пятница, 4 сентября 2015 г.

5 exam говорение 5 form

5 Form Exams Exams Exams Exams Exams   
Present Simple

2years ago:

1. Do you do any sport?    -Yes, I go swimming every day and I play volleyball. 
2. Do you go out in the evenings? - Yes,most evenings. 
3. Do you play a musical instrument? - Yes, the guitar. 
4. Do you like reading? - Yes, I read a lot. 
5. Do you travel much? - Yes, I go away two or three times a year.  


Do you have a lot of free time now? - I work very hard in my job.I don't have any free time.  

About Me 
My name is Maria and I am 11 years old. I live in Mambai in India.  
My family 
My mum's called Gitanjali.She is a doctor.My dad's called Bob and he's a pilot. I've got two sisters, called Eta and Ela.They're twins, and they're nine years old. I've also got a kitten called Colin. He's black and white and very funny!  

My interests 
I play the violin in the school orchestra. I also play the piano, and at the moment I am learning to play the guitar! I also love playing chess and backgammon ( триктрак )  


-Excuse me ,may I ask you a few questions?
 - All right.   
 - Can you speak English?   
 - Yes, sure.  
 - What subjects did you like at school? 
 - I liked French, Literature and Economics. -     
 What subjects didn't you like? 
 - I didn't like Maths and Physics


-A single to Cardif, please 
-That's 10 pounds, please 
-Right, and when is the next train? 
-There's one at 10.20 . 
-Fine. Do I have to change?  
-No, it's direct 
-That's good. And  when does it get to Cardif ?  
- 10.57 
-O'K. And which platform is it? 
- Platform 7. 
- Right, thanks.

Card № 5

My brother's got a house in a village near me, and from the house he's got fantastic views of the countryside.Downstairs there's a living room,dining room large kitchen and a study where my brother works.Upstairs there are four bedrooms and two bathrooms.There's also parking for two cars ,and a large garden.In the summer they eat outside all the time.

Card№ 6

In the Urals the weather is very changeable.It can get hot in the summer for two or three months.In autumn we get some heavy rain.In winter it can be dry, sunny and freezing or grey and damp.
1.What is the weather like in the Urals?
2. Is it hot in the summer?
3.What is th
e weather like in autumn?


Text №1

Peter will go on holiday with his family in January.They will go to Scotland in the United Kingdom.They will travel by plane. The weather will be cold and windy. Peter will see snow for the first time.His mother will buy him a warm coat and some boots in Scotland.Peter will have lots of fun with his family in Scotland.They will visit the Castle Tweed and they will sail a boat on lake Tweed.  

1.Peter will go to Scotland, won't he? 
2.Scotland is a part of America , isn't it? 
3. Peter will travel by bus, won't he? 
4.Peter's mother will buy Pete a new car, won't she?
5.What will Pete and his family do in Scotland?

Text № 2

I am lucky. I have a loving family.  I get on well with my parents. I don`t argue a lot with my sisters.  Our relationship is getting worse at the moment because we are teenagers. They always come into my room and borrow things. I tell my mum and my dad but it doesn`t make any difference. I love my sisters and I hope our relationship will get better a little bit later.                                                                                                      
1.  Do you have a loving family?
2.  Do you come from a large family?  
3.  Is it easy being in a large family?
4.  Do your brothers or sisters help you with your homework? 

5.  Is it lonely not having any brothers or 


Text №3

   I went on a plane to New York. My mother was the airhostess and my father was a pilot. My mother looked after me. I ate lunch and watched a film. There was a kind woman next to me. She was very friendly. We talked about her children. She has a boy my age. His name is Pete. I will e-mail him tomorrow.       

1.Where did you go on a plane?   

2.What did you eat on the plane? 

 3.How old is her son? 

5 Form

 - Can you speak English?   

 - What subjects did you like at school? 

 -What subjects didn't you like? 

 - What is the weather like in the Urals?
-  Is it hot in the summer?
- What is th
e weather like in autumn?
-Do you do any sport?    
- Do you go out in the evenings? –
- Do you play a musical instrument?
- Do you like reading?
-Do you travel much?
How old are you?
What is your mother?
What is your father?

Have you got a pet? What is it like?

It is a good place to live

It’s a good place to live

Sochi is a good place to live

It is not a good place to live


Tom is as tall as Bob

Dan is twice as higher as Tim

Ann is not so tall as Mary

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