вторник, 24 мая 2016 г.

requirements/ требования

 biometric check up/ биометрическая проверка

 identity/ идентичность

sophisticated/ утонченный, изощренный

tools/ инструменты

increase/ увеличить

 property/ собственность

 prevent/ предотвращать

 a health check  

 to take proactive action/предпринять активные действия

incredibly popular/невероятно популярный 

Josh: Hi, Emma. Are you doing anything on Saturday?”

Emma: Well, I am rather busy, actually. Why?”

Josh:” Well, I am thinking of going to the skating rink. Would you like to come?” 

Emma: “Oh, that’s sounds great! But I’ m afraid I‘ve got to study for an exam on Monday.”

Josh:” Oh, come on, I’ll buy you lunch as well.”

Emma: “That’s very kind of you, Josh. But I really can’t.” 

Josh: “How about on Monday the next week, after the exams over? We can go to the cinema.” 

Emma: “I’m sorry, I’ve got a very busy week with one thing or another.”

Josh: “Never mind, maybe I’ll just give you a ring in a week or two or month or maybe next year. 

Emma:” O’K. That’ll be nice” 


- 18

- Height?

- 1 meter 70

-Weight? Weight? Why aren’t you saying anything to me?

- I told you tell me to wait 

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