough to use it again. The obvious solution is to use natural products like vinegar, lemons and soda which can easily cope with most dirt in your house. When you go shopping for cleaning products make sure they don’t contain any harmful ingredients. Do not forget that some cleaning products may actually be toxic and thus damage your health so check for that as well. This is an easy way to contribute to fighting pollution all over the world 


When you are going to design a room it is a good idea to think about the psychology of color. When you plan your space keep in mind that different colors, textures and laycuts can have an impact on the way people feel in your room. Colour in particular can influence people ‘s mood. Red is associated with passion and anger and can even cause headaches. It is a great accent colour for one wall or for a couch or another piece of furniture but some experts suggest that you should not paint an entire room red. Green is associated with calm and rest and is a great colour for living rooms and bedrooms. However, too much green might take the energy out of a room so you should combine it with a bit of red or orange to counteract its calming effects. Blue is also known as a calming and intellectual colour but it can also appear cold  unless you choose a blue with a warm base instead of a cool base 


189 комментариев:

  1. Яна Гайнанова 6 А класс

    1)It is changeable.
    2)Yes, it is.
    3)It is rainy.

  2. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  3. Б.№2 2.No, the day will be windy and it won't be...

    3.There will be heavy showers tomorrow.
    Б.№3 1.If I were in London I would see...
    №2. If I went to Lo0ndon I would watch...

  4. Билет №1
    1.In the Urals the weather is very changeable.
    2.yes, in summer hot
    3.In autumn we get some heavy rain
    Билет №2
    1.yes, it will be cold
    2. a day will not be bright and clear
    3.yes, tomorrow there will be a rain
    Билет №3
    1..If I were in London I would see Big-Ben
    2. If I went to Lo0ndon I would watch Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace as well.
    Билет №11 (Австралия)
    1.no, Australia is the smallest continent
    2.In the centre and in the west it is uninhabited.
    3.No,The capital of Australia is Canberra.
    4. Sydney is the largest city in Australia.
    5. ------
    Черных Вероника 6А

    1. 3 и 4 поменяй местами.В 4 No не нужно .Все остальное правильно

      11 Билет .

  5. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  6. Билет №1
    1.In the Urals the weather is very changeable.
    2.yes, in summer hot
    3.In autumn we get some heavy rain
    Билет №2
    1.yes, it will be cold
    2. a day will not be bright and clear
    3.yes, tomorrow there will be a rain
    Билет №3
    1.If I go to London I will see Big Ben.
    2.I will see the musicals Cats and Mamma Mia.

  7. Andreeva Dasha 6a
    Билет №1
    1.In the Urals the weather is very changeable.
    2.yes, in summer hot
    3.In autumn we get some heavy rain
    Билет №2
    1.yes, it will be cold
    2. a day will not be bright and clear
    3.yes, tomorrow there will be a rain
    Билет №3
    1..If I were in London I would see Big-Ben
    2. If I went to Lo0ndon I would watch Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace as well.
    Билет №11
    1.no, Australia is the smallest continent
    2.In the centre and in the west it is uninhabited.
    3. Sydney is the largest city in Australia.
    4. The capital of Australia is Canberra.
    5.The capital of Australia is Canberra

  8. 1)In the Urals the weather is very changeable.
    2)Yes, it is hot in the summer.
    3)In autumn we get some heavy rain.

  9. In the Urals the wether is very changeteble. 2)In the Urals the sammer is very changeteble. 3)In the autum is wether is raine.

  10. In the Urals the weather is very changeable
    In the summer is hot
    In the autumn lt can de dry and grey

  11. 1)In the Urals is very good 2)Yes, summeris hot 3)In autumn the weather is rainy

  12. 1)in Ural very well 2) Yes, summer the hot 3) autumn weather rainy от максунова димы

  13. 1.In the Urals the weater is very changeable.
    2.In the summer is hot.
    3.In the autumn it can de dry and gray.
    от Юли Голубятниковой

  14. А если не чего не понятно Максунов Дима 6а 23.03.2020

  15. 1.go
    2.not go
    4.not haved
    6.not works
    7. Snow
    8.not snow
    10.not in know

  16. 1.
    1 Go
    2 does not go
    3 Have
    4 Does not has
    5 Work
    6 Do not work
    7 Snow
    8 Does not snow
    9 Know
    10 Do not know
    От Толкачёва Павла.

  17. 2 Вопросы к предложениям.
    1 Do i go to school?
    2 Does she not go to school every day ?
    3 Do Juan and Martha have a large family?
    4 Does he have a car?
    5 Do you work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m every day?
    6 Do i not work on the weekends?
    7 Does it snow a lot in a winter in Minnesota?
    8 Does it not snow in the summer?
    9 Do we know how to speak English?
    10 Do we not know how to speak Italian?
    От Толкачёва Павла.

  18. 1 go
    2 doesn't go
    3 have
    4 doesn't have
    5 work
    6 don't work
    7 snows
    8 doesn't snow
    9 know
    10 don't know
    От Изгагиной Лизы 24.03.2020

  19. Вопросы к предложениям.
    1 Do i go to school every day?
    2 Does she not go to school every day?
    3 Do Juan and Martha have a large family?
    4 Does he not have a car?
    5 Do you work from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. every day?
    6 Do i not work on the weekends?
    7 Does it snow a lot in the winter in Minnesota?
    8 Does it not snow in the summer?
    9 Do we know how to speak English?
    10 Do we not know how to speak Italian?
    От Изгагиной Лизы 24. 03.2020

  20. 1. Go
    2. does not go
    3. Have
    4. Does not has
    5. Work
    6. Do not work
    7. Snow
    8. Does not snow
    9. Know
    10. Do not know
    От Максунова Димы

  21. 1 Do i go to school?
    2 Does she not go to school every day ?
    3 Do Juan and Martha have a large family?
    4 Does he have a car?
    5 Do you work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m every day?
    6 Do i not work on the weekends?
    7 Does it snow a lot in a winter in Minnesota?
    8 Does it not snow in the summer?
    9 Do we know how to speak English?
    10 Do we not know how to speak Italian? От Максунова Димы

  22. 1)It is changeable.
    2)Yes, it is.
    3)It is rainy.
    Шивалов Матвей

  23. 1 Do i go to school?
    2 Does she not go to school every day ?
    3 Do Juan and Martha have a large family?
    4 Does he have a car?
    5 Do you work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m every day?
    6 Do i not work on the weekends?
    7 Does it snow a lot in a winter in Minnesota?
    8 Does it not snow in the summer?
    9 Do we know how to speak English?
    10 Do we not know how to speak Italian?

  24. 1 Do i go to school?
    2 Does she not go to school every day ?
    3 Do Juan and Martha have a large family?
    4 Does he have a car?
    5 Do you work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m every day?
    6 Do i not work on the weekends?
    7 Does it snow a lot in a winter in Minnesota?
    8 Does it not snow in the summer?
    9 Do we know how to speak English?
    10 Do we not know how to speak Italian?
    От Шивалова Матвея

  25. 1 Do i go to school?
    2 Does she not go to school every day ?
    3 Do Juan and Martha have a large family?
    4 Does he have a car?
    5 Do you work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m every day?
    6 Do i not work on the weekends?
    7 Does it snow a lot in a winter in Minnesota?
    8 Does it not snow in the summer?
    9 Do we know how to speak English?
    10 Do we not know how to speak Italian?
    От Шивалова Матвея
    25 марта

  26. №2
    1B He is a businessman.
    2B No, he doesn't like to be away from his family.
    3B He wants to get a different job.
    4B He has five children.
    5B His wife's name is Susan.
    От Толкачёва Павла.

  27. №3
    1B She swims on almost every day of the week during the summer.
    2B Yes, she also swims on the weekend.
    3B She never eats junk food.
    4B She makes healthy choices.
    От Толкачёва Павла.

  28. 1 go
    2 doesn't go
    3 have
    4 doesn't have
    5 work
    6 don't work
    7 snow
    8 doesn't snow
    9 know
    10 don't know
    От Степановой Софьи

  29. 1. Go
    2. Doesn't go
    3. Have
    4.Doesn't have
    5. Work
    6. Don't work
    8.Doesn't snow
    10. don't know
    От Обухова Марика 6а

  30. 1.B He is a businessman.
    2.B No, he doesn't like to be away from his family.
    3.B He wants to get a different job.
    4.B He has five children.
    5.B His wife's name is Susan. От Степановой Софьи

  31. 1.B She swims on almost every day of the week during the summer.
    2.B Yes, she also swims on the weekend.
    3.B She never eats junk food.
    4.B She makes healthy choices
    От Степановой Софьи

  32. №4
    1B She's from Ethiopia.
    2B She works at the airport coffee shop.
    3B She wants to get her own apartment.
    4B She wants to live in a place that's near the bus stop.
    О Толкачёва Павла.

  33. №5
    1) 1 Is. 2 Are. 3 Am. 4 Are. 5 Is.
    2) 1 Am. 2 Is. 3 Are. 4 Are. 5 Is. 6 Is. 7 Is. 8 Are. 9 Is. 10 Are.
    От Толкачёва Павла.

  34. №6
    1 We can meet you later.
    2 What can you do for them?
    3 It can make your life easier.
    4 They can't afford their rent.
    5 Why can't she come on time.
    От Толкачёва Павла.

  35. №7
    1) I would like tomato and cheese in my pizza.
    Yes, i would like to go out tonight.
    Yes, they would like to go to the park.
    I would like to leave in seven o'clock.
    I would like two pieces of chicken.
    2) 1 What would you like to eat?
    2 I would like a hot dog.
    3 What would she like?
    4 She would like some french fries.
    5 How would you like your steak?
    6 I would like it well done.
    7 They would like to watch TV.
    8 Your parents wouldn't like that.
    9 Bob wouldn't like living in California.
    10 Would you like some ketchup?
    От Толкачёва Павла.

  36. 1B He is a businessman.
    2B No,he doesn't like treveling.
    3B He wants to get a different job.
    4B He has five children.
    5B His wife's name is Susan.
    От Обухова Марка 6а

  37. №5
    4 Are.
    5 Is.
    2)1 Am.
    4 Are.
    5 Is.
    6 Is.
    От Степановой Софьи

  38. № 6
    1.We can meet you later.
    2.What can you do for them?
    3.It can make your life easier.
    4.They can't afford their rent.
    5.Why can't she come on time.
    От Степановой Софьи

  39. 1B He is a businessman
    2B No,he doesn't like traveling
    3B He wants to get a different job
    4B He has five children
    5B His wife's name is Susan
    От Изгагиной Лизы 06.04.20

  40. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  41. 1 идти
    2 не идти
    3 иметь
    4 не иметь
    5 работать
    6 не работать
    7 снег
    8 не снег
    9 знаю
    10 не знаю
    От Максунова Димы 06.04.2020

  42. 1B He is a businessman
    2B No,he doesn't like traveling
    3B He wants to get a different job
    4B He has five children
    5B His wife's name is Susan
    От Максунова Димы 06.04.20

  43. 1 She swims on almost every day of the week during the summer
    2 yes,she also swims on the weekend
    3 she never eats junk food
    4 she makes healthy choices
    от Изгагиной Лизы 06.04.20

  44. 1 She swims on almost every day of the week during the summer
    2 yes,she also swims on the weekend
    3 she never eats junk food
    4 she makes healthy choices
    От Шивалова Матвея 06.04.20

  45. 1
    1) go
    2) doesn't go
    3) have
    4) doesn't have
    5) work
    6) don't work
    7) snows
    8) doesn't snow
    9) know
    10) don't know
    От Наумова Никиты 06.04.20

  46. 1)B He is a businessman
    2)B No,he doesn't like traveling
    3)B He wants to get a different job
    4)B He has five children
    5)B His wife's name is Susan
    От Наумова Никиты 06.04.20

  47. 3
    1)B She swims on almost every day of the week during the summer.
    2)B Yes, she also swims on the weekend.
    3)B She never eats junk food.
    4)B She makes healthy choices.
    От Наумова Никиты 06.04.20

  48. 4
    1)B She's from Ethiopia.
    2)B She works at the airport coffee shop.
    3)B She wants to get her own apartment.
    4)B She wants to live in a place that's near the bus stop.
    От Наумова Никиты 06.04.20

  49. 5
    1)Where Is?
    2)When are the movie on?
    3)Why am you here?
    4)How are you?
    5)What is it?
    6) Who is that?
    7) What time is it?
    8) How many books are on the shelf?
    9) How much is the ticket?
    10) How cold are the drinks?
    От Наумова Никиты 06.04.20

  50. 6
    1) We can meet you later.
    2) What can you do for them?
    3) It can make your life easier.
    4) They can't afford their rent.
    5) Why can't she come on time
    От Наумова Никиты 06.04.20

  51. 7
    1)I would like tomato and cheese in my pizza wrong preposition.
    2) Yes, i would like to go out tonight.
    3) Yes, they would like to go to the park.
    4) I would like to leave in seven o'clock wrong preposition.
    5) I would like two pieces of chicken.

  52. 7
    1) What would you like to eat?
    2) I would like a hot dog.
    3) What would she like?
    4) She would like some french fries.
    5) How would you like your steak?
    6) I would like it well done.
    7) They would like to watch TV.
    8) Your parents wouldn't like that.
    9) Bob wouldn't like living in California.
    10) Would you like some ketchup?

  53. №5
    1.Is he a good student?
    2.Are the cars parked in the garage?
    3.Am I supposed to go to work today?
    4.Are you in this class?
    5.Is she from Mexico?
    1.Where am I?
    2.When is the movie on?
    3.Why are you here?
    4.How are you?
    5.What is it?
    6.Who is that?
    7.What time is it?
    8.How many books are on the shelf?
    9.How much is the ticket?
    10.How cold are the drinks?
    От Степановой Софьи

  54. №5
    1) 1. Is he a good student?
    2. Are the cars parked in the garage?
    3. Am I supposed to go to work today?
    4. Are you in this class?
    5. Is she from Mexico?
    2) 1. Where am I?
    2. When is the movie on?
    3. Why are you here?
    4. How are you?
    5. What is it?
    6. Who is that?
    7. What time is it?
    8. How many books are on the shelf?
    9. How much is the ticket?
    10.How cold are the drinks?
    От Толкачёва Павла.

  55. 5
    1) 1. Is he a good student?
    2) Are the cars parked in the garage?
    3) Am I supposed to go to work today?
    4) Are you in this class?
    5) Is she from Mexico?
    От Наумова Никиты 11.04.20

  56. Овчинкин Александр
    Номер 1
    2)doesn`t go
    4)doesn't have
    6)don't work
    8)doesn't snows
    10)doesn't know

  57. Овчинкин Александр
    Номер 4
    1)She swimming on almoust every day of the weeck during summer.
    2)Yes, she also swims of the weeckend
    3)She never eats junk food
    4)She makys healtheng choicas

  58. Овчинкин Александр
    Номер 6
    1)We can meet you later
    2)What can youdo for theam
    3)It can make yourlife easier
    4) They can't affot their rent
    5)Why can't shecome on time

  59. Даниил Бородин, 6а, Дз

    • 1A: What does Bob do?
    • 1B: He is a businessman.
    • 2A: Does he like to travel?
    • 2B: No, he isn’t like to travel.
    • 3A: What does he want?
    • 3B: He wants a different job.
    • 4A: How many kids does he have?
    • 4B: Hes have five children.
    • 5A: What's his wife's name?
    • 5B: His wifes name is Susan.

  60. №8
    1.He has to finish his homework.
    2.They don't have to go to work tomorrow.
    3. Alice has to see a dentist.
    4.I have to start eating better.
    5.You have to get some bread from the store.
    6.We don'thave to read this chapter.
    7.She has to be at work by 5:00 a.m.
    8.We have to speak English in class.
    От Толкачёва Павла.

  61. №9
    1) 1. Question: Does he like his job?
    1. Answer: Yes, he like.
    2. Question: Do you have any money?
    2. Answer: No, I don't have.
    3. Question: Where do they live?
    3. Answer: They live across the street.
    4. Question: What do you do?
    4. Answer: I work at a restaurant.
    5. Question: Does she drive?
    5. Answer: Yes, she drive.
    2) 1. He does his homework at the library.
    2. Do you like to play football?
    3. Where do they live?
    4. She does not want to eat that.
    5. We do our laundry at the laundromat.
    6. What do you do?
    7. Does it take long to get there?
    8. Does he live near the school?
    9. I do not have any money.
    10. The students do not have their books today.
    От Толкачёва Павла.

  62. №10
    1. We went to Florida for the first time.
    2. She turns thisteen next week.
    3. The runner finished in second place.
    4. I've already reminded you third times.
    5. They celebrate the holiday on the nineteenth of January.
    6. This is his twentieth year at that company.
    7. Please, for the hundredth time, stop fighting!
    8. The team scored only one point in the second quarter.
    9. This quiz is worth twenty points.
    10. Their daughter is five years old.
    11. Jeremy is in his fourth year in college.
    12. Mary had her third child last year.
    13. The nineteenth century was an interesting time in England.
    14. May I have a second helping of food, please?
    15. The Prime Minister of England lives at 10 Downing Street.
    16. You will only get one warning before you get a ticket.
    17. Bob and Linda will celebrate forty years of marriage this weekend.
    18. There are thirty-one days in January.
    19. The last day of the month of January is the thirty- first.
    20. A three-hour movie can be hard to sit through unless it's very interesting.
    От Толкачёва Павла.

  63. Овчинкин Александр 6а
    Номер 2
    1 He is a bussnissman
    2No he dasn't like travaling
    3He wants to get a diffrend jo
    4He has 5 childran
    5His wife's name is Susan

  64. 8
    1)He has to finish his homework.
    2)They don't have to go to work tomorrow.
    3)Alice has to see a dentist.
    4)I have to start eating better.
    5)You have to get some bread from the store.
    6)We don'thave to read this chapter.
    7)She has to be at work by 5:00 a.m.
    8)We have to speak English in class.
    От Наумова Никиты 24.04.20

  65. 9
    1) Question: Does he like his job?
    1. Answer: Yes, he like.
    2) Question: Do you have any money?
    2. Answer: No, I don't have.
    3) Question: Where do they live?
    3. Answer: They live across the street.
    4) Question: What do you do?
    4. Answer: I work at a restaurant.
    5) Question: Does she drive?
    5. Answer: Yes, she drive.
    От Наумова Никиты 24.04.20

  66. 9
    1) He does his homework at the library.
    2) Do you like to play football?
    3) Where do they live?
    4) She does not want to eat that.
    5) We do our laundry at the laundromat.
    6) What do you do?
    7) Does it take long to get there?
    8) Does he live near the school?
    9) I do not have any money.
    10) The students do not have their books today.
    От Наумова Никиты 24.04.20

  67. Юлия Голубятникова
    My mum has a full-time job. She works in a office. Although, my mum works long hours, she doesn't earn much money. I can't say that, she doesn't job pay well. In fact, she earns low wages.

  68. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  69. My has has a full time job. My mum work in an office. Althougt my mum works long hours, she earns much money. I can't say that my mum's job pay well. In fack she earn low wages.

  70. My mom has a full-time job. She works in an office. Although, my mom works long hours, she not earns much money. I can say that she job pays well . In fact, she earns low wages.
    Степанова Софья 8А

  71. Белоусова Михаила
    My mum has a full-time jod. She works in a office Although, my mum works long hours, she doesn't earn much money. I can say that, she doesnt job pay well. In fact she earns low wages

  72. My mum has a full-time job.She works in an office. Although, my mum works long hours,she doesn't earn much money.l can't say that,my mum's job pays well.In fact,she earn low wages.
    Изгагина Лиза

  73. My mother works full-time. She works in an office. Although my mother has a long working day she does not earn much money. I can't say that she has a well-paid job. In fact, she gets a low salary
    Шивалов Матвей

  74. тарбеев Вадим
    My mum has a full-time job. She works in a office. Although, my mum works long hours, she doesn't earn much money. I can't say that, mum's job pay well. In fact, she ears low wages.

  75. My has has a full time job. My mum work in an office. Althougt my mum works long hours, she earns much money. I can't say that my mum's job pay well. In fack she earn low wages. От Толкачёва Павла 7А

  76. Юлия Голубятникова
    My mum has a full-time job. She works in a office. Although, my mum works long hours, she doesn't earn much money. I can't say that, she job pays well. In fact, she earns low wages.

  77. Кириллова Полина
    Mu mam has a full-time job. She works in a offise. Although, she erns long wages, she doesn't earn mush money. I can't say that, mu mams pays well. In fact, she earns low wages.

  78. My mum has a full-time job.She works in an office. Although, my mum works long hours,she doesn't earn much money.l can't say that,my mum's job pays well.In fact,she earn low wages

  79. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  80. Muy mum has a full-time job.She works in an office.allhough my mum has full time job, she doesn't earns much money.i can't say that , she doesn't job pays well. In fact, she earns low wages

  81. My mum has a full-time job. She works in a office. Although, my mum works long hours, she doesn't earn much money. I can't say that she job pays well. In fact, she earns low wages.
    Наумов Никита 8а

  82. My mum has a full-time job.She works in an office. Although, my mum works long hours,she doesn't earn much money.l can't say that my mum's job pays well.In fact,she earns low wages.
    Изгагина Лиза

  83. My mom has a full-time job. She works in an office. Although, my mom works long hours, she doesn't earns much money. I can't say that she job pays well. In fact, she earns low wages.
    Степанова Софья 8А

  84. тарбеев Вадим
    My mum has a full-time job. She works in a office. Although, my mum works long hours, she doesn't earn much money. I can't say that,my mum's job paies well. In fact, she earns low wages.

  85. My mum has a full-time job. She works in an office. My mum works long hours and she earns much money, she doesn't low wages. In fact, I can say, she job pays well.
    Степанова Софья 8А

  86. My mum has a full-time job. She works in an office. My mum works a long hours and she earns much money, she doesn't earn low wages. In fact, I can say that , she job pays well
    Юля Голубятникова

  87. My mum has a full-time job.She work in an office. My mum works long hours,she earns much money,she doesn't earn low wages. In fact l can say that my mum's job pays well.
    Изгагина Лиза

  88. My mum has full-time job.She works in an office.my mum works long hours and she earns much money, she doesn't low wages.In fact, i can say that, she earn low wages.
    Тарбеев Вадим

  89. От Толкачёва Павла.
    My mum has a full-time job. She works in an office. My mum is works long hours and she earns much money, she doesn't low wages. In fact i can't say that, she job pays well.

  90. My mum has a full-time job. She works in an office. My mum works long hours and she earns much money, she is doesn't low wages. In fact i can't say that, she job pays well.

  91. 1. might
    2. might
    3. may
    4. may
    5. might
    6. might
    7. may
    8. might
    от Юли

  92. 1 might
    2 might
    3 may
    4 may
    5 might
    6 may
    7 may
    8 might
    Изгагина Лиза

  93. 1 might
    2 might
    3 may
    4 may
    5 might
    6 may
    7 may
    8 might
    Наумов Никита 8а

  94. Работа от Толкачёва Павла.
    1 might
    2 might
    3 may
    4 may
    5 might
    6 may
    7 may
    8 might

  95. 1 might
    2 might
    3 may
    4 may
    5 might
    6 may
    7 may
    8 might

  96. 1 мая ,2
    мая 3 мая, 4 мая,5 мая
    6 мая,7 мая,8 мая может

  97. 1.might 2.might 3.may 4.might 5.might 6.might 7.may 8.might
    Марк Обухов 8а

  98. бородин
    1.- may
    2.- might
    3.- may
    4.- may
    5.- might
    6.- might
    7.- may
    8.- might

  99. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  100. 1 might
    2 might
    3 may
    4 may
    5 might
    6 may
    7 may
    8 might
    Илья Бурнышев 8а

  101. 1. might
    2. might
    3. may
    4. may
    5. might
    6. might
    7. may
    8. might
    Степанова Софья 8А

  102. 1B: He is a businessman.
    2B: No, he doesn't like to be away from his family, but traveling is a necessary part of his job.
    3B:He wants a different job.
    4B:He has five children.
    5B:His name is Susan.
    Андриянов Никита 5б

  103. 1) He is a businessman.
    2) No, he doesn't like to be away from
    his job.
    3) He wants a different job.
    4)He has got five children.
    5) His wife's name is Susan
    (Глеб Шамраев 5б 🌫⛩️)

  104. Немчинов Артур, 5б

    1B. He is a businessman.
    2B. No He traveling.
    3B. He wants to get a different.
    4B. He are five children.
    5B. He name is Susan.

  105. 1A: He is a businessman.
    2A: No, he doesn't.
    3A: He has a different job.
    4A: He has five children.
    5A: His name is Susan.
    Лагута Александр 5б

  106. Артур Гаптулханов 5б
    1B:He is a businessman.
    2B:No,he doesn't like.
    3B:No,he doesn't like it, a different job?
    4B:He is five children.
    5B:Her wife's name is Susan

  107. 1. Have they finished their work yet? (finish)

    2. Have you eaten anything for lunch? (eat)

    3. When have you waked up this morning? (wake up)

    4. What have the students done in class yesterday? (do)

    5. Where have I put my keys? (put)

    6. Has the teacher given you a quiz today? (give)

    7. How has it felt to lose all that money? (feel)

    8. Has Maria come to work last week? (come)

    9. What time have the movie started ? (start)

    10. Is this what you done in class this morning? (do)

  108. Where have you been?

    2. How long have you lived here?

    3. Tom has worked there for ten years.

    4. Michelle hasn’t had anything to eat yet today. (negative)

    5. Have you done all of your homework?

    6. We haven’t seen that movie yet. (negative)

    7. Has she spoken with the teacher?

    8. It hasn’t rained since last week. (negative)

    9. Have you had any coffee?

    10. Bob has moved several times over the last year.Овчинкин Александр

  109. Where have you been?

    2. How long have you lived here?

    3. Tom has worked there for ten years.

    4. Michelle hasn’t had anything to eat yet today. (negative)

    5. Have you done all of your homework?

    6. We haven’t seen that movie yet. (negative)

    7. Has she spoken with the teacher?

    8. It hasn’t rained since last week. (negative)

    9. Have you had any coffee?

    10. Bob has moved several times over the last year.

  110. Have they finished their work yet?
    2. Have you eaten anything for lunch?
    3. When have you waked up this morning?
    4. What have the students done in class yesterday?
    5. Where have I put my keys?
    6. Has the teacher given you a quiz today?
    7. How has it felt to lose all that money?
    8. Has Maria come to work last week?
    9. What time have the movie started ?
    10. Is this what you done in class this morning?

  111. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  112. 1. him
    2. her
    3. them
    4. it
    5. me
    6. her
    7. them
    8. you
    9. him
    10. it
    11. it
    12. me
    13. them
    14. them
    15. you
    16. us
    17. him
    18. her
    19. it
    20. us

    Юля 8а

  113. 1 him
    2 her
    3 them
    4 it
    5 me
    6 her
    7 them
    8 you
    9 him
    10 it
    11 it
    12 me
    13 them
    14 them
    15 you
    16 us
    17 him
    18 her
    19 it
    20 us
    Изгагина Лиза 8 а

  114. 1. him
    2. her
    3. them
    4. it
    5. me
    6. her
    7. them
    8. you
    9. him
    10. it
    11. it
    12. me
    13. them
    14. them
    15. you
    16. us
    17. him
    18. her
    19. it
    20. us
    От Данила
