четверг, 1 сентября 2016 г.

          .The start of a new academic year is a  real drag. 

1. The start of a new academic year is a drag for most of the students. 
2.  The start of the new school year. 
3. It can be difficult to get back into the strict routine of academic life.
4.  It can be difficult to return to the challenges of academic life.
5.  School holidays are great :  weeks of freedom from responsibility, assignments, early mornings and academic pressures (while at school students often experience amounts of pressure) no matter what way students spend their holidays: either they take things easy with long lazy days in front of the TV or their holidays are jam- packed with exciting activities and adventures. 

1. The start of the new school year is an opportunity to start learning again on a fresh note. 
2.  It's the opportunity to get a head -start on all those upcoming  projects, intimidating goals and crucial grades. 
3.  Students are motivated back into action. They are inspired afresh.
4. To get ready to return to challenges of academic life. 
5.  Students reassess their goals. They set themselves mini challenges  that force them to engage with their studies.They make targets that are achievable. ( Update concrete goals.) It is a useful tool for getting yourself back on track. 
6. Students remind themselves of why they are learning : for example to bag a dream job or to win the respect of their peers. 

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