понедельник, 7 сентября 2015 г.

7 класс контрольные работы

7 Form Card №1.
Alexader Pushkin -the greatest poet and writer.He was born in Moscow. Alexander received his early education at home. At the age of 8 he composed his first poem. In 1820 he published his poem " Ruslan and Ludmila" and became famous.The best known work by Pushkin is "Eugene Onegin". Alexander Pushkin died after a duel and is buried in Svyatogorsk Monastery near his family estate Mikhailovskoye. 
Card №2. 
Peter Tchaikovsky-great russian composer. Peter Ilych was born in a village near modern Izhevsk. Tchaikovsky composed a lot of symphonies,created beautiful music for operas and ballets. His most famous operas are "Eugene Onegin"1878," Iolanta"1891," The Queen of Spades"1890; his famous ballets are " Swan Lake", "The Sleeping Beauty","The Nutcracker".In 1894 The Tchaikovsky House Museum was opened in Klin.In 1958 the International Tchaikovsky Music Competition started in Moscow. 
Card №3.  
Russia is enormous.In the north, south,west and east there are bordres with ...different countries.The longest river is the ...and ...is about ...meters high, it's the highest mountain in Russia. Moscow is the capital of Russia.Very famous is St.Petersburg which has the Hermitage and the white nights.It is very popular with tourists. 

1.Do you enjoy watching TV?  
2.Do you do any sport? 
3.Do you like reading? 
4.Do you go out in the evenings? 
5.Do you travel much? 
6.Do you play a musical instrument? 
7.Which city is the capital of Russia? 
8.Is St. Petersburg popular with tourists? 
9. Is St. Petersburg the capital of Russia? 
10.What is St. Petersburg famous for?  

How to make a nice cup of tea. British style.
1.   Pour some hot water into a teapot
2.   Put the kettle on the stove to boil
3.   Swill the teapot round
4.   Put some water in a kettle
5.   Pour the hot water out
6.   Pour boiling water onto the tea
7.   Let the tea stand for three minutes
8.   Put tea or teabags into the teapot
9.   Pour the tea onto the milk

10.                    Put the milk in the cup

  Контрольная работа №1.    

Card№3     I would like to go on a summer English course
in Cambridge. My mum has found an advertisement for a language school. She wrote an e-mail to the manager of the school in which she asked about the price of a one- month General English course. It turned out to be not so high. The school has several sports fields, a gym, a library, a canteen, a very well-equipped science lab and a computer room. The teachers at school are very creative.  

                 Контрольная работа 
1.Complete the question tags. 
1.You are not nervous,...you? 
2.You are going to Greg's party,...you? 
3.Colin has a very big house,...he? 
4.You never turn up on time,...you? 
5.There' s no reason to leave now,...there? 
6.Nobody called while I was out,...they? 

2.Completethe sentences  
1.Please come home before it gets... 
2.Can you help me please? I'm afraid I'm... Where is the metro station? 
3. It had got so ...that we had to stay at home. 
4.I know you're...Go to bed and have a good sleep. 
5.My parents got...20 years ago. 

3.Complete the sentences using the missing words. 
1.I'm afraid that our secret can get... .
2. Get... the bus near the London Bridge.
3.It's time to get ...to business. 
4.The old lady got ...of the car with difficulty. 
5.Don't let him get...with my bike. 

4.Match the two parts of the proverbs. 
1.Honesty is      travels fast. 
2.Bad news        you'll catch none.
3.If you run after two hares    is the best policy.  
5.Present simple.Complete the sentences.
1.  I ___ to school every day. (go)
2.  She _____ to school every day. (go - negative)
3.  Juan and Martha _____ a large family. (have)
4.  You _____ from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day (work)
5.  I ______ on the weekends. (work - negative)
6.  It _____ a lot in the winter in Minnesota. (snow)
7.  It _____ in the summer. (snow - negative)
8. We _____ how to speak Italian. (know - negative)  
6. Past Simple
                                                                                                                                                                1. 1.I ___________ to work earlier today. (go)
2. The students ___________ their homework. (finish)
3. He ____________ a big breakfast. (eat)
4. They ___________ to California. (move)
5. My bike ____________ a new tire. (need)
6. Jennifer ________ her laundry last weekend. (do)
7. She ___________ to the park with her dog. (walk)
8. You really ____________ me a lot. Thanks! (help)
9. We ____________ a new car. (get)
10. The computer ___________ on all night. (stay)   

7. Present Perfect

Exercise A - Affirmative Statements: S + has or have + past participle
1. I ______ __________ in this country all my life. (live)
2. She _______ _________ her homework. (do)
3. All of my friends ______ __________ away on vacation this week. (be)
4. It _____ ___________ the entire week. (rain)
5. We _________ _____________ a lot of grammar in this class. (study)
6. John ________ ____________ in the hospital for five days. (be)
7. I _______ _____________ as a teacher since 1989. (work)
8. Jennifer knows everyone in her town because she _______ _________ there since she was a baby. (live)
9. Mark and Louise _______ _________ about getting married. (talk)
10. A friend of mine _______ ___________ $20,000 in the bank to buy a house. (save)

Exercise B - Negative Statements: S + has or have + not + past participle
1. Martha ___________ _____________ her homework yet. (do)
2. We ___________ ______________ a movie in a very long time. (see)
3. The children ___________ _____________ breakfast and they're very hungry. (have)
4. You _________ ______________ any breakfast yet either. (have)
5. It __________ _____________ in almost four weeks and the ground is too dry. (rain)

Future Simple

rections: Change the verb from the present tense to the future tense using "will." (10 points)
1. She's in New York today.
    She ______________ in New York tomorrow, too.
2. They're at home.
    They ______________ at home this weekend.
3. He does his homework every night.
    He ________________ his homework tonight after dinner.
4. I really like this movie.
    My friends _________ probably __________ this movie, too.
5.  Is there enough time to finish this assignment?
  ________ there _______ enough time to finish this assignment?
6. You don't see any snow in Florida.
    You _______________ any snow in Florida.
7. Maria goes to a really good school.
    Maria _____________ to a good school next year also.
8. Where's the party?
     Where ____________ the party __________?
9. How much does a plane ticket cost?
    How much ___________ a plane ticket _____________?
10. He has a good time when he goes on vacation.
     He ____________________ a good time on his next vacation.

ctions: Change the verb from the past tense to the "going to" future tense. (10 points)
1. We were at church on Sunday.
    We _____________________ at church next Sunday, too.
2. They went to a museum yesterday.
    They ________________________ to the zoo, tomorrow.
3. Roger didn't do his laundry yet.
    Roger __________________________ it today either.
4. What did they have for breakfast?
    What ________ they ____________________ for lunch?
5. How many people were there?
   How many people ________ there __________________?
6. Was there a good movie showing?
    ______ there _______________ a good movie showing?
7. Everyone had a good time.
    Everyone __________________________ a good time.
8. Boris helped me fix my car.
    Boris _____________________ me fix my computer, too.
9. She wasn't on time for class yesterday.
   She probably ________________________ on time today.
10. Shukri did well on her test.
     She _____ probably _________________ well in college.

Homework - 7 " B"
Want- Past tense
I wanted _____
We wanted _____
You wanted _____
You wanted _____
He wanted _____
She wanted _____
It wanted _____
They wanted _____

Past tense- Negatine
I didn't want _____
We didn't want _____
You didn't want _____
You didn't want _____
He didn't want _____
She didn't want _____
It didn't want _____
They didn't want _____

Дополните предложения
1- 10 Past Tense:
1.   What _______ they _________ ?
2.   They ________ a ride.
3.   What ________ he ________?
4.   He _________ something to drink.
5.   What ________ you ________ to do?
6.   I ________ to see a movie.
7.   We _________ __________ that house. (negative)
8.   The childen _________ __________ to leave. (negative)
9.   Why _________ she _________ the job? (negative)
10.               My mother _______  ________ me to do that. (negative)

№ 2

Должен,  вынужден
have to
have to _____
We have to ____
You have to____
You have to ____
He has to ____
She has to ____
It has to ____
They have to ____

You have to go to school tomorrow.
He has to do some work.
They have to travel to New York.
To make "have to" negative:
do + not + have to + main verb
I don't have to _____
We don't have to ____
You don't have to _____
You don't have to ____
He doesn't have to _____
They don't have to _____
She doesn't have to _____
It doesn't have to _____
We don't have to be there until 8:00.
She doesn't have to do the dishes tonight.
They don't have to clean their house.

Directions: Use "have to" to complete each sentence.
1.  He ________ ________ ________ his homework. (finish)
2.  They _______ ________ ________ ________ to work tomorrow. (go -- negative)
3. Alice ________ ________ ________ a dentist. (see)
4.  I ________ ________ ________ eating better. (start)
5.  You ________ ________ ________ some bread from the store. (get)
6.  We ________ ________ ________ ________ this chapter. (read -- negative)
7.  She ________ _______ ________ at work by 5:00 a.m. (be)
8.  This ________ ________ ________ ________ on. (be -- negative)
9.  These glasses ________ ________ ________ right. (fit)
10. We ________ ________ ________ English in class. (speak)

Прочитайте текст, заполните пропуски в задании

Tom has a question. He doesn't understand something, so he's asking his teacher a question. Tom doesn't understand how to make the present tense negative. His teacher tells him to use the helping verb "do" and the word "not" with the main verb. After the teacher explains what to do, Tom understands.
Tom is a high school student. He moved to the United States with his family from a small town in Russia. His first language is Russian, but he can speak a little bit of English. Tom is taking an ESL class to improve his English.
His teacher's name is Mr. Amundsen. He teaches five different classes during the school day. All of Mr. Amundsen's students are from countries outside the United States and they are all learning English as a second language. Most of his students are from Mexico, Russia, Somalia, Cambodia, and Viet Nam.

How much do you remember from the reading? Fill in the blanks.
  • 1A: Why is Tom asking a question?
  • 1B: He ___________ understand something.
  • 2A: What is Tom's first language?
  • 2B: It's ________________.
  • 3A: How many different classes does Mr. Amundsen teach during the school day?
  • 3B: He _________ five different classes.
  • 4A: What countries are Mr. Amundsen's students ______?
  • 4B: They're from Mexico, Russia, Somalia, Cambodia, and Viet Nam.
№ 4
Соотнеси темы и содержание текстов

Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …
1. Taking English abroad.
2. The rise of America.
3. The French influence.
4. The expansion of learning.
5. Orthographic difference.
6. The global language.

A. A billion people speak English, two-thirds of the world’s scientists write in English, and 85 per cent of the world’s electronic information is stored in English. One result is that the British are terribly lazy about learning other languages. The reasons for the popularity of English are either lost in history, or something to do with the superpower on the other side of the Atlantic.
B. English has many similarities with Romance languages, whose origin is Latin. The words like government, parliament, court, legal, army, crown, state, country, power, and people came to England with the French-speaking Normans. Notice that the word:, are associated with power: Norman-French was used as the language of government. Words of Latin origin are usually longer than words of Germanic origin.
C. The period from the Renaissance to the present day has seen many new ideas and inventions, especially in science and technology. As new things are invented, new words have to be created. Often these new words are created from existing Greek or Latin words put together in new ways. There are now thousands of such words in English. Just think of telephone, television, microscope, and thermometer.
D. Today, there are some differences in vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation between American and British English. Sometimes, the difference in spelling is because Americans wanted to make things simpler, so that a word would be spelled the way it is pronounced. Noah Webster, founder of one of the most famous American English dictionaries, decided to eliminate from a won I any letters that were not pronounced (honor — honour, theater — theatre).
E. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, British navigators sailed across the seas with the aim of extending Britain’s power and prosperity. They colonized new territories around the world, taking their language with them. In many cast the process of bringing ‘civilisation’ to the existing peoples of these lands was accompanied by cruelty and injustice.

Прочитайте текст и вставьте в пропуски подходящее слово из  списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

There (A)____ hundreds of castles in the British Isles. Some of them are ruins, but (B)____ are in very good condition. Some castles are homes for (C)____ people like the Queen of (D)____ ! Many of them are very, very old, and have got a (E)____ history. Castles are big, strong buildings. People built castles in the past to protect everyone inside the castle from attack. Many castles have legends.

1. buildings; 2. famous; 3. England; 4. fascinating; 5. are; 6. people; 7. others.

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.


№ 6

Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из  списка.

I am your mother
Joyce is 24 years old. She has a baby daughter, but she can ’t take A____ of her baby. The government takes Joyce’s baby and gives her to B____ family. Joyce never forgets her daughter. For 20 years Joyce looks C____ her. She can ’t find her. She doesn’t know her daughter’s new name. She doesn’t know her daughter’s D____ . When Joyce is 44 years old, she gets a E____ at a small store.
A young woman works with Joyce at the store. The young woman’s name is Tammy. Tammy and Joyce are friends. One day at work Tammy begins to cry. “What’s the matter?” Joyce asks Tammy. “I’m looking for my birthmother and I can’t find her. I have only this photo. See? This is me when I was a baby.” Tammy shows Joyce the photo. Joyce looks at the photo for a long time. “Tammy,” Joyce says. “I think I'm your birth mother.”

A 1) love 2) care 3) kindness 4) attention
B 1) other 2) another 3) others 4) through
C 1) for 2) forward 3) after 4) his
D 1) school 2) country 3) address 4) character
E 1) place 2) work 3) department 4) job

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.

46 комментариев:

  1. Russia is enormous.In the north, south,west and east there are bordres with 16 different countries.The longest river here is Lena and Elbrus is about 5642 meters high, it's the highest mountain in Russia. Moscow is the capital of Russia.Very famous is St.Petersburg which has the Hermitage and the white nights.It is very popular with tourists.

  2. Russia is enormous.In the north, south,west and east there are bordres with 16 different countries.The longest river is the Lena and Elbrus is about 5642 meters high, it's the highest mountain in Russia. Moscow is the capital of Russia.Very famous is St.Petersburg which has the Hermitage and the white nights.It is very popular with tourists.

    Вахонина Виктория

  3. Russia is enormous. In the north, south, west and east there are bordres With Ukraine, USA, China and Australia. The longest river is Lena and Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Very famous is St. Petersburg wich has the Hermitage and the white nights. It is very popular with tourists.

    Nikita Andryukov

  4. Дополните предложения
    1- 10 Past Tense:
    1.   What ___did____ they ____want_____ ?
    2.   They __wanted______ a ride.
    3.   What _____did___ he __want______?
    4.   He ____wanted_____ something to drink.
    5.   What _____did___ you ___want_____ to do?
    6.   I ___wanted_____ to see a movie.
    7.   We __did_not_____ _____want_____ that house. (negative)
    8.   The children ___did not______ ____want______ to leave. (negative)
    9.   Why ____did not_____ she ___want______ the job? (negative)
    10.               My mother __did__not___ __want______ me to do that. (negative)
    Marina Kolaysnikova.

  5. 1. What did they want?
    2. They wanted a ride.
    3. What did he want?
    4. He wanted something to drink.
    5. What did you want to do?
    6. I wanted to see a movie.
    7. We didn't want that house.
    8. The children didn't want to leave.
    9. Why didn't she want the job?
    10. My mother didn't want me to do that.
    Nikita Andryukov

  6. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  7. 1. What did they want?

    2. They wanted a ride.

    3. What did he want?

    4. He wanted something to drink.

    5. What did you want to do?

    6. I wanted to see a movie.

    7. We didn't want that house.

    8. The children didn't want to leave.

    9. Why didn't she want the job?

    10. My mother did not want me to do that.
    Esenia Dolgih

  8. 1.What did they want?
    2.They wanted a ride.
    3.What did he want?
    4.He wanted something to drink.
    5.What did you want to do?
    6.I wanted to see a movie.
    7.We didn't want that house.
    8.The children didn't want to leave.
    9.Why didn't she want the job?
    10.My mother did not want me to do that.
    Большакова Ярослава

  9. 1A: Why is Tom asking a question?
    1B: He doesn't  understand something.
    2A: What is Tom's first language?
    2B: It's Russian .
    3A: How many different classes does Mr. Amundsen teach during the school day?
    3B: He teaches five different classes.
    4A: What countries are Mr. Amundsen's students from?
    4B: They're from Mexico, Russia, Somalia, Cambodia, and Viet Nam.
    Ярослава Большакова

  10. 1. He has to finish his homework.
    2.  They don't have to go to work tomorrow.
    3. Alice has to see a dentist.
    4.  I have to start eating better.
    5.  You have to get some bread from the store.
    6.  We don't have to read this chapter.
    7.  She has to be at work by 5:00 a.m.
    8.  This doesn't have to be  on.
    9.  These glasses have to fit right.
    10. We have to speak English in class.
    Ярослава Большакова

  11. A. 6. The global language.
    B. 5. Orthographic difference.
    C. 2. The rise of America.
    D. 3. The French influence.
    E. 4. The expansion of learning.
    Ярослава Большакова

  12. 1. What did they want?
    2. They wanted a ride.
    3. What did he want?
    4. He wanted something to drink.
    5. What did you want to do?
    6. I wanted to see a movie.
    7. We didn't want that house.
    8. The children didn't want to leave.
    9. Why didn't she want the job?
    10. My mother didn't want me to do that.
    Антонова Анна

  13. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  14. 1. What did they want?
    2. They wanted a ride.
    3. What did he want?
    4. He wanted something to drink.
    5. What did you want to do?
    6. I wanted to see a movie.
    7. We didn't want that house.
    8. The children didn't want to leave.
    9. Why didn't she want the job? 
    10. My mother didn't want me to do that.

  15. 1.What did they want?
    2.They wanted a ride.
    3.What did he want?
    4.He wanted something to drink.
    5.What did you want to do?
    6.I wanted to see a movie.
    7.We didn't want that house.
    8.The children didn't want to leave.
    9.Why didn't she want the job?
    10.My mother did not want me to do that.
    Катя Луценко

  16. 1A: Why is Tom asking a question?

    1B: He doesn't understand something.

    2A: What is Tom's first language?

    2B: It's Russian .

    3A: How many different classes does Mr. Amundsen teach during the school day?

    3B: He teaches five different classes.

    4A: What countries are Mr. Amundsen's students from?

    4B: They're from Mexico, Russia, Somalia Cambodia.
    Долгих Есения

  17. 1. He has to finish his homework.

    2. They don't have to go to work tomorrow.

    3. Alice has to see a dentist.

    4. I have to start eating better.

    5. You have to get some bread from the store.

    6. We don't have to read this chapter.

    7. She has to be at work by 5:00 a.m.

    8. This doesn't have to be on.

    9. These glasses have to fit right.

    10. We have to speak English in class.

    Долгих Есения

  18. 1. He has to finish his homework
    2. They don't have to go to work tomorrow
    3. Alice has to see a dentist
    4. I have to start eating better
    5. You have to get some bread from the store
    6. We don't have to read this chapter
    7. She has to be at work by 5:00 a.m
    8. This doesn't have to be on
    9. These glasses have to fit right
    10. We have to speak English in class
    Kolyasnikova Marina

  19. 1.What did they want?
    2.They wanted a ride.
    3.What did he want?
    4.He wanted something to drink.
    5.What did you want to do?
    6.I wanted to see a movie.
    7.We didn't want that house.
    8.The children didn't want to leave.
    9.Why didn't she want the job?
    10.My mother did not want me to do that.
    Полина Карачёва

  20. ~5
    Большакова Ярослава

    1. A-wrong B-wrong wrong "3"

      Ярослава, смотри задания по английскому в электронном дневнике
      РЭШ очень часто не работает

  21. ~6
    Большакова Ярослава

  22. 1A: Why is Tom asking a question?
    1B: He doesn't understand something.
    2A: What is Tom's first language?
    2B: It's Russian .
    3A: How many different classes does Mr. Amundsen teach during the school day?
    3B: He teaches five different classes.
    4A: What countries are Mr. Amundsen's students from?
    4B: They're from Mexico, Russia, Somalia Cambodia.
    Kolyasnikova Marina

  23. Употребите местоимения в нужной форме, спишите предложения Complete each sentence with the correct subject pronoun.

    1. He is a student. (a man)

    2. They are students (a boy and a girl in a photo)

    3. Is it a good car? (a thing)

    4. They are at home. (two people you think about)

    5. She is from Nicaragua. (a woman)

    6. They are not very good computers. (a group)

    7. I am at work. (oneself)

    8. Is it cold today? (the weather)

    9. Are they members of the website? (people)

    10. She and I are in the same class. (a woman)

    2 Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct object pronoun.

    1. John teaches us English every day. (you and I)

    2. There's some mail for me in the mailbox. (I)

    3. I like you very much. (you--singular or plural)

    4. She works with him at that company. (a man)

    5. He likes her very much. (a woman)

    6. They like to eat this with cream cheese. (a thing)

    7. Sue usually puts this in the refrigerator. (things)

    8. Please give it to me. (I)

    9. They want us to work this weekend. (you and I)

    10. I want you to do something for me. (you)

    Правильно употреби much many , спиши предложения Directions: Complete each sentence with "much" or "many."

    1. How many time is there to finish our work today?

    2. There aren't many students in class today.

    3. I like her very much.

    4. How much money do you have?

    5. Are there many cars in the parking lot?

    6. You don't make many mistakes, do you?

    7. There isn't very much tea left in the teapot.

    8. She doesn't like too much meat in the sauce.

    9. How many people do you know in your building?

    10. There isn't very much oil left in the world.

  24. Alisa Balashova 5б
    12.to me

  25. Alisa Balashova 5б
    12.to me

  26. Палабугина Вика.5Б

    12)to me

  27. 1 him 2 her 3 them 4 it 5 me 6 her 7 them 8 you 9 him 10 he hi et 11. 12 me 13 them 14 them 15 this 16 us 17 him 18 her 19 it 20he hi et попов егор
