четверг, 18 августа 2016 г.

Personal letter template

 11           Personal letter template.
Revda, Russia
Dear Robert,
Thanks a lot for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.
Anyway, you ask (ed) me about/if…         Well…
It’s great/sad news about…
Got to go now. It’s time for my favourite TV show. Hope to hear from you again. Write me back soon.

 Personal letter template.
Revda, Russia
Dear Robert,
Thanks a lot for your letter. It was truly a pleasure to hear from you again. Please excuse my delayed reply. I was so busy revising  for  the test.
Anyway, you ask (ed) me about/if…         Well…
It’s great/sad news about…
I have to get going. It’s time for my favourite TV show. Many thanks  again for your last letter. Please stay in touch with me.
All the best,
Alina                        74 words 

9  Personal letter template.
Revda, Russia
Dear Robert,
Thanks a lot for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.
Anyway, you ask (ed) me about/if…         Well…

Got to go now. It’s time for my favourite TV show. Hope to hear from you again. Write me back soon.

      Personal letter template.
Revda, Russia
Dear Robert,
Thanks a lot for your letter. It was truly a pleasure to hear from you again. Please excuse my delayed reply. I was so busy revising  for  the test.
Anyway, you ask (ed) me about/if…         Well…

I have to get going. It’s time for my favourite TV show. Many thanks  again for your last letter. Please stay in touch with me.
All the best,

1.  Cover all the questions( remember to start a new paragraph for a new topic)
2.  Use contractions: I’m, don’t …
3.  Use Emotions
4.  Use linking words:

You know,
Of course,
You see,
By the way,
As for,
Yet, still
Task :
I am thinking about getting a pet .They seem like a lot of fun and it would be great to have one           around the house to play with .
          ...What kind of pet do you think I should get and why?...Where should I get a pet from-an animal shelter or a pet shop?...How do you take care of a pet?  Write a letter to Stan.

Write 100-120 words.


Dear Stan,
Thanks a lot for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you again. Hope everything’s O’K.
Anyway, you asked me about getting a pet. You asked what kind of pet I think you should get and why. I think you should get a dog. Dogs are people’s best friends. Well, you can get a pet from an animal shelter. You will not need money to get it.
Oh, you have to take care of your pet. You need to wash, walk and feed the dog. It would be great!
I have to go now. It’s time for my favorite TV show. Hope to see you soon.  Hope to hear from you again.

You have 30 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ann.
My older brother has got a new hobby  he has become a mountain biker. I know that mountain biking is a dangerous kind of sport and I worry about him. I would like him to spend more time at home. I wish he had chosen a safer entertainment…
…What indoor sports are most popular with teenagers in your country? Why do teenagers often do extreme sports? What kind of sport is your favourite? …
Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

Write 100120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Dear Ann,
Thanks for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again. Anyway, you ask me about my favorite sport, most popular indoor sports with teenagers in my country and why teenagers do extreme sports.
Well, my favorite sport is basketball. Of course, volleyball, basketball and football are the most popular indoor sports with teenagers in my country. Actually, teens do extreme sports because doing extreme sports makes them proud of themselves.
Got the go now. My mother called me. Hope to hear from you again.
Write me back soon.
All the best,



From: Friend@mail.uk

To: Russian_friend@ege.ru

Subject: Welcome

... More and more young people get involved in environmental protection. Could you tell me what measures young people in your country take to save the environment? What kind of support do you get from your local community and family? Is there any Green Party/Movement where you live? Wouldn’t you like to start one, if there isn’t? I am very happy now because I have just passed my last exams.

Write back soon, Ann...


Write an email to Ann. In your message answer her questions, ask 3 questions about her plans for the coming holiday. Write 100—140 words. Remember the rules of email writing. You have 20 minutes to do this task

From: Friend@mail.uk

To: Russian_friend@ege.ru

Subject: Welcome

… Last weekend my cousin taught me how to cook Indian food. It was great! I love Indian food! What national cuisine do you prefer and why? What are some of your favourite dishes? What can you cook?...

Guess what! I’m planning to go to a cooking camp for teenagers during the spring break…


Write an email to Stuart.

In your message

- answer her questions

- ask 3 questions about the cooking camp for teenagers.

Write 100—140 words.

Remember the rules of email writing

From: Friend@mail.uk

To: Russian_friend@ege.ru

Subject: Welcome

Last month our class went to Washington to visit the National Museum of American History. It was my first visit there and it was fun! How often do you go to museums with your class, if at all? Which museum is your favorite or what museum would you like to visit? Why do you think people should go there? This summer we plan to go hiking with my parents.


Write an email to Tom. In your message answer his questions, ask 3 questions about his summer plans. Write 100–140 words. Remember the rules of email writing


From: Friend@mail.uk

To: Russian_friend@ege.ru

Subject: Welcome

My friend and I have just decided to enter the "Go Green in the City" competition. We are going to create a project on the energy management. Have you ever taken part in green projects? What alternative forms of energy are developed in Russia? Do you prefer using public transport or a private car and why?

Last week I visited Granny who lives in Edinburgh...


Writе a lеttеr to Paula.

In your lеttеr

– answer her questions

– ask 3 questions about her trip




From: Friend@mail.uk

To: Russian_friend@ege.ru

Subject: Welcome

…I don’t think it will be a problem for me to choose a good job in the future as I’m really interested in foreign languages, cultures and countries and I hope I’ll work as a translator or teacher of foreign languages some day. Have you already decided on your career? What job are you going to choose? Why? What do your parents think about your choice?

I’ve lived in the USA my whole life but I’d really love to travel to other countries…


Write an email to Bill. In your message answer his questions, ask 3 questions about his plans for travelling. Write 100—140 words. Remember the rules of email writing. You have 20 minutes to do this task

From: Russian_friend@ege.ru

To: Tracy@mail.uk

Subject:  The summer marathon run

Hi Tracy!

Thanks for the email. It was nice to hear from you . Thanks a lot for the invitation to the traditional summer marathon, it is very nice that you thought of me. Well, you see I’m not fit enough to run such a long distance and I don’t really enjoy running in the city.

  Could we go on a bike trip to the countryside instead? Can  we register for a cross- country run ? Shall we register for a local tennis tournament ?

Got to go now. It’s time for my favourite TV show. Hope to hear from you again. Write me back soon.




Essay template:

Some people support the idea that public libraries are very useful while others believe that they are becoming less popular.
In my opinion, public libraries are not very useful today. First, it is difficult to find a necessary book there. What is more, people do not always want to go to the library. Sometimes they prefer to stay at home and read books from their computers. For example, if it is rainy and cold outside or if they are ill. Finally, library books are not so beautiful as modern electronic devices.  
However, there are opponents of this view who believe that computers are very harmful for our sight. They also state that electronic books are too expensive and it is better to take something to read in the library.  
 Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view. Modern devices are safe for people’s sight. Besides, special glasses can be used for reading books from the computer screen. Moreover, cheap electronic books can easily be found in every shop.
To conclude, although some people find that public libraries are still popular, I believe that they will soon disappear because smart modern devices are more convenient for reading books.   


Some people support the idea that appearance is more important than personality, while others treat appearance as less important.
Personally I take personality more seriously. Firstly, I enjoy talking to interesting people. Secondly, some people who have done something special for others don't look very beautiful for example Chulpan Hamatova. Finally, skinny models are not always clever.
However, there are opponents of this view who prefer appearance to personality. They state that perfect teeth and a sexy body are more important than a good character.
Nevertheless, I am convinced that a lively personality it is one of the most important things which I'm looking for in people around me. This makes a soul beautiful and attracts my attention. Moreover, many young girls who started reading glossy magazines and looking at photos of slender models and film stars all the time spring into dieting and become really ill. As usual, they end in anorexia. It's terrible!
In conclusion I would like to say that although some people find that appearance is more important than personality. I take personality more seriously.


The start of a new academic year is a  real drag. 

1. The start of a new academic year is a drag for most of the students. 
2.  The start of the new school year. 
3. It can be difficult to get back into the strict routine of academic life.
4.  It can be difficult to return to the challenges of academic life.
5.  School holidays are great :  weeks of freedom from responsibility, assignments, early mornings and academic pressures (while at school students often experience amounts of pressure) no matter what way students spend their holidays: either they take things easy with long lazy days in front of the TV or their holidays are jam- packed with exciting activities and adventures. 

1. The start of the new school year is an opportunity to start learning again on a fresh note. 
2.  It's the opportunity to get a head -start on all those upcoming  projects, intimidating goals and crucial grades. 
3.  Students are motivated back into action. They are inspired afresh.
4. To get ready to return to challenges of academic life. 
5.  Students reassess their goals. They set themselves mini challenges  that force them to engage with their studies.They make targets that are achievable. ( Update concrete goals.) It is a useful tool for getting yourself back on track. 
6. Students remind themselves of why they are learning : for example to bag a dream job or to win the respect of their peers. 

 Does everyone love summer?

Everyone loves the summer. The days are long, the weather is hot, and school is out. For most people, this season provides many opportunities to have fun, do interesting things, or just relax.

Many people in the United States go somewhere on vacation during the summer. They travel across the country to visit famous places, or they stay closer to home and go camping or visit a beach on the ocean or on a lake. Americans travel by plane and by car. The highways are busy. Hotels and restaurants are busy too.

For people who stay close to home, the beach is a popular destination. It's a place where kids and adults can go swimming, or they can just sit on the warm sand and soak up the sun. Children play in the sand while adults supervise activity in and out of the water. During an occasional heat wave, beaches and community swimming pools are crowded with people seeking relief from the heat.

There are also many festivals and cultural activities to attend in the summer. At state and county fairs, farmers exhibit their animals. They also put on display the crops that they grow and the machinery that they use to grow the crops. Rides and amusements keep everyone laughing and having a good time. Almost every town and city has some kind of summer event where the public is invited.

Some people just like to stick around the house in the summer and take it easy. They tend to their gardens and maintain their homes. They invite their friends over for backyard barbeques and stay up late at night while their children play games and look for fireflies.

In June, fruit trees begin to show their potential for the summer and fall harvests. Cherries and plums are ready to pick by July and August. Apples aren't ready until September or October. If you don't have a fruit tree in your backyard, you can visit your local farmers' market and find locally grown fruit. It's cheaper than the fruit sold at the grocery store, and it's usually organic.

Summer seems to linger on longer than the other seasons; however, all summers come to an end eventually. The sun rises a little later each day and sets a little earlier. Families make preparations for a return to school after Labor Day, and before you know it, summer is over. Cooler temperatures, shorter daylight hours, and autumn air bring forth a new season.

Does Jantelagen work or doesn’t work in Sweden?


Jantelagen remains widespread in Sweden

One shouldn’t talk about money because it’s snobby

Swedes never ask about wealth, money, salary stuff like this

Getting people to talk about money is tricky

People are pretty uncomfortable talking about money

You shouldn’t think that you are better than anyone else

Jantelagen tries to keep balance within society

Jantelagen tries to keep people from feeling uncomfortable


Some people reject the concept of Jantelagen

Some people would like Jantelagen disappear

Some people think that slowly the concept of Jantelagen will die out

“ It’s a nice thought that everyone should be equal but it doesn’t work”

“ If you work harder than anyone else you should be proud of it

Sweden is becoming more diverse

A great number of people spend a lot of money on living and apartment  

Some people support the idea that cultural code called Jantelagen remains widespread in Sweden while others think it doesn’t work at all

Good and bad sides of living in a big city

Living in a big urban centre is important

Living in a big city is nice as

there are so many professional and cultural opportunities there

people like everything about it: the crowds, the noise even the traffic jams


To others a big city means only stress and trouble

They don’t like competition

They hate the fact that in this kind of place you are never alone


  each one

each class-fellow

  every one 

 every ( many)  

All classmates   all of classfellows

 all of them   all of the classmates

all of my classmates

Most of the classmates

 most of my class-fellows

Half of the classmates

Half the classmates

Some of my classmates

None of the class-fellows

We’ve each got

Jane solved the problem best of all her classmates/ Of the three authors he writes most clearly  Of the three books I like " Uncle Tom's Cabin " least


To conclude,  all classmates we've each got  much in common when it comes to likes and dislikes about: cooking, eating cabbage, Russian food, yoghurt and takeaway food for example. So, all classmates are fond of Russian food (like me ),43% of them like cabbage,38% of my class-fellows enjoy cooking, 73% of the respondents dislike takeaway food( I don’t like it either),26% of the classmates don’t like yoghurt at all (I don’t like yoghurt either ). Again, as you can see I have much in common with my class-fellows. Of course, understanding our inner life can help us to get on well. Sure, these studies can help us to become tolerant to each other

Everyone is supposed to like watching films but different genres. Some people are fond of comedies while others are mad about actions.It is interesting to get to know what genres of films are popular in Zetland. I did some research on the subject and now can come up with the answer.

 I would like to report the main facts. Firstly, most of the respondents which is about 27,1 %  prefer watching adventure films. Secondly, nearly half the respondents from Zetland (18,7%) find watching action films quite enjoyable. When it comes to thriller films they appear to be popular only among 4,1% of Zetland’s population, which is the lowest percentage.

Looking at the data more closely I can see that adventure films are watched by the vast majority of the respondents (27,1%). On the contrary, just a small number of respondents (4,1) adore watching thriller films.

One problem that can arise with seeing movies is that you can get addicted to this pastime. I suppose the best way of solving the problem is to take up a new hobby.

In conclusion, I would like to say that despite the problems connected with watching films they are an essential part of our life of course, people prefer different genres as tastes differ.

Everyone is supposed to like watching films but different genres. Some people are fond of comedies while others are mad about actions. It is interesting to get to know what genres of films are popular in Zetland. I did some research on the subject and now can come up with the answer.

 I would like to report the main facts. Firstly, most of the respondents which is about 27,1 %  prefer watching adventure films. Secondly, nearly half the respondents from Zetland (18,7%) find watching action films quite enjoyable. When it comes to thriller films they appear to be popular only among 4,1% of Zetland’s population, which is the lowest percentage.

Looking at the data more closely I can see that adventure films are watched by the vast majority of the respondents (27,1%). On the contrary, just a small number of respondents (4,1) adore watching thriller films.

One problem that can arise with seeing movies is that you can get addicted to this pastime. One should try not to get involved so deeply. I suppose the best way of solving the problem is to take up a new hobby.

In conclusion, I would like to say that despite the problems connected with watching films they are an essential part of our life of course, people prefer different genres as tastes differ.

40.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on the price of gold. You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below).

Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

Write 200−250 words. Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;

— select and report 2−3 main features;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant;

— outline a problem that can arise with the price of gold and suggest the way of solving it;

— draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of gold in human life

Obviouslythe price of gold is supposed to change. The project work research reveals rises in price of gold as well as declines of the price from 1920 to 2020

Taking another precise look at the data allows to determine the price of gold of 2800 dollars from 1980 as the highest one in nearly hundred years compared to the price of gold of 300 dollars from 1920which appears to be the smallest of all from 1920 until 2020

One problem that can arise with the price of gold is that it can affect inflation and consumer prices

One problem that can arise with the price of gold is that people can lose their money if the price of gold becomes high  One should try to fix a world economy and golden stock larger

Obviouslythe price of gold is supposed to change. The project work research reveals rises in price of gold as well as declines of the price from 1920 to 2020

Main features report suggests to admit three rises ( including a sharp rising from 1980) and three declines of the price of gold within a hundred of years

Taking another precise look at the data allows to determine the price of gold of 2800 dollars from 1980 as the highest one in nearly hundred years compared to the price of gold of 300 dollars from 1920which appears to be the smallest of all from 1920 until 2020

One problem that can arise with the price of gold is that it can affect inflation and consumer prices which devastate the economy One should try to get the price of gold more sustainable

In conclusion I would like to say that people should pay a lot of attention to the price of gold as it is one of the important factors the economy depends on



Basically everyone is supposed to like watching films but different genres. The project work research reveals what film genres are popular in Zetland on a big scale

The main facts report suggests firstly that most of the respondents which is about 27,1 percent prefer watching adventure films. Secondly, nearly half the respondents from Zetland (18,7 percent) find watching action films quite enjoyable. When it comes to  thriller films they appear to be popular only among 4,1 percent of Zetland’s population.

Taking another precise look at the data allows to determine adventure films as the most popular film genre among Zetland’s population. On the contrary, thriller films appear to be the least popular genre among the respondents from Zetland. Apparently, it is so hard to maintain popularity.

One problem that can arise with seeing movies is that you can get addicted to this pastime. One should try not to get involved so deeply. I suppose the best way of solving the problem is to take up a new hobby. 

In conclusion I would like to show support for watching films as they are an essential part of our life. Obviously, watching films brings a lot of joy and it must be the case for long!







almost entirely

 imply/ предполагать

 presumably / вероятно предположительно возможно

 presume/ предполагать считать

 estimate/ считать определять 

The project on bed sharing rates  


 The research reveals


 the search reveals / открывает обнаруживает

feel attached to

to say in support of

to trigger a new discussion

devastate the economy

difficult to impliment

the main factor

vulnarable to criticism

complete nonsense

complete foolishness

Imagine that you are doing a project on world population.  You have collected some data on the subject. Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project


Write 200−250 words. Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;

— select and report 2−3 main features;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant;

— outline a problem that can arise with the world population and suggest the way of solving it;

— draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of world population

Apparently, population number is supposed to change. The project work research reveals gradual population growth from 1960 to 2020.

Main features report suggests that a  population of about 8 billion people on earth was reached  in 2020 which exceeds the world  population  of  3 billion from 1960. 

Taking another precise look at the data allows to determine population number of 3 billion as the smallest one compared to population number of 8 billion from 2020 which appears to be the highest of all from 1960 until 2020. Obviously,the population growth rate has almost doubled since 1960.

One problem that can arise with the global population is that if it grows overall we will face constrained resources.I suppose the best way of solving the problem is to develop technologies as they can overcome any production shortages or environmental damage 

One problem that can arise with the population groth is constrained resources.The proper way to tackle the problem is to develop technologies as they can overcome production shortages or environmental damage

In conclusion I would like to say that one should pay a lot of attention to population growth rate as it is one of the important factors which helps to bala

nce the environment.

significantly    существенно

to make changes

in a sustainable way     стабильный

emerge from the situation выйти из ситуации

 Imagine that you are doing a project on the number of newspaper firms. You have collected some data on the subject (see the diagram below).

Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project

Write 200−250 words. Use the following plan:

Write 200−250 words. Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;

— select and report 2−3 main features;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant;

— outline a problem that can arise with newspaper firms and suggest the way of solving it;

— draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of newspapers

Basically, the number of newspaper firms is supposed to change. The project work research reveals gradual decline of these firms from 2000 to 2012.

Main features report suggests that newspaper firms number of about 6200 was reached  in 2000 which definitely exceeds the number of newspaper firms of 4500 from 2012.

Taking another precise look at the data allows to determine the number of  newspaper firms of 4500 as the smallest one in nearly 5 years compared to newspaper firms number of 6200  from 2000 which appears to be the highest of all from 2000 until 2012. Obviously, the number of newspaper firms has decreased by 72%  from 2000 to 2012.

One problem that can arise with newspaper firms decline is that people can presumably face the shortage of newspapers of all kinds . I suppose  to  significantly invest in newspaper

 firms  is the best way for

people to emerge from the situation. It 

seems to be difficult to impliment, 


In conclusion I would like to show support for reading newspapers as they are an essential part of our life. Obviously, reading newspapers brings a lot of joy and it must be the case for long!

Imagine that you are doing a project on the percentage of Internet users. You have collected some data on the subject (see the table below).

Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project



Percentage of Internet users











Write 200−250 words. Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;

— select and report 2−3 main features;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant;

— outline a problem that can arise with the Internet access and suggest the way of solving it;

— draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of the Internet

40.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on how frequently teenagers in Russia use social media. You have found some data on the subject — the results of the opinion polls (see the diagram below).

Comment on the data in the diagram and give your opinion on the subject of the project.

How frequently teenagers in Russia use social media

Write 200−250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an opening statement on the subject of the project;

— select and report 2−3 facts;

— make 1−2 comparisons where relevant;

— outline a problem that can arise with using social media in Russia and suggest a way of solving it;

— conclude by giving your opinion on the reasons why teens use social media

1 More than once a day

2 Do not use social media

3 Once a week

4 Less than weekly

5 Once a day

Obviously, the frequency of social media use among teenagers is different. The project work research reveals how often teenagers in Russia use social media

Main features report suggests that 70% of teenagers use social media more than once a day while only 18% of teenagers do not use social media at all

Taking another precise look at the data allows to determine the percentage of teenagers who use social media once a day (which is about 2 %) as the smallest one compared to the percentage of teenagers using social media more than once a day (70%) which appears to be the highest of all

One problem that can arise with using social media is that teenagers are likely to spend less time outside with their friends and family. I suppose the best way of solving the problem is to reduce the time spent in social media

In conclusion I would like to say that teens in Russia use social media for different reasons. They use it not only for chatting but to self-educate

Basically, the frequency people use social media with  is different. The project work research reveals how often teenagers in Russia use social media.

I’d like to report the main facts. As it can be seen from the diagram most of the respondents ( about 70 %)use social media more than once a day while almost a quarter of the respondents (18%) don’t use social media at all

Looking at the data more closely I can see that the vast majority of the teenagers which is 70% use social media more than once a day. On the contrary, just a little number of the respondents ( only 2 %) use social media once a day or less than weekly.

One problem that can arise with using social media is that younger generation spend too much time in the internet and forget about real life. I suppose the best way of solving the problem is to take up a new hobby.

In conclusion I would like to say that despite some problems connected with social media it is an essential part of teenagers’ life as they use it quite often and for many reasons: to study, to communicate and others

How frequently teenagers in Russia use social media

Obviously, social media is an essential way of communication in Russia nowadays. As part of my project work on “ How frequently teenagers in Russia use social media” I found some relevant data on the subject illustrating the results of the opinion polls. I have analyzed the data and come across some interesting findings.

As can be seen from the diagram, the majority of Russian respondents( 70 %) use social media more than once a day.18% of teenagers do not use social media at all which is quite surprising. The third most popular answer is “ once a week” which is 8%.

Taking another precise look at the data allows to admit the considerable difference between another two numbers. There are ten times more teenagers who do not use social media at all than teenagers who use it less than weekly. Besides, the same number of teenagers use social network less than weekly and once a day which is 2%.

Although using social media seems attractive it may also cause some problems. For example, one problem that can arise with using it is getting caught in harmful sites full of unverified information.The best way for parents to tackle this problem is to make sure that the sites their children visit are verified. 

To conclude, I firmly believe that social media is a powerful tool nowadays that is why teenagers use it. It helps them with studying working and communication 


3 graders

As can be seen from the diagram, the 3d graders’ interests in karate and origami, painting, dancing and drama, as well as in  playing football, hockey and playing  the guitar, swimming and geology are eaqual which is 7%. Just a bigger number of children like choir which is 15%, and again  15% of them are into painting

7 graders

As for 7th graders, the smallest number of children /which is 7 % either/ like fishing, cooking and dancing. Children enjoy basketball, reading and sport / 13% either/ The biggest number of all / which is 20% either / are into painting and volleyball

10 graders



As can be seen from the 10th graders diagram, the vast majority of my classmates 
which is 35%  enjoy reading. A smaller number of children which is 26% are into painting. 13% enjoy sport, 9% of them like mosaic. Quite a small number of my classmates enjoy yoga, embroidery and dancing. Just 5% of my classmates are into programming 

8 graders

As for 8th graders, the diagram shows that the largest number of children /which is 25% either/ are passionate about playing volleyball, and painting, just 13% of children are into reading and board games/ again 13 %/. The least of them which is  12% enjoy clay crafting and another 12% are into basketball

To conclude: basically, the variety of schoolmates’  hobbies is big. The project work research reveals what hobbies are popular on a big scale. As can be seen from the diagram, the most of the respondents which is about 86% prefer painting as a hobby. Nearly half the respondents /which is 61%/ find reading as a hobby quite enjoyable. When it comes to doing sport, it appears  to be popular only among 26 percent of the respondents. As for dancing, playing volleyball, playing basketball, they are fairly popular hobbies with my schoolmates. Another precise look at the data allows to determine fishing, programming, cooking and acting as the least popular hobbies among the respondents from my school. Apparently, it is so hard for hobbies to maintain popularity with my schoolmates 

I am not entirely certain

verifiable / поддающийся проверке

supply  disruption / in/ нарушение

pressure on prices

there's a sharp rise in

there's a sharp rising in

there’s a big rise in


8% increase

can see the rise of

there's a low down in

Taking another precise look at the data allows to determine ... as a big rise in / a low down in

population number finds a substantial decline

the groth has slowed down

which is 3 times as bigger as  ( than)

The main facts report suggests 

to admit the big rise of/in/ … in…

 to admit a low down of /in/…in… 

1 высокая инфляция

2 самый высокий показатель за 30 лет

3 инфляция 7 %

4 это только начало

5 выросли на 5.4%

6 повышение ценового лимита на энергоносители

7 причины повышения

8 зарплата не повышается

 high inflation

the highest rate in nearly 30 years

inflation is 7 %

this is just the start

rose 5.4 %

rise in energy price cap

the reasons for the rise

wages are not keeping up

The cost of living in the UK

The cost of living in the UK is rising All evidence suggests this is just the start. High inflation. Consumer prices rose 5.4 % in the 12 months to December last year. That’ the highest rate in nearly 30 years

In the US consumer price inflation is7% In Germany it is 5.3%  We are going to see an enormous rise in the energy price cap. The cap is expected to rise by 50%.

Food prices are rising too. The reasons for the rise in food prices are numerous. Wages are not keeping up. For all of these reasons the cost of living is getting harder

Ros Atkins... on the rising cost of living

A look at why UK households are being hit by rising prices and why the cost of living is likely to get worse this year.

The cost of living in the UK is rising-and it’s changing people ‘s lives. All evidence suggests this is just the start.

High inflation. Consumer prices rose 5,4percent in the 12 months to December last year. That’s the highest rate in nearly 30 years.Energy and food prices are the main drivers of this.All of this is affecting the cost of living.

Inflation is a global issue right now. We can see that in many Western economies. In the US consumer price inflation is 7 percent. In Germany it,s 5.3 percent. We are going to see an enormous rise in the energy price cap. The energy price cap is a limit on some domestic gas and electricity tariffs.And this cap is expected to rise by 50 percent.

So, that’s petrol and gas. The next thing we need to look at is food prices. Because they are rising too. The reasons for the rise in food prices are numerous. Among them are labor shortages caused by covid   And in addition to all of this wages are not keeping up. For all of these reasons the cost of living is getting harder

some regulation might be beneficial

Climate change

Greenhouse gas emissions выбросы парниковых газов

Pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere выбрасывать парниковые газы в атмосферу 

Keep pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels 

Greenhouse gases make our planet hotter 

Emissions cause the earth to warm up

Greenhouse gases create extreme weather events 

The impact on human life is radical and irreversible 

Fossil fuel company компания по производству ископаемого топлива 

A net- zero company чистая нулевая компания 

Net- zero emissions полное отсутствие выбросов  




1 What role do fossil fuel companies play in contributing to climate change?

2 The way we consume energy our electricity much of that is produced by burning fossil fuels

Fossil fuel companies are currently a very large contributor to greenhouse gas emissions 

Greenhouse gases that we keep pumping into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels predominantly they make our planet hotter, create extreme weather events 

And the impact on human life is radical and irreversible 

1 What would you say my dad needs to do about the climate situation?

2 I’m certain that the things he wants most for you and for all of us is a safe and healthy world 


      …is a major problem for the country

She has a major impact on…

…there’s a lot of concern about…

A very high percentage of …

To avoid huge health problems I…

…Is increasingly becoming popular in the world

…has a zero covid approach

China is hosting…

Medication is a huge concern in…

It’s very clear in terms of…

Elizabeth the Second made it clear that…  

to impose/облагать/ economic sanctions on Russia

condemn/ осуждать/ 

the way of condemnation

increase  amount of pressure Angela Merkel left Power

the long running peace process

to slow down  

the growth has slowed down

 ...is gaining support

in a remote town    

 to state purpose 

to share border with Russia 

together they are 12% of the world's military might and the economic might   

Honesty is the best policy
Be honest in all you do
Tell the truth and treat people fairly  

And they’ll do the same for you   

assume assumption

/ nature reserve/ sanctuary 

It is much less concern  

  It’s quite worrying

what does it mean exactly ?

 a human rights activist

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison

 that will definitely not work

in a next couple of years

 led to an agreement

 it’s a big question will it happen or not

 Russia and China are in good terms

 economic response to the region

in terms of building up strong relationship with China 

They are still open to diplomacy

Seven children in their teens and twenties

People are less likely to

He is perfectly honest

Deeply human

Adopt sanctions 

soak up for the sun

immensely difficult  

 reliable stable sources of food  

bitterly cold

 your fingers are in so many pies

 express concern     

to make a big difference  

due to the issues we are experiencing some content may be unavailable 

stay updated

she denies being close to 

The best basketball player of all time

What do you expect from your career as a doctor ? 

sustain / поддерживать

to sustain a protest

sustainable / устойчивый

 to work for a call centre

to adopt goals

to update smb. on smth

stay updated

a short increase in oil prices

is not a case at all

deep understanding

embrace / принимать охватывать объять

buy all the essentials

a long term perspective 

living standards уровень жизни   

A lot has changed in Lebanon since the last set of Legislative elections/ выборы в законодательные органы/ four years ago The currency has crashed losing around 90% of its value. The vast majority of Lebanese now live in poverty and have been shortages of electricity, fuel and medicines. But hopes for significant political change are low in a country where religion and tradition still play huge parts and who people vote for 

completely differently

significantly improved

verifiable / поддающийся проверке

emerge from the situation выйти из ситуации

vulnarable to criticism уязвим для критики

to say in support of

devastate the economy разорить экономику

difficult to impliment трудно осуществить

estimate/ считать определять

imply/ предполагать






28 комментариев:

  1. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  2. Dear Sally,
    Thanks a lot for your letter. It was truly a pleasure to hear from you again. Please excuse my delayed reply. I was so busy revising for the test.
    Anyway, you ask me about different roles culture can play in people’s lives. Of course, music calms me down and makes me forget all my worries. I think music helps me see other nation from a different perspective. Many thanks again for your last letter. Please stay in touch with me. Write me back soon.
    All the best,

  3. Dear Sally,
    Thanks a lot for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.
    Anyway, you asked me about different roles culture can play people’s lives.
    Well, I think music can help people get together. You know, culture makes learning much more fun. As for me, music calms me down and makes me forget about my worries.
    I have to get going. It’s time for my fovourite TV show. Many thanks again for your last letter. Please stay in touch with me.
    All the best,

  4. Dear Ann,
    Thanks a lot for your letter. It was truly a pleasure to hear from you again. Please excuse my delayed reply. I was so busy revising for the test.
    Anyway, you asked me about my career choice.
    Well,i would like to be a teacher.You know, my parents and TV show that I watched helped me to make a choice. Of course,I need higher education for this occupation. It's great news about your kitten. What's his name? What coulor is it? How old is he?
    I have to get going. It’s time for my favourite TV show. Many thanks again for your last letter. Please stay in touch with me.
    All the best,

  5. Revda,Russia

    Dear Ann,
    Thanks a lot for your letter. It was nice to hear from you again.
    Anyway,you asked me about career choice.
    Well,in the future i would like to become a doctor.By the way my parents helped me choose my profession. For the profession i need to go to additional courses. Its good news about your kitten. What is his name? What color is he? Does he like to play?
    Got to go now. Its time for my favourite TV show. Hope to hear from you again.Write me back soon.
    All the best,

  6. Yakimovskaya Elizaveta
    Some people support the idea that living in a big city brings only convenience, while others, on the contrary, support a different opinion.
    In my opinion, really living in a big city has many advantages. First, the big city has a well-developed infrastructure, which is already a plus, as well as many entertainment venues and absolute accessibility to all your services and wishes. For example, if you are bored at home, you can go to any shopping center and entertain yourself with shopping or to another place. However, there are opponents of this idea, who believe that life in a big city brings only trouble and stress. They also argue that living in an intense rhythm of life is always a negative impact on a person.
    However, I can't agree with this, since the big city is still the rhythm of life that makes us live every day in activity.
    In conclusion, although some believe that a big city is a solid disadvantage, I believe that on the contrary, a big city is one advantage

  7. Some people support the idea that living in a big city is a nice while others believe that city means only stress and trouble.

    In my opinion, living in a big urban centre is nice. Firstly, there are so many professional and cultural opportunities there. Secondly, some people like the crowds, the noise even the traffic jams.

    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that a big city is uncomfortable for live. They also state that is this kind of place you are never alone.

    Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view. Many people like a big company because you can meet a lot of new friends.

    In conclusion, I am sure that a big city offers many opportunities for life and career. Also, you are always in the center of events and see everything with your own eyes.

    Konovalenko Ksenia

  8. Some people support the idea that living a big sites is good while others belive that live in a big urban centre is bad.
    In my opinion,a live in a big city is uncomfortable because in the city so many people,the crowds people. What is more,in the big urban centre you don't have friends,to be alone.
    However,the are opponents of this view who believe that lives in a big urban centre is cool. They also state that living in a big city is comfortable,for cultural opportunities.
    Nevertheless,I cannot agree with this point of view. Actually, live in the big town is badly because some people don't like crowd,noisy companies, a lot of people ,does ut make you uncomfortable.
    To conclude,although some people think living in a small town is cool.
    I believe that small town, allows you to discover more opportunities, and meet new people

    Nastya Uzkikh.

  9. Belousova Sasha.
    Some people support the idea that big cities are good for living while others hate them.
    In my opinion, big cities are not very comfortable for living. First, big city means only stress and trouble. What is more, people don't like competition. Finally, they hate the fact that in this kind of place you are never alone.
    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that living in big city is nice. They also state that there are so many professional and cultural opportunities.
    Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view, because most people don't like everything about it: the crowds, the noise even the traffic jams. Besides, people are so pressed for time and can't go out for cultural places. Moreover, there are a lot of unemployed people, who cant have good life in big city.
    To conclude, although some people find that big urban centres are the best for living. I believe, that big cities are not good.

  10. Some people support the idea that living in a big urban centre is important, while others believe that life in a big city is bad.

    In my opinion, living in a big urban centre is better. First, there are so many professional and cultural opportunities there. What is more, people like the crowds and the noise.

    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that life in a small city is much better. They also state that a big city means only stress and trouble.

    Nevertheless, I can not agree with this point of view. In a big city it is very easy to find places to relax. Moreover, city administration doing all, to avoid troubles.

    To conclude, although some people find big city is bad. I believe that they will soon disappear, because big urban centre is much better.

    Safin Kirill

  11. Some people support the idea that living in a big city is nice while others believe that life in a big urban center is bad.
    In my opinion, to live in a big city is good. First, there are so many professional opportunities there: you can find a lot of jobs there. What is more, big city is a place where you are a never alone.
    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that living in a big city is worse. They also state that to others a big urban center means only stress and trouble and they don’t like competition.
    Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view. If you always be confident in yourself, then there will be no stress and troubles.
    To conclude, although some people think living in a big urban center is good. I believe that life in a big city is very colorful.

    Fedyakova Alexandra

  12. Some people support the idea that living in a big urban centre is nice, while others believe that life in a big city is bad.

    In my opinion, living in a big urban centre is better. First, people like the crowds and the noise . What is more, there are so many professional and cultural opportunities there.

    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that living in a big city is worse.

    They also state that to others a big urban center means only stress and trouble and they don’t like competition.

    Nevertheless, I can not agree with this point of view. In a big city it is very easy to find places to relax. Moreover, city administration doing all, to avoid troubles.

    To conclude, although some people find big city is bad. I believe that they will soon disappear, because big urban centre is much better .

    Stas Phrohorov

  13. Some people support the idea that watching television is nice, while others believe that TV is bad.

    In my opinion watching television is fine. First, there are a lot of information. What is more family is often watch TV together.

    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that watching TV is awful. They also state that to eat in front of TV is not right. And people are less likely to talk to each other when it on.

    Nevertheless, I can not agree with this point of view. You can put a TV on the kitchen and watch it. Moreover, you can discuss what's going on a screen.

    To conclude, although some people find TV the worst thing in the world. I believe that they will soon disappear, because television isn't bad.

    Safin Kirill

  14. Some people support the idea that watching television:is a good.

    In my opinion, that watching TV is bad. First, watching television takes time away from sports. Second, when watching TV people have little activity which can lead people to obesity, diabetes, and heart problems.

    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that watching TV is fine. They also that when people watching television they get new information. And that watching TV help you relax.

    Nevertheless, i can not agree with this point of view because playing sports will bring mone benefits than watching TV.

    To conclude although some people find TV the good . I believe that they will soon disappear and people will have more time.

    Ardysheva Vitalina

  15. Some people support the idea that watching television is a great activity while others believe that it is a waste of time.

    In my opinion, watching TV is not really much of an activity. First, people are less likely to talk to each other when the TV set is on, thereby creating type of social isolation. What is more, television fails to offer the sort of intellectual stimulation that is available through the reading of books and newspapers. Finally, screen time can lead to excessive weight gain and serve as a distraction from healthy activity.

    However, there are opponent of this view who believe that watching TV is a useful activity because families or friends often watch television together that helps them to unite and get on well. They also state that people sit in front of a TV to get new information and be entertained.

    Nevertheless, i can not agree with this statements. Instead of eating in the dining room table some families eat their meals in front of a TV that leads to diabetes and increases obesity rates among population. Besides, thinking and conversation skills are lost to a television that does those things for us.

    To conclude, although some people find screen time as a useful activity, I believe that the long-term effects of all this screen time is harmful fir health and unnatural for human beings.

    Bashkirtseva Lubov.

  16. Some people support the idea that watching TV is bad, while others belive that watching TV is good.
    In my opinion, watching TV is harmful for people. First, sitting in front of a TV for a long periods of time can lead to excessive weight gain. what is more, watching TV increase obesity rates among general public, leading to diabetes and heart disease. Finally, TV also fails to offer the sort of intellectual stimulations.
    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that TV is a pooular activity among people, they also state that, families often watch TV together.
    Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view watching TV is not really much of an activity. Besides, people are less likely to talk to each other when a TV set is on.
    To conclude, although some people find that watching TV is really helpful, that TV brings people together, i believe that watching TV is unnatural for human beings and TV causes different disease.
    Bannov Egor

  17. Some people support the idea that living in a big sites is good while others belive that а life in a big urban centre is bad.
    In my opinion,a life in a big city is uncomfortable because in the city so many people,the crowds people. What is more,in the big urban centre you don't have friends,so you can stay alone.
    However,the are opponents of this view who believe that lives in a big urban centre is cool. They also state that living in a big city is comfortable,because of cultural opportunities.
    Nevertheless,I cannot agree with this point of view. Actually, life in the big town is bad because some people don't like crowd,noisy companies,does it make you uncomfortable.
    To conclude,although some people allows you to discover more opportunities, and meet new people
    I believe that living in a small town is cool.

    Nastya Uzkikh

  18. Some people support the idea that watching television is a great activity while others believe that it is a waste of time.

    In my opinion, watching TV is not really much of an activity. First, people are less likely to talk to each other when the TV set is on, thereby creating type of social isolation. What is more, television fails to offer the sort of intellectual stimulation that is available through the reading of books and newspapers. Finally, screen time can lead to excessive weight gain and serve as a distraction from healthy activity.

    However, there are opponent of this view who believe that watching TV is a useful activity because families or friends often watch television together that helps them to unite and get on well. They also state that people sit in front of a TV to get new information and be educated.

    Nevertheless, i can not agree with this statements. Instead of eating in the dining room table some families eat their meals in front of a TV that leads to diabetes and increases obesity rates among population. Besides, thinking and conversation skills are lost to a television that does those things for us.

    To conclude, although some people find screen time as a useful activity, I believe that the long-term effects of all this screen time are harmful for health and unnatural for human beings.


  19. Some people support the idea that watching TV is bad, while others belive that watching TV is good.
    In my opinion, watching TV is harmful for people. First, sitting in front of a TV for a long period of time can lead to excessive weight gain. What is more, watching TV increases obesity rates among general public, leading to diabetes and heart disease. Finally, TV also fails to offer the sort of intellectual stimulation.
    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that TV is a pooular activity among people, they also state that, families often watch TV together.
    Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view. Watching TV is not really much of an activity. Besides, people are less likely to talk to each other when a TV set is on.
    To conclude, although some people find that watching TV is really helpful that TV brings people together, I believe that watching TV is unnatural for human beings and TV causes different diseases.
    Bannov Egor

  20. Some people support the idea that watching TV is harmfull while others believe that it is not.

    In my opinion, watching TV has the long-term bad effects. Firstly, helth experts say that it increases obesity rates among the general public, leading to deabetes and heart disease. Secondly, sitting for long periods of time can serve as a distraction from other healthy activities.

    However, there are opponents of this view, who believe that TV is good thing. They say that people sit in front of a TV to get information or be entertained. And they also state that TV regularly comes together families.

    Nevertheless, I can't agree with this point of view. Television fails to offer the sort of intellectual stimulation. Besides, people are less likely to talk to each other, when a TV set is on.

    To conclude although some people find TV the good technology. I believe, that watching TV is about unnatural for human.
    Veronika Gizatulina

  21. Some people support the idea that watching television is good while others believe that to watch Tv is bad.
    In my opinion, watching TV is nice. First, people sit in front of a TV to get information or be entertained. What is more, people also find the glow of television to be a comforting presence in the midst of social interaction.
    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that watching television is bad. They also state that to watch TV is not really much of an activity and people are less likely to talk to each other when a TV set is on.
    Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view. When family or friends get together sit in front of a TV they discuss what is happening in the TV program.
    To conclude, although some people think watching TV is bad. I believe that watching TV is really helpful.


  22. Some people support the idea that watching television is good while others believe that to watch TV is bad.
    In my opinion, watching TV is nice. First, people sit in front of a TV to get information or be entertained. What is more, people also find the glow of television to be a comforting presence in the midst of social interaction.
    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that watching television is bad. They also state that to watch TV is not really much of an activity and people are less likely to talk to each other when a TV set is on.
    Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view. When family or friends get together to sit in front of a TV they discuss what is happening in the TV program.
    To conclude, although some people think watching TV is bad. I believe that watching TV is really helpful.

  23. Some people support the idea that watching TV is good while others believe that it's bad.
    In my opinion, watching television is harmful. First, watching television is not much of an activity. What is more, sitting in front of a TV can lead to excessive weight gain. Finally, TV fails to offer the sort of intellectual stimulation that's available through the books or newspapers.
    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that a great number of people believe that watching TV is a popular activity because families often watch TV together. They also say that people sit in front of a TV to get entertained.
    Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view. When TV set is on people are less likely to talk to each other. Besides, watching television is unnatural for human beings.
    To conclude, I would like to say that although some people don't think that watching TV is bad. I find watching television harmful for people's health and intellect.
    Aya Mamonova

  24. Some people support the idea that watching television is good while others believe that it's bad.
    In my opinion, watching television is not bad. First,watching TV is very popular activity. What's more,people sit in front of a TV to get information or to be entertained. Finally, people find the glow of TV screen to be a comforting that's why families often watch television together.
    However, there are opponents of this view who believe watching television is harmful, because it's not much of activity. Sitting in front of a TV can lead to excessive weight gain and serve as a distraction from healthy activities. They also state that some families eating in front of TV insted of eating in dinning room.
    Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view.Nowadays many mobile devices and cars come equipped with built-in screens in order to entertain passengers while travelling. Besides, nowadays families have more than than one TV at home, so people have television in a living room, in their kitchen.
    To conclude, althoug some people find that watching TV is bad for health, I believe that watching TV is fine and safe.
    (Nadia G)

  25. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  26. Some people support the idea that living in a big sity is good while others believe that а life in a big urban centre is bad.
    In my opinion,a life in a big city is uncomfortable because in the city so many people,the crowds of people. What is more,in the big urban centre you don't have friends,so you can stay alone.
    However,there are opponents of this view who believe that living in a big urban centre is cool. They also state that living in a big city is comfortable,because of cultural opportunities.
    Nevertheless,I cannot agree with this point of view. Actually, life in the big town is bad because some people don't like crowd,noisy companies,it'smake you uncomfortable.
    To conclude,although some people that big city is good to discover more opportunities and meet new people
    I believe that living in a small town is better.

    Nastya Uzkikh


  27. Some people support the idea that living in a big city is a nice while others believe that city means only stress and trouble.

    In my opinion, living in a big urban centre is amazing. Firstly, there are so many professional and cultural opportunities there. Secondly, some people like the crowds, the noise even the traffic jams.

    However, there are opponents of this view who believe that a big city is uncomfortable for life. They also state that is this kind of place you are never alone.

    Nevertheless, I cannot agree with this point of view. Many people are more comfortable living in a noisy city, where there are always large crowds.

    In conclusion, I am sure that a big city offers many opportunities for life and career. Also, you are always in the center of events and see everything with your own eyes.

    Konovalenko Ksenia

  28. Some people support the idea that living in big cities is good, while others hate them.

    According to my version, living in a big city is inconvenient. First, the big city is noisy and full of traffic jams . Moreover, in large cities there is a large amount of exhaust gases and there is practically nothing to breathe with.

    However, there are also opponents of this point of view, who believe that living in a big city is good, because there are so many professional and cultural opportunities.

    Nevertheless, i cannot agree with this point of view, because Living in the countryside you can enjoy clean environment, safety, peace and quiet.

    In conclusion, although these days a lot of people living in big cities feel tired and fed up long for peace and quiet of the countryside.

    Many people living in cities think of moving to rural areas.

    Pyatacheva Alexandra 11 A
