вторник, 1 декабря 2020 г.



1 Where are you from?   2 Do you speak English?   3 Do you speak French?   4 What is your mum’s name?   5 What is your sister’s name?   6 What is your dad’s name?  7 What is your grandad’s name?    8 What is your grandma’s name?   9 How old are you?           12  Is  Math your favourite subject?   13  Is Art your favourite subject?   14 Is  PE your favourite subject?     15  Is geography your favourite subject?   16 Is Creg  kind?  17  Is  Creg  friendly?  18 Are you from Paris?    19 Are you from London?  20 Are you from Moscow?  21  Is Sam from Australia?  22  Is Sam from the UK?  23 Is your mum pretty?  24 Is your dad big and tall?  25 Is your sister small?   26  Do you speak Chinese?  27 Do you speak Italian?  28  Is your hair short?  29  Do you have big eyes ?  30  Are you kind and friendly?  31 Do you want to be a doctor? 32 Do you want to be a mechanic? 33 Is Kirill a student? 34 Is Sonya a student? 35 Are Vera and Nikita students?  36 What are you doing now? 37 What is Dima doing? 38 Are you having a good time? 39 What are the children doing? 40 Who has got a mouse? 41 who has got a dog? 42 Who has got a hare? 43 Who has got a bird? 44 Is Tim painting a picture? 45 Is Tim playing basketball? 46 Is Judy singing? 47 Is Judy swimming? 48 Are Pat and Ellie playing basketball? 49 Are Pat and Ellie swimming? 50 Is Ben climbing a tree? 51 Is Ben swimming? 52 Is Gary singing? 53 Is Gary swimming?  

My name is Sasha

I am Russian   

I am from Ekaterinburg

I am a schoolgirl 

My favourite colour is green        I enjoy swimming  I go swimming twice a week

I have got a friend. His name is Misha. Misha is 10. He is kind and smart. Misha is a good pupil. He can read and write. We sometimes do homework together. Misha likes football. He can play football very well. Misha has got two sisters. We are good friends

No, I can not ride a horse

No, I can’t ride a horse


No, I can not drive a car

No, I can’t drive a car


No, I can not climb

No, I can’t climb

No, I can not bite

No, I can’t bite

Can you climb?

Can you bite?

Can you drive a car?

Can you ride a horse?

I can jump

I can run

I can swim

can you Jump?

Can you run?

Can you swim?  








ride a horse




I WIll ride a horseTOMORrOW





Judi and Nora are dogs. Judi and Nora will run and jump tomorrow. Nora and Judi will play football Judi and Nora will not bite  

-I’m coldCan you close the window, please?


-  May I open the window?  It’s so stuffy

-  O’K, Yes

Could I have a cup of coffee?

Could I have a bar of chocolate?

Could I have a glass of orange juice?

Could I have a glass of milk?

Could I have a piece of cake, please?

 You must run You must swim

Have you got any chocolate ice cream?

-No, I haven’t got any chocolate ice cream

-Have you got any strawberry ice cream?

-No, I haven’t got any strawberry ice cream

- Have you got any lemon ice cream?

- No, I haven’t got any lemon ice cream

Shall I ride a horse?

Shall I climb?

Shall I drive a car?

Shall I ride a bike?

Shall I swim?

Shall I run?

Shall I play football?

Nelly eats fruit

Nelly eats bicuits

Nelly eats vegetables

Nelly eats fish

Nelly eats cheese

Nelly eats meat

What’s this? It’s a pencil

What’s this? It’s a pen

What’s this? It’s a book

What’s that? It’s a bed

What’s that? It’s a window

Do you play tennis?                              

Yes, she does

Does Jane like oranges?                        

No, I don’t


Do you play basketball?

No they don’t


Do giraffes climb trees?

Yes, I do

Stan likes to ride his bike  He rides to and from work every day  He rides his bike on the weekend

Does Jane like oranges?                        

Yes, she does

Does a fish fly?                            


No, it doesn’t

Does Andrey live in Moscow?

Yes, he does

Do giraffes climb trees?

No they don’t

Do you play basketball?

 Yes, I do

Judi and Nora are dogs

Nora is big and Judi is small

 Judi and Nora can run and jump well

Nora is fat but Judi is slim

Judi and Nora can play football

Judi and Nora are funny

kitten---kittens      book---books

girl---girls    toy---toys   day---days

boy---boys    radio---radios                   piano---pianos video---videos zoo---zoos



- 18

- Height?

- 1 meter 70

-Weight? Weight? Why aren’t you saying anything to me?

- I told you tell me to wait 

My mum’s name is Marina                                   

She is tall                                                      She has got black hair                              She has got brown eyes  

She is very nice

My dad’s name is Alexey

He is tall

He has got brown hair

He has got blue eyes 

He is nice

Are you from Canada?

Are you from Revda?

Are you 11?

Can you dance?

Can you jump like a frog?

Do you speak Chinese?

Do you speak Russian?

Are you from Canada?

No, I am not from Canada

Are you from Revda?

Yes, I am from Revda

Are you 11?

No, I am not 11

Can you dance?

Yes, I can dance

Can you jump like a frog?

No, I can not jump like a frog

Do you speak Chinese?

No, I don’t speak Chinese

Do you speak Russian?

Yes, I speak Russian

Are you from Canada?

Are you from Revda?

Are you 11?

Can you dance?

Can you jump like a frog?

Do you speak Chinese?

Do you speak Russian?

No, I am not from Canada

Yes, I am from Revda

No, I am not 11

Yes, I can dance

No, I can not jump like a frog

No, I don’t speak Chinese

Yes, I speak Russian

About me

I am

I am 12

I am from Russia

I’ve got a family / My mom, my dad, my sister and me  That’s my family

I like,,, best of all

I do sports

I love my school as it’s fun

I want to try my hand at fixing things

I think being a mechanic is not that difficult

About me

I am

I am 12

I am from Russia

I like,,, best of all

I do sports

I love my school because it’s fun

- Where do you live?

Little Mouse

Where do you live?

In the Zoo?

-In the Zoo?

Oh, no

I live in a house, like you

Why do you cry, Willy ?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy

Why, Willy

Why, Willy





-Nice to meet you

- Nice to meet you too

-How are you?

-I am fine thank you

Peter  can beat Bill     at billiards and baseball

I like to sing

I like to play

I like to study every day

It’s fun

Tick Tock

Says the Clock

Get up Pete

It’s seven o’clock

I wish you a Merry Christmas

I wish you a Merry Christmas

I wish you a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year!

We’d all like some figgy pudding

We’d all like some figgy pudding

We’d all like some figgy pudding

So put out some here

Head and shoulders

Knees and toes

Knees and toes

Ears and mouth and nose


Oh, no

Don’t go home alone

Along the road

peas pudding hot 

peas pudding cold

peas pudding in the pot

nine days old

some like it hot 

some like it cold

some like it in the pot

nine days old

Who stole cookies from the cookie  jar ?

John stole cookies from the cookie  jar.

“Who? Me? Couldn’t be!”

Who stole cookies from the cookie  jar ?

Mary stole cookies from the cookie  jar.

“Who? Me? Couldn’t be!”

Who stole cookies from the cookie  jar ?

Peter is able to beat Bill     at billiards and baseball

They painted the table

pale grey

The other day

To save it from stains


the nurse

told nursery tales

about gnomes

to the twins

Foxes keep their socks in boxes

One nice wolf with a fork and a knife

Three nice wolves with forks and knives

How much wood

Would a woodchuck chuck


Could chuck


Whether the weather is cold

Whether the weather is hot

We’ll weather the weather

Whatever the weather

Whether we like it or not

Musical Career

She wanted to play the piano

But her hands couldn’t reach the keys

When her hands could finally reach the keys

Her feet couldn’t reach the floor

When her feet could finally reach the floor

She didn’t want

to play all that piano any more

-Knock ! Knock !

- Who’s there?


- Me who?

-That’s right!

- What’s right?


- That’s what I want to know

-What’s that you want to know?

-Me who?

- Yes, exactly!

Mr.Spats has 21 hats

And none of them was the same

Mr.Smeds has 21 hats

And only one  hat to his name

When Mr.Smeds met Spats

They talked of buying and selling of hats

Mr.Spats bought Mr.Smeds’ hat

Did you ever hear even crazier than that?

-I’d rather play tennis

than go to the dentist

-I’d rather play soccer

than go to the doctor

-I’d rather play hurk than go to work

-What’s hurk?

-I don’t know

 but it must be better than go to work

Present Perfect

-Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat

Where have you been?

-I’ve been to London

To look at the Queen

-Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat

What did you do there?

-I frightened a little mouse

Under her chair 

-What do you have for breakfast?

- A cup of coffee, bread- and –butter and some apple jam

- Do you have roast chicken for lunch?

- No, I have vegetable soup for lunch

1. Do you do any sport?    -Yes, I go swimming every day and I play volleyball/basketball/ tennis
2. Do you go out in the evenings? - Yes, most evenings/ Yes, sure
3. Do you play a musical instrument? - Yes, the guitar/ the violin
4. Do you like reading? - Yes, I read a lot
5. Do you travel much? - Yes, I go away two or three times a year/once a year

In the Urals the weather is very changeable. It can get hot in the summer for two or three months. In autumn we get some heavy rain. In winter it can be dry, sunny and freezing or grey and damp

1. What is the weather like in the Urals?
2. Is it hot in the summer?
3.What is the weather like in autumn?

About Me 
My name is Maria and I am 11 years old. I live in Mambai in India.  / Revda/ Russia/10/

My family 
My mum's called Gitanjali. She is a doctor. My dad's called Bob and he's a pilot. I've got two sisters, called Eta and Ela. They're twins, and they're nine years old. I've also got a kitten called Colin. He's black and white and very funny! /a manager, an engineer/ a dog/ Fluffy/

My interests 
I play the violin in the school orchestra. I also play the guitar, and at the moment I am learning to play chess! / football/ basketball/

Cat     киска

sat      села

hat    шляпа

Cat sat on a hat


Cat Cat Cat Cat

Sat sat sat sat

Hat hat hat hat


Dog  собачка

Spot Пятнышко

Hot Dog хот дог

Spot is not a hot dog

Cat sat on a hat

Dick, sit a bit!

[ ^]

a puppy

a funny puppy

run, funny puppy

Run home, funny puppy


my computer

on my computer

play on my computer

I like to play on my computer

peas pudding hot 

peas pudding cold

peas pudding in the pot

nine days old

some like it hot 

some like it cold

some like it in the pot

nine days old

bananas  coffee  milk

orange juice ice cream

burgers chocolate jam


-Yes, please

-White or black?

-White, please


-No sugar for me

Tick Tock

 Says the Clock

Get up Pete

It’s 7 o’clock


Peter beat Bill

At billiards and baseball


I see a pen

I see a hen

I see a cock cock cock

I see a clock clock clock


I see pink I see red

I see Mum and I see Dad

I see yellow I see blue

I see you and you and you


One One One

Little Dog run

Two two two

Cats see you

Three three three

Birds in the tree

Four four four

Rats on the floor


I see pink I see brown

I stand up and I sit down

I see red I see blue

I see you and you and you

I see orange I see brown 

I stand up and I sit down

 I see pink I see red

I see Mum and I see Dad

I see yellow I see blue

I see you and you and you

Spot is not a hot dog

Cat sat on a hat

Dicksit a bit!

[ ^]

a puppy

funny puppy

runfunny puppy

Run homefunny puppy


my computer

on my computer

play on my computer

I like to play on my computer


cheese / сыр

China Китай

сhocolate / шоколад

chop /отбивная



first/ первый

sir/ сэр

firm/ фирма

girl/ девочка

dirty/ грязный

ar +согл       as+согл

dark / темный

mark / 5 отметка

carpet / ковер

party / вечеринка

ask / спрашивать

fast / быстро

farmer / фермер

O [ou]

nose / нос

hope / надежда

home / домой

no / нет

go / идти, ехать

so / так

note / запись

cold / холодный

open / открывать

old / старый

hello / привет!


date дата

mate одноклассник

plate тарелка

table стол

name имя

rate рейтинг

[ I ]

tin   консервная банка

big  большой

sing  петь

trick   фокус

swim  плавать


all все

small маленький

tall высокий

ball мяч

fall падать


i [ ai ]

white белый

like нравится

kite воздушный змей

climb взбираться

ride a bike кататься на велосипеде


ti  консервная банка

bi большой

sing  петь

trick   фокус

swim  плавать

ai ]

white белый

like нравится

kite воздушный змей

climb взбираться

ride a bike кататься на велосипеде

Mike and a white kite

Mike sees a bike

“Hello,” says Mike

“Hi”, says the bike

“Can you ride a bike?”

“ No,” says Mike

U [^]

nut      орех

but      но

drum   барабан

sun     солнце

fun     веселье

run     бегать

bus     автобус

cup     чашка

jump   прыгать

puppy   щенок

rubber   резина

Jack has got a parrot

The parrot is not fat it is slim

 Jack has got a monkey

The monkey is brown it is not yellow

Jack has got six pens in his schoolbag

His pens are green

Jack… got a parrot

The parrot is not fat it is slim

 Jack… got a monkey

The monkey is brown it is not yellow

Jack… got six pens in his schoolbag

His pens are green

Jessica has got a monkey.   It is not big it is small

Jessica has got a mouse.  It is not fat it is slim

Jessica has got a dog. It is big but it can not bite 

Jessica and Bob are children. Bob and Jessica are slim, they are not fat.  Jessica and Bob have two cats. The cats are grey, brown and yellow. Children have two dogs:         “ Spot” and  “Snoopy”. They are funny

Jessica has a monkey.   It is not big it is small

Jessica has a mouse.  It is not fat it is slim

Jessica has a dog. It is big but it can not bite 

Mary has got a brown cat  

Nora has got a grey cat

Kate has got a white cat

Girls like cats

John has got a grey dog    Nick has got a brown dog      Bob has got a red dog  

Boys like dogs

Mary has got a doll     Doll’s name is Molly     Molly is beautiful   Molly’s hair is blond    Molly’s eyes are blue  Molly is slim She is not fat Molly is nice      I like it

I am 10 years old. My sisters are seven and eight. They aren't bad girls but sometimes they are naughty. My parents are doctors. They are very busy. Our house is small but nice. There are two bedrooms and there is a very nice kitchen. Poppy is our pet cat. She is black but her tail and legs aren't black. They are white. We are a happy family.

-Will you play football tomorrow?

- Yes,  I will play football tomorrow

- Will you play tennis tomorrow?

- Yes, I will play tennis tomorrow

- Will you read a book tomorrow?

- Yes, I will read a book tomorrow

- Will you go to school tomorrow?

- No, I will not go to school tomorrow

No classes on Sunday!

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