вторник, 24 мая 2016 г.

Английский язык, 7 класс
*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ
1.  Complete the following.
 This is the cinema _____ we saw the film.
A) when                             
B) which       
C) that        
D) where
2.  Complete the following.
Can you tell me the way _____?
A) to the bank         
B) is the bank           
C) where is bank       
D) of the bank
3.  Complete the following.
I’m working _____ to pass my exam.
A) hardly        
B) much         
C) hard          
D) good
4.  Complete the following.
 Your work is _____ better.
A) being   
B) doing
C) getting 
D) falling
5.  Complete the following.
 She could play the piano _____ she could walk.
A) during 
B) while   
C) as well
D) before
6.  Complete the following.
 The problem was _____ solved
A) easy             
B) easy to        
C) an easy
D) easily

7. Where can you see these words “Mind the gap”?
A) in an English book
B) in an American café or restaurant
C) in London’s metro
D) in English buses
8.  Choose the right modal verb.
The bus we took didn’t go up the hill and we _____ walk.
A)     were to
B)     had to
C)     could
D)     should
9.  Choose the right pronoun or adverb.
 _____ of your friends knows English best?
A)     what
B)     who
C)     which
D)     that
10.  Put in the right preposition.
A stranger approached _____ me_____ the street and asked me _____ money.
A)  -, in, for
B)    to,  in, for
C)  at, on, -
D)  for, on, to
11.  Choose the right option.
I’ve been working _____ all the week, I’m _____.
A)     hardly, exhausted
B)     hardly, exhausting
C)     hard, exhausting
D)     hard, exhausted
12.  Complete the following.
 He’s the man _____ house the pictures were stolen from.
A)     who
B)     which
C)     whose
D)     that
13.  How old was Elisabeth II when she became a Queen?
A)     19
B)     26
C)     15
D)     21

14.  When was Elizabeth II crowned?
A)     1964
B)     1972
C)     1953
D)     1945
15.  What game is in the picture?

A)     Cricket
B)     Rugby
C)     Crocket
D)     Baseball

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