понедельник, 22 августа 2016 г.

      Writing  Victoria  Writing

6 комментариев:

  1. Hi,Robert.Look!
    I want to show you a picture that i took during a camping holiday in the mountains.Me and my friends were camping there last summer.
    The place is very beautiful,very peaceful.There are mountains,green grass,a big tent.The picture shows my friend sitting on the grass by our tent which we put together ourselves to stay warm at night.She is lookig at the clean sky,at the huge mountains and thinking about how wondeful the landscape is.She seems to be happy here because of the quiet around her.I was so pleased watching her that i decided to take the photo.I wish you were there too,so that i decided to show the picture to you.This photograph reminds me of good times with friends, that`s why i keep it in my album.

  2. Good job! You didn't have to say why you decided to take the photo.

  3. #5
    Dear Tom,
    Thanks a lot for your letter.It was truly a pleasure to hear from you again.
    Anyway,you asked me how often i go to museums with my class.Me and my classmates always tour the museums together.
    I guess,people should visit museums simply because it is interesting.My favourite museum is Russian museum because it is full of the most wonderful paintings ever.I would like to go to Natural History Museum in London because i love to discover something new.
    You are going hiking with your parents.That`s great!Do you have some ideas about your summer holidays?What are you going to do in summer?Do you like to spend your summer vacation with you parents?I have to go now,unfortunatelly.Hope to hear from you soon.

  4. Better: Do you have any other ideas about your summer holidays? What are you going to do in the summer?

    Better: What else do you plan to do in the summer? Who do you plan to spend your summer holidas with?

  5. Personal letter #7

    Dear Ann,
    Thanks a lot for your letter.It was truly a pleasure to hear from you again.
    Anyway,you asked me about what i would like to do in the future.Well,i want to be an interpreter because i love learning languages.It is so interesting!If i want to be an interpreter,i need to study very hard and learn lots.My family helped me to make that decision.
    Besides,i am going to travel a lot with my friends and meet different people from different countries in the future.
    Your parents bought you a kitten.That`s great!What does you kitten eat?What kind of colour does it have?How old is your kitten?
    I have to go now,unfortunatelly.Hope to hear from you soon.
