четверг, 29 августа 2013 г.

8 summer exams summer exams


 Card №1                   The world of Jobs 
   My sister has a really interesting new job in the office of a language school. (She works in London.)It is a  full-time job. She meets new students when they arrive at the school and of course, she answers the phone and sends and writes letters and emails. Olga spends a lot of time making phone calls .Olga really likes her other colleagues in the office because they are very friendly. She finds the language school a nice place to work.   
1.Where does your sister work?
 2.What does she spend much time on?
 3.Why does Olga like her work at school?
To the teacher:
1.Do you find your job interesting?
 2.Does your job pay well?
3.Are your colleagues friendly?  

Card №2                        My Future Career   
I am hoping to have a career in the private sector. I`d like to be in management and have my own business. I had a couple of jobs in small companies in my holidays, so I have a little experience. I am hoping to work for a large company. They do a lot of training and I will get some extra qualifications too.
1. Would you like to be in the legal profession?
2. Would you love to be the boss of company?
3. Would you like to produce cars?
4. Would you like to sell clothes?
5. Would you love to design motorways?
6. Would you like to teach people their jobs?

 Card№3                       My school.
 My school provides such facilities as friendly atmosphere and good teaching. My school runs many after school clubs (our school basketball team is great).After school activities are arranged for pupils to show off all their talents. When at school I go to all the lessons and do my homework,but sometimes I don`t work hard,that is why my results aren`t fantastic.However, I am good at...    
1.What are you good at when at school?
2.Do you go to all the lessons?
3.What after- school activity do you like most?   

Card №4                                    Ideal school
I would like to study at a school which provides small class sizes and PE is optional here, it is not compulsory. The school, which offers interactive white boards and a laptop computer for each student; one, where the teachers don't give too much homework and the school canteen serves good food. Besides, the school organizes many school trips.     

Card№5.                                    My computer  
My computer crashed yesterday. I think i got a virus when I was downloading  music files from the Internet.First, there was an error message and then it stopped responding.I tried restarting it, but it didn't help.I lost a lot of important data.I'got to buy myself better anti-virus software.  
Card№6.                                   The  media.        
The  media is TV,radio,nespapers,magazines and the internet.The media report on important news from 
 around the world,for example  disasters like the Asian tsunami or wars between different countries.As well as reporting the news ,the media give their opinion of events round the world.And reporters also like to write about celebrities such as Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie. 
Card№7                                      Surprise        
              Don't be afraid to lose,don't want to win very much ,or it will be very sad for you to fail.Go through your life , do not be jealious and wicked to others.

Homework-  8

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Patty invited some friends over for dinner. She moved into her first apartment two months ago, so she decided to have some friends over to celebrate and show off her new place. She also started a new job not long ago. Some of the people that she invited over were from work.
Patty didn't have all the ingredients for the dinner that she planned, so she made a list and then she went shopping at the local grocery store. She never used to go grocery shopping when she lived at home with her parents, but now she has to do everything for herself.

She bought fresh tomatoes, basil, lettuce, broccoli, green peppers, red peppers, some pasta, salad dressing, some olives, and several pounds of chicken. She also bought a few bottles of wine and some beer. For her guests who don't drink alcohol, she bought some non-alcoholic drinks.
For an appetizer, she made bruschetta. Bruschetta is an Italian recipe. To make it, you start with toasted pieces of French bread brushed with garlic and olive oil. The bread is then topped with a slice of tomato, fresh mozarella cheese, and basil.
For the main course, Patty roasted some chicken and some potatoes. She also made a pasta salad because some of her guests were vegetarians and don't eat any kind of animal meat.

There were 20 people at her party. It was hard to plan and prepare for such a large group, but everyone had a nice time and loved the food. Most of Patty's guests brought her a house-warming gift, some wine, or some flowers. One of her friends brought five apple pies, so after dinner they had the pie for dessert.
Patty's party was a great success!

Заполните пропуски в соответствии с содержанием текста
  • 1: Patty invited some friends ________ for dinner.
  • 2: She ________ a list before she went shopping.
  • 3: She never _____ _____ _____ grocery shopping when she lived at home with her parents.
  • 4: Patty __________ a lot of food at the store.
  • 5: She roasted a _________ and some __________.
  • 6: Most of her guests __________ her something when they arrived.
  • 7: Everyone __________ a good time.
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Нave you ever been to a sculpture garden? A sculpture garden is an outdoor space for the public enjoyment of three-dimensional art forms known as sculptures. The sculptures are featured within a variety of landscapes and natural settings. Some sculpture gardens also include gardens with flowers, shrubs, and trees.
A sculpture can be made from many different, durable materials: steel, concrete, glass, and plastic are among the most common. The sculptures are kept outside year round, so they must be able to withstand precipitation, heat, cold, or constant exposure to the sun.
Visitors to a sculpture garden are often pleasantly surprised by the wide variety of approaches to sculpture. Some sculptures are modern and abstract while other sculputures take on a more traditional form that resembles people or animals.
Sculpture gardens can be found in many cities around the world. TehranTorontoWashington, D.C., and Minneapolis are home to some of the most famous ones. If you go, be sure to bring your camera!

Заполните пропуски в соответствии с содержанием текста

·         1A: What is a sculpture?
·         1B: It's _______________________art.
·         2. Sculptures in a sculpture garden are outside year round, so they must be very ____________.
·         3. __________to a sculpture garden are often pleasantly surprised by what they see there.
·         4. Sculpture gardens _______________ in many cities around the world.

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Wally worked on his house last weekend. He needed to replace an old deck that hung over the back of the house. The wood on the deck was beginning to rot. When wood begins to rot, it's time to replace it. Wally figured it was a two-man job, so he called his brother, Steve, and asked him to lend a hand.
Wally has almost all of the tools necessary for a project like this one. He owns hand tools and power tools. A good hammer and a cordless drill are especially helpful to have. He used the hammer to pound in nails and the cordless drill was used for the screws. Steve brought over his circular saw because Wally had only a hand saw to cut the pieces of lumber.
With Steve's help, they got the job done quickly. They removed the old pieces of wood that were rotting and replaced them with new lumber. They also sealed the wood to prevent it from rotting in the first place. Afterwards, they tested the deck by sitting on it to make sure it was strong enough to hold a group of people. They also double-checked all the work they did before calling a building inspector. The inspector's job is to make sure that construction work is properly done.
Next week, Wally will go over to Steve's house to help him pour concrete for a patio and a walkway. They enjoy working together. Not only does it make a job go faster, they learn from each other, and they enjoy each other's company.

Заполните пропуски в соответствии с содержанием текста

  • 1A: What did Wally need to replace?
  • 1B: He needed to replace his ________.
  • 2A: What was the problem?
  • 2B: The wood was beginning to ________.
  • 3A: What did Steve bring over?
  • 3B: Steve brought over his ________ ________.
  • 4A: Where is Wally going to go next weekend?
  • 4B: He's going to go over to _________ house.

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